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精品资料听说训练(5)PartA模仿朗读听录音,模仿朗读短文,注意画线单词的发音。短文读两遍。One of the most extraordinarycivilisations the world has known disappeared.Millions of people died;some were savagely murdered.Why it happened is a mystery.This is the story of one mans search for the truth.The Mayans lived in what is today Southern Mexico and central America.They were deeply spiritual,worshipping dozens of gods of the sun and the moon,the earth and wind,fire and rain.From the jungles and plains rose cities and towns,great centers of worship,of art and learning.The Mayansachievements were staggering.They developed their own writing,and mastered astronomy and mathematics.One of the most the world has known disappeared.Millions of people died;some were murdered.Why it happened is a .This is the story of one mans search for the truth.The Mayans lived in what is today Southern Mexico and central America.They were deeply dozens of gods of the sun and the moon,the earth and wind,fire and rain.From the and plains rose cities and towns,great centers of worship,of art and learning.The Mayans were .They developed their own writing,and masteredand .答案:extraordinarycivilisationssavagelymysteryspiritualworshippingjunglesachievementsstaggering astronomymathematics PartB听录音,回答问题1.听第一段对话,并回答录音提问的第12题。对话仅播放一遍,注意做好记录。W:Good morning,Dr.Brown.M:Good morning,Mary.W:Havent seen you since last summer.What are you busy doing these days?M:I have just written a book and got it published by the University Press.W:Oh,great.What is the book about?M:It is about how colours affect us in the world of advertising.It is called MarketColours.W:That sounds interesting.You must have done a lot of research on peoples feelings about colours.M:Thats very true.I have spent 13 months on this book doing surveys and interviews.Ive had many interesting findings about the relationship between colours and buying decisions.提示:Mary与Dr.Brown谈论颜色对购买行为的影响。听提问,回答第1个问题。提问读两遍:Question 1:How did Dr.Brown do his research?Question 1:Answer 1:听提问,回答第2个问题。提问读两遍:Question 2:How much time did Dr.Brown spend on his book?Question 2:Answer 2:2.听第二段对话,并回答录音提问的第34题。对话播放两遍,注意做好记录。W:Good morning,Dr.Brown.M:Good morning.W:This is a very good place for old people.They are taken good care of here.Its very impressive.M:Yes.They can enjoy their life comfortably.Moreover,we have two doctors and fourteen nurses here.W:What do they do every day here?M:Well,as they like,we have a TV room,a chess room and a library.We even have a piano.Mrs.Jones,that old lady there plays the piano very well.She used to be a piano teacher.W:Thats great.So theyve got many activities and their life is very colourful and meaningful.M:Yes.We are trying our best to make them feel at home.提示:记者与Dr.Brown 了解老年人生活的问题。听提问,回答第3个问题。提问读两遍:Question 3:What did Mrs.Jones use to be?Question 3:Answer 3:听提问,回答第4个问题。提问读两遍:Question 4:How many nurses are there in this place?Question 4:Answer 4:答案:1.Question 1:How did Dr.Brown do his research?Answer 1:By doing surveys and interviews.Question 2:How much time did Dr.Brown spend on his book?Answer 2:Thirteen months.2.Question 3:What did Mrs.Jones use to be?Answer 3:A piano teacher.Question 4:How many nurses are there in this place?Answer 4:Fourteen.PartC故事复述梗概:校车司机突然昏倒,Tom快速反应踩刹车,救了全车人。关键词:unconscious(昏迷),brake(刹车),reaction(反应),hero(英雄),reward(奖励)ALuckyBrakeTom liked everything about cars and often helped his father repair his old car.One morning,Tom was on the school bus with other children.They were chatting and laughing loudly as usual.But the bus driver was not feeling very well that day.While he was trying to stop the bus by the roadside,the driver suddenly became unconscious.It all happened without any warning.The bus was out of control and started running off the road.The children on the bus were terrified and began screaming.Tom was sitting in the back of the bus,but he rushed to the front within seconds.He tried his best to move the bus driver aside and stepped hard on the brakes.The bus finally stopped.Tom saved himself and all the other children from disaster.The quick reaction of Tom made the news all over the country.He appeared on TV as a hero.His school hung a medal of honour around his neck and the bus company gave him a toy bus as a reward.Toms father was very proud of his son.He promised to teach him how to drive when Tom was older.(一)听第一遍,速记以下要点:1.司机突然晕倒?2.快速反应?3.如何救了全车的人?4.结果?(二)听第二遍,速记以下细节,并做好复述准备:One morning,TomBut then the bus driver,So TomFinally,(三)复述故事根据速记的内容口头复述故事。答案:One morning,Tom was on the school bus with other kids.But then the bus driver,who was feeling unwell,suddenly passed out.It happened very quickly,and the bus began to run off the road.All the kids screamed except Tom,because he knew a lot about cars and often helped his father repair
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