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中国学生写英语论文的常见错误总结读书笔记摘要:本文提出了几种最常见的中式英语习惯,它们是从超过两百份中国学生写的英文论文中观察得来的。文中解释了这些习惯,并且在大部分情况下给出了从实际论文中出现的例子以及正确的用法。我们试图去解释如何去改正和避免这些错误。一些情况下,我们还解释了为什么这些习惯会出现。本文可以成为一个单独的科技论文编写指南,尤其是当很难寻找一个母语为英语的编辑时。大意Section 1a, an, the冠词后面将跟随一个名词,并且任何冠词与名词之间的修饰词都用来修饰这个名词(a big blue bicycle / the first award)。A和an是不定冠词,the是定冠词。单数形式的不可数名词以及指代一个可数事务的普通名词,它们每次都需要一些限定词(determiner)。它们的使用方法如下图所示:Incorrect Figure 2 shows the distribution of relative velocity on surface of mainand splitter blades.15Correct Figure 2 shows the distribution of relative velocity on the surface of themain and splitter blades.15分析上面的例子,surface是一个单数、可数、没有限定词的特定的单词,因此要用the修饰。而blades是一个复数、可数、没有特殊限定词、并且特定的单词,因此也要用the修饰。very long sentence太长的句子不利于读者理解,应该尽量分为多个句子。对于一些参数的陈列,尽量使用列表或者整齐的子句。Prefacing the main idea of a sentence by stating the purpose,location or reason first在句子的前面陈述目的、位置、原因等,而不是陈述句子的主要含义。这样减弱了句子的主旨,混淆了读者的理解。Incorrect For the application in automobile interiors, this paper studies the nestingoptimization problem in leather manufacturing. 5Correct This paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturingfor application in automobile interiors.Tendency of placing phrases which indicate time at the beginning ofa sentence倾向于把表示时间的短语放在句首。这样是不自然的。Incorrect When U is taken as the control parameter, the BDs for =0.0, 0.001, 0.005are shown in Fig. 8.Correct Figure 8 shows the BDs for =0.0, 0.001, and 0.005 when U is taken as thecontrol parameter.Place the most important subject at the beginning of the sentence foremphasis将最重要的主题放在句首以示重视。这样的理解是错误的。Incorrect Based on the triangulation structure built from unorganized points or a CADmodel, the extended STL format is described in this section.4Correct The extended STL format is described in this section based on the triangulationstructure built from unorganized points or a CAD model.“which/ that”Respectively and respective1. Respectively is misplaced in the sentence; it is put before the nouns to which it refers.Incorrect Equations 26 can be respectively linearized as:(equations given)13Correct Equations 26 can be linearized as:(equations given), respectively.Incorrect The weights of the two experts are respectively 0.600 and 0.400.19Correct The weights of the two experts are 0.600 and 0.400, respectively.2. Respectively is inserted to express that there is a certain order in which something wasdone. However, the order is already implied elsewhere in the sentence or does not needto be expressed because it does not add value to meaning of the sentence.Incorrect If both the core technology score and core quality score of a bottleneck processare, respectively, below certain scores, then we refer to strategy 1, otherwise, ifeither is, respectively, above a certain score, then we refer to strategy 2.Similarly, if the core technology and core quality are, respectively, above acertain score, then we refer to strategy 3, otherwise, if either is, respectively,below a certain score, then we refer to strategy 4.19Correct If both the core technology score and core quality score of a bottleneck processare below certain scores, then we refer to strategy 1, otherwise, if either isabove a certain score, then we refer to strategy 2. Similarly, if the coretechnology and core quality are above a certain score, then we refer to strategy3, otherwise, if either is below a certain score, then we refer to strategy 4.Respectively通常出现在句子的结尾,当两个或者更多的人或事被按照一定的顺序提起或者指定时,使用Respectively。它包含了一种顺序,这种顺序可以是在前面提到的,也可以是被读者领会到的。例子:For example: Bobby, Nicole and Daren wore red, green and blue coats, respectively.List 1 List 2Bobby wore a red coat.Nicole wore a green coat.Daren wore a blue coat.In this paper, in this studystudy指作者做出的工作;paper指作者表达工作的论文。不可混淆。这两个短语最好只用在两个地方:1. 介绍或者总结全文时;2. 在文中,当指出了其他作者的一些没有完成的工作之后,使用这两个短语来描述自己的工作。Numbers and Equations阿拉伯数字不应该出现在句子的开头,而应该使用英文单词。Incorrect 12 parameters were selected for the experiment.Correct Twelve parameters were selected for the experiment.阿拉伯数字被滥用,它们应该在给出技术指标时使用,而不用来表示普遍的信息。不要在句子中使用符号或者表达式,而应该以语言描述。(一般的论文要求所有的表达式都单独写出来,并使用特定的格式)Incorrect If the power battery SOC SOClo and the driving torque belongs to themiddle load,Correct If the power battery SOC is greater than SOClo and the driving torquebelongs to the middle load,FormatParagraphs分段的错误有两个:第一种是换行但是没有缩进,所以让读者不知道这是否是新的一段。第二种是一段的最前面是一个单行的句子,这个句子和这一段同时都缩进了。(这句话的理解不太清晰,我怀疑我理解错了。原文是:The seconderror occurs when a paragraph is preceded by a single sentence on a single line. Thesingle line is indented along with the succeeding paragraph as in example #. Thiscommonly occurs in Chinese texts but is never done in English.)Figure and TableFigure和Table的正确缩写分别是Fig.和Tbl.。缩写不能出现在句首,并且Figure/Table和数字之间必须有一个空格。Variables变量必须使用斜体。Capitals大写字母不能出现在句中,只能出现在句首。such as and etc.such as的含义和for examp
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