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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Section B 学习目标1. 学习How long 提问及答语。 2.学会谈论自己的爱好。3.学习并掌握快速浏览找出需要的细节内容的阅读技巧。疑难点拨: 1.介词with的用法: 【小试身手】 ( )1.Our teacher came in _ a book in his hand . A.have B.on C with D.has ( )2.Why did you go swimming _Tom ? Because he has ill at home . A.with B.besides C.beside D.except 3.翻译:我的叔叔有一个带有美丽花园的大房子。 _ 2.“ the 比较级,the 比较级”结构该结构表示一方随另一方程度变化,意为:“越.越.”The harder we work ,the better we learn math.我们越努力,数学就学得越好。The more friends i have ,the happier i am .我的朋友越多,我就越高兴。【小试身手】根据所给汉语完成句子1. 你越认真,你犯的错误就越少。 _ _ _ you are ,_ _ mistakes you ll make .2.我们种树越多,环境就越好。 _ _ trees we plant ,_ _ the environment will be .3. 你学习越努力,进步就越大。 _ _ you study ,_ _ progress you will make .【自学导航】 一、词汇: 1.学习P47-49单词测一测自己记住了多少? 邮票_ 妖怪 _ 球体_ 储存_ 异乎寻常的_ 对感兴趣_ 搜集者_ 共同的_ 作家_ 顺便一说_ 额外的_ 用尽_ 2.学习P50-51词汇,完成下列翻译。 朝代_ 人物_ 首都_ 欧洲的_ 确实的_ 皇帝_ 外国人_ 一千_ 想念_ 在远处_ 俄罗斯的_ 澳大利亚的_ 奥林匹克运动会_ 二 、对话: 1.1a 提问本组其他同学下列两个问题,完成表格。 2.背诵2c 有关Bob 的对话,然后用类似的对话谈论2a 表格中Marcia&Liam的收集。 3.阅读4a 对话,然后以reporter的身份采访组内或班上的其他同学,完成4a 表格。三、 文章: 1.阅读3a 完成下列短语翻译。 因做感谢_ 怪兽雪花球_ 生日蛋糕水晶球_ 实际上_ 里面带有动物的雪花球_其他的任何人_ 在我的七岁生日_用完了空间_ 2.再阅读一遍完成图片搭配。 3.合上课本检测: Dear Jack, Thanks for me the snow globe of the monster. I love it. In fact I think it is probably my . I snow globes for seven years,and now I have 226 of them. My mom says I have to stop, because we have _ _ _ room to store them. They are all around_ apartment. I even store them in boxes my bed. The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe my _ birthday. I particularly love globes _animals. I have a big one with bears in it and another one with penguins. If you know anyone who collects them, please tell me. Id like to start a snow globe collectors club. By the way,whats your ?love, Ellen 四、写作: 1.根据P47 2a听力材料,完成3bE-mail. 2.组内完成(49页 Selfcheck part1)展示新句子。 collect: run out of: skate: store: raise: 3. 组内先讨论并回答招聘广告的4个问题,然后再写一封求职信。 五、阅读: 1.阅读完成下列翻译: 朝代_ 人物_ 首都_ 欧洲的_ 俄罗斯的_ 澳大利亚的_ 确实的_ 皇帝_ 外国人_ 一千_ 想念_ 在远处_ 奥林匹克运动会_ 超过_我确定_ 具有欧洲风格_对于来说做有趣_ 越多就越多_离遥远_ 2.快速阅读完成P51 3a 的5个句子。 3.先在文章中找到类似下列题目的句子,然后再完成题目。 那些古老的建筑具有欧洲风格。 The old building_ _ European _ . 你锻炼得越多,就越健康。 The _ you exercise, _ _ you will be. 他坚信他的梦想会实现。 He_ _ that his dream can _ _. 对她来说骑自行车上学是不可能的。 _ is _ for her _ ride to school. Mary 在中国学习汉语已经三年了。 Mary _ _ _Chinese _three years . 她面带微笑地看着我。 She looked at me _ _ _. 我爸爸已经40多岁了。 My father is _ _ forty years old .检测:单项选择 ( )1. He with his friends in the park at nine oclock yesterday.A.talkedB.was walkingC.was talkedD.is walking( )3. Helen to the park with his family twice a week.A.wentB.goC.goesD.is going( )4. Meimei shells for a year.A.has been collectingB.has collectingC.collected D.collects( )5. He said he to my home in a week.A.would comeB.cameC.comesD.will come( )6. The boy is , his book is lost.A.worrying/interestedB.worried/interestedC.worried/interestingD.worring/interesting( )7. - have you been skating ? -In the park.A.How longB.How farC.How oftenD.Where( )8.The ship was full of people. There was no for Elen.A.room
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