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2022年高考英语一轮复习Module2NoDrugs预习案外研版必修.课标单词在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练Practicemakesperfect.话题必记单词1.nearbyadj.附近的2.burglaryn.盗窃;窃案;盗窃罪3.ration.比;比率4.likelyadj.可能的5.adultn.成人6.affectvt.影响;对有坏影响阅读识记单词1.distraction n.分心2.inject vt.注射3.shoplifting n.逛商店时偷窃商品的行为4.horrible adj.令人不快的;极讨厌的;可怕的5.leaflet n.传单;印刷品6.gymnastic adj.体操的构织连脉词族1.addictn.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子vt.使某人上瘾addictiveadj.(药物等)上瘾的addictionn.沉溺,上瘾2.dangern.危险dangerousadj.危险的endangervt.危及;使遭到危险3.powerfuladj.有力的;(药等)有功效的powern.力量,能力,权力4.connectionn.联系;关系connectvt.连接;联系connectedadj.有联系的5.illegaladj.违法的legaladj.合法的6.treatmentn.治疗;对待treatvt.治疗;对待;款待7.disagreevi.不同意;意见不合disagreementn.不同意agreev.同意;一致agreementn.同意;一致8.banvt.&n.禁止banningn.禁令9.participantn.参与者participatevi.参与participationn.参与10.recognisevt.认识;认出recognitionn.承认;公认语用规律归纳后缀-ly高频形容词小结likely可能的lovely可爱的lively生动活泼的lonely孤独寂寞的friendly友好的deadly致命的daily日常的timely及时的不定冠词与抽象名词的联姻adanger一个危险的人;一件危险的事asuccess一件成功的事;一个成功的人afailure一件失败的事;一个失败的人anhonour一件/个/让人感到光荣的事(人)adisappointment一件/个让人感到失望的事/人asurprise一件惊奇的事语境活用1.Some pop stars are addicted to drugs,and their addictions have ruined their future.Asked why they became drug addicts,they said they couldnt resist the temptations of the addictive caffeine.(addict)2.Smoking is really a great danger,even more dangerous than drug taking,for it can make the health of other people endangered as well as their own.(danger)3.All the participants in the drug selling were all arrested,and regretted that they shouldnt have participated in such illegal activities.(participate;legal)4.She said she is not connected with the experiment failure.In fact,she had some connection with it,though.(connect).课标短语从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律Observationisthebestteacher.1.relatedto有关系的;有关联的2.giveup戒除;放弃3.breakinto破门而入;强行闯入4.belongto属于5.beeaddictedto对上瘾;沉迷于6.take ones advice 听某人的意见7.in order to/so as to 为了8.in pain 处于痛苦中9.in danger 处于危险中语境活用1.The illnesses relatedto smoking include pneumonia,coughs,etc.2.A robber brokeinto a shop and took a lot of jewels away.3.I had to giveup smoking because of my illness.4.Belongingto the local club,I feel I should make some contributions to it.重点句型从教材中探求高考脉动从仿写中熟练运用Nothingisimpossibleforawillingheart.领悟教材语境1.I couldnt agree more.我非常同意。(教材Page 18)考点提炼cant/couldnt+比较级,该句型表示“非常;不能再”。2.Whateveryouredoing when you want to smokedo something else!无论你在做什么,当你想吸烟时,做点别的事吧!(教材Page 19)考点提炼whatever在本句中是连接代词,相当于no matter what,引导让步状语从句。3.For example,if youre alone,find someonetotalkto.例如,假设你感到孤独,那么就找能够交谈的人聊聊。(教材Page 19)考点提炼不定式在句中做someone的后置定语,表示要做的事情。高考写作情景I cantagreemorewiththeview(非常同意这个观点).In our daily life,we will face all kinds of challenges and difficulties.无论发生什么,他都保持冷静。Whateverhappens,hekeepscalm.对于这个计划我没有什么要说的了。Ihavenothingmoretosayontheplan.语篇旧材新用探究根源Killtwobirdswithonestone.话题与语篇填空Adam Rouse,who is 19 years old,used to be 1.a drug addict.It was in the street 2.that he happened to try cannabis that 3.led (lead) him to the illegal way.An evil drug 4.dealer (deal) later offered him crack cocainea kind of especially 5.powerful (power) cocaine,which made Adam 6.addicted (addict) to it,and couldnt go without it.When Adam asked the dealer for 7.more (much),he charged a lot of money.Without enough money,Adam had to break 8.into a house and stole a television and a video recorder and sold them.From then on,he stole something every day to pay for the drug.Finally he 9.wascaught(catch) and sent to the police station.Fortunately,a doctor saw him and managed to get him back to the normal life.And now,Adam Rouse even helps others to stop 10.taking (take) drugs.话题与短文改错In almost every US city and town,there are local organisations to help the people stop smoking.Participants learn to recognise smoking triggers and try to set a date in the future when they stop smoking.One of the most popular and is the California Smokers Helpline.It provides some for people want a cigarette.For example, youre doing when you want to smoke,do something else.It also gives some ideas to help people to give smoking.One of these is that one new interests such as walking,biking or jogging.
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