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2022年考博英语-哈尔滨工业大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Childrens literature traces its beginnings to preliterate times, when ancient storytellers passage tales and legends from generation to generation in the oral tradition. William Caxton, who established Englands first printing press, published books of etiquette, fables and legends. However, these didnt constitute a body of work that could be considered literature for children. Because children at that time were considered “miniature adults”, books were didactic in nature. The content for young readers consisted mainly of religious instruction, rules of behavior, ethical messages, and moral platitudes. In 1744 Englishman John Newberry changed childrens publishing when he began to create books with attractive formats, quality illustrations, and sturdy bindings, which were designed primarily for children to enjoy. The oldest, and most prestigious award given for childrens books published in America, is the Newberry Medal.In the following century, childrens literature began to bloom. Hans Christian Andersen wrote wonderful stories like “ The Ugly Duckling”, and “ The Little Mermaid”, and Grimm brothers collected two volumes of German folktales that included stories such as “ Snow White” and “ Rumpelstiltskin Childhood came to be recognized as a joyful and carefree period of life, and books celebrating it began to be published, Charles Dodgson ( Lewis Carrol) wrote the fantast “ Alice in Wonderland”, the first book that was intended purely for childrens enjoyment without any pretense of instruction. Edwards Lears books of nonsense poetry delighted both young and old readers. In North America, books for a young audience were becoming popular as well. Kate Douglas Wiggin wrote “Rebecca of Sunny brook Fram”, Louisa May Alcott wrote “Little Women, and Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) created Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. By the end of the century, the pious and moralistic books of earlier times had been replaced by writing designed to amuse and entertain a young audience. In the 1800s color printing was introduced, and by the middle of the 19th century, the rough illustrations that characterized earlier childrens books had been replaced by works of art that captured the word and some of the story.1.According to the passage, the early books of etiquette, fables, and legends could not really be considered childrens literature because( ).2.According to the passage, what changed childrens publishing in 1744?3.The word “sturdy” in line 11 is closest in meaning to( ).4.What does the author mean by the statement “childrens literature began to bloom” in line 15?5.According to the passage “Alice in Wonderland” was an example of ( ).6.The word “characterized” in line 32 is closest in meaning to( ) .7.What impact did color printing have on childrens books?问题1选项A.the children couldnt read themB.the early books were too heavy for children to useC.the stories were too difficult for children to appreciateD.the stories were for education rather than enjoyment问题2选项A.the Newberry MedalB.some books began to be produced mainly for children to enjoyC.some books had attractive format, quality illustrations , and sturdy bindingsD.some books no longer contained religious instruction, rules of behavior, ethical messages,问题3选项A.robustB.ornateC.softD.hard问题4选项A.quality illustrations and attractive formats made books more appealing.B.illustrations often included flowers.C.Childrens literature became more varied and attractive.D.Childrens literature became more numerous and popular.问题5选项A.a fantasy storyB.a German folktaleC.a book celebrating childhoodD.a book of instruction问题6选项A.rejectedB.describedC.devaluedD.amused问题7选项A.sales increased by the middle of the 19th centuryB.rough illustrations were now more appealingC.illustrations told more of the story and were more appealingD.books became more amusing【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:A第6题:B第7题:C【解析】1.细节判断题。文章第一段提到“.these didnt constitute a body of work that could be considered literature for children. ” 后面由 because 引导的句子解释原因,当时孩子被看作“小大人”,因此书籍本质上以说教为主。直到1744年英国人John Newbeny 才出版了以娱乐为目的的儿童书籍。D选项正确。2.细节判断题。A “Newberry Medal”并不是1744年发生的改变,排除。C 符合文章意义,但是C项是B项的具体措施,目的是为了实现B的改变。所以答案为B。 D项在文章没有提及,排除3.词义推测题。此处“bindings”意为装订。后文提及书籍主要用于让孩 子享受阅读,因此必须是很稳固的装订,可以让孩子们一读再读。B “华丽的”、C “柔 软”以及D “坚硬”明显与上下文不符。所以B选项稳固正确。4.语义理解题。文章第二段开头“.children s literature began to bloom., 紧接着下文中描述了众多作家开始开创多种新的儿童文学体裁,并且广受好评。因此判断D选项儿童文学越来越多,越来越受欢迎符合文意。5.细节判断题。“Alice in Wonderland”作为前文“the fantast”的定语。此 处the fantasy意为“n.幻想小说”。所以A选项正确。B “德国民间故事”的作者是格林兄 弟,代表作是白雪公主。C和D与文章意思不符。6.词义推测题。文章中“.the rough illustrations”后接由that引导的定语 从句,修饰“the rough illustrations”。由前文可以得知,简单粗糙的插画是早期儿童书籍的特色。因此,A “拒绝”、C “低估的”和D “使发笑的”不符合文意,排除,B选项“描述的”符合题意。7.语义推理题。文章并没有提19世纪
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