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北京市小升初英语专练名词一、单项选择1.They want three_A. loaf bread B. loaf of bread C. loaves bread D. loaves of bread【小升初英语团队解析】考查名词变复数。核心考点是“三条面包”的英文表达,因为 bread是不可数名词,而且以 f 或fe结尾的名词的复数形式通常去掉 f 或fe,改成ves因此选择D。2._that pair of new_expensive?A. Is. shoeB. Are shoe. C. Is.shoes D. Are .shoes【小升初英语团队解析】考查名词单复数和主谓一致。第一个空格处be动词要与that pair of 保持数上的一致,that pair of 意为“那双”,所以谓语动词应用单数 is。而 shoe 是可数名词,根据题意要用复数 shoes。因此选择 C。3.There are many_in that basket.A. tomatos B. potatoes C. bread D. rice【小升初英语团队解析】考查名词单复数变化。tomato 的复数正确书写是 tomatoes,bread、rice 这两个单词是不可数名词。因此选择 B。4.Four_and five_visited our school yesterday.A. Germen, English B. German, EnglishC. Germans, Englishmen D. Germen,Englishmans【小升初英语团队解析】考查国人的复数变化。German 的复数变化是 Germans ,Englishman 的复数变化是 Englishmen。因此选择 C。5._mothers couldnt go to the meeting, because they have gone to Shanghai.A. Mary and Peters B. Mary and PeterC. Marys and Peter D. Marys and Peters【小升初英语团队解析】考查名词所有格。根据句意,妈妈们不能去开会,因为他们已经去了上海。首先 mothers 提示主语应该是复数。当表示两人分别拥有人或物时,结构是 As and Bs + 名词复数形式。因此选择 D。6.Li Lei has been to_many times this month.A. his uncle B. his uncles C. his uncles D. aunts【小升初英语团队解析】考查名词所有格。根据句意,他叔叔的住所。所以是 his uncle 再加构成所有格形式。因此选择 B。7.A classmate of_was here ten minutes ago.A. you B. your C. your sister D. your sisters【小升初英语团队解析】考查名词所有格。根据句意,你姐姐中的一个同学 10 分钟前在这。因为表示很多中的一个,要用双重所有格。选项中 your sisters = your sisters classmates,“你姐姐同学中的一个同学”正确表达应该是:a classmate of your sisters。因此选择 D。8.These_have saved many childrens lives.A. woman doctors B. women doctorC. womendoctorsD. woman doctor【小升初英语团队解析】考查名词单复数。本题考查 woman doctor (女医生)的复数形式,若有 man , woman 构成合成名词时,前后都要变为复数形式,因此是 women doctors。因此选择 C。9.British people eat_a lot, and they are usually cooked in different ways.A. chicken B. beef C. fish D. potatoes【小升初英语团队解析】考查名词单复数。根据句意,英国人经常吃什么,这些东西经常被用不同的方式去烹饪。后半句的主语是 they 指待前面空格的主语,chicken、beef、fish都做肉来讲是不可数名词,因此选择 D。10.Can you imagine what life will be like in_time?A. 20 years B. 20 years C. 20-years D. 20-years【小升初英语团队解析】考查名词所有格。核心点是“在 20 年后”的表达。应该现在 year后面加 s,再加上表示的构成 in 20 years time = in 20 years。因此选择 A。11. -Bill is ill. Do you know whats wrong with him?-Poor boy. His illness is the_of eating unhealthy food.A. result B. cause C. reason D. end【小升初英语团队解析】考查名词词义辨析。根据句意,他生病的原因是吃了不健康的食物。A. result 表示结果,介词搭配 of,from B. cause 表示原因,介词搭配 of C. reason 原因,介词搭配 for,why D. end 结束,该句意为他的疾病正是因为他吃了太多不健康食物的结果。选择 A。12. When I hurriedly got to the airport, the lady at the window told me that there were no_left on that plane.A. places B. seats C. space D. room【小升初英语团队解析】考查名词词义辨析。根据句意,当我匆忙的赶去机场,订票口的女士会跟我说,那架飞机已经没有座位了。A.地方 B.座位 C.太空 D.空间。因此选择 B。二.用所给的名词的适当形式填空。1. I think in 100 years,people will study on computer,not on_(paper).【小升初英语团队答案】paper2. I hope there will be less_(pollution) in the near future.【小升初英语团队答案】pollution3. Do you think people will have robots in their_(home)?【小升初英语团队答案】home4.She is new here. So she has few_(friend) now.【小升初英语团队答案】friends5.Please pass me two_(piece) of_(paper).【小升初英语团队答案】pieces, paper6.In the future_(robot) will be in every【小升初英语团队答案】robot, home7.There are_(hundred) of _(student) in the school now.【小升初英语团队答案】 hundreds, students8.How many_(space station) are there in space?【小升初英语团队答案】space stations9.The_(factory) produce many different_(kind) of_(toy) for_(child).【小升初英语团队答案】 factory,kinds,toys,children10.Could you please give some_(advice)?【小升初英语团队答案】advice11.My new clothes have the same style as my_(friend).【小升初英语团队答案】friends12.I saw two_(woman) teachers in the office just now.【小升初英语团队答案】women13.There is a lot of_(meat) on the plate.【小升初英语团队答案】meat14.Both Germany and France are_(Europe) countries.【小升初英语团队答案】European15.Beijing is a tourist city_(thousand) of people come here, during the holidays every year.【小升初英语团队答案】thousands16.I started to collecting stamps one and half a_(year).【小升初英语团队答案】year17.Sometimes I wash the_(dish) on weekends.【小升初英语团队答案】dishes18.In my hometown there is too much_(rain) in summer.【小升初英语团队答案】rain19.Kate and Tina are afraid of living in the country, because there are too many_(mouse).【小升初英语团队答案】mice20.Dont leave all the_(child) in the big house. I think it will be a little dangerous.【小升初英语团队答案】children21.Autumn is the third_(season) of the year.【小升初英语团队答案】season22.How many_(fox) can you see in the picture?【小升初英语团队答案】foxes23.At school we are all_(friend) to each other.【小升初英语团队答案】friends24.There is too much_(traffic)on this street at
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