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重点知识汇总1. like+动词ing 形式, like+可数名词复数 2 . go+动词ing形式3. 介词on,in,under,behind,in front of,beside,between,with,for,to等后面要跟人称代词宾格 me,us,him,her ,them ,it4. There be 指的是There is 或 There are,单数用There is,复数用There are,不可数名词用There is ,There be句型遵循“就近原则”,不管后面有几样东西,靠近there的是单数就用There is,靠近there的是复数就用There are , 5. 序数词first,second,third 前面要加the 6.名词前用good ,动词后用well 7. 动词后面要用人称代词宾格 如:push me , visit her 8. give sb sth= give sth to sb 给某人某物, 如果人放在后面,要加to 如: give me a book = give a book to me 9. play和球类中间不加任何词,play和乐器之间要加the 10. both两者都,all三个或三个以上都 ,both和all 都是用在行为动词前面,be动词am,is,are后面 10. and 连接的两个动词,前后形式要保持一致11. also用在行为动词前面,be动词后面,too用在句子末尾。两个词意思都是“也”12. write a letter to sb = write sb a letter 写信给某人write a letter to me = write me a letter 13. write an email to 写邮件给某人, to 后面人称代词用宾格14. send an email to 发邮件给某人, to 后面人称代词用宾格15. play with 后面跟人称代词宾格 chat with somebody 和某人聊天16. buy for 给某人买某物 17 . be good at+动词ing 18. Whats wrong with ? = Whats the matter with ? 怎么了?19. 看到句中有always,usually,often,sometimes,at weekends, every day 等词,句中的动词要么用原形,要么用三单。20. can是情态动词,后面的动词用原形 21. let 后面的动词用原形22. 助动词do,does,dont,doesnt 后面紧跟的动词要用原形23. want=would like 表示想要,want和would like 后面直接跟名词,表示想要某物,want和would like 后面要先加to,再加动词原形, 表示想要干某事24. Its time for+名词 Its time to +动词 25. how many +可数名词复数26. 星期前用介词on ,季节前用介词in,具体的时间前用介词at,在某个节日,节日以day结尾用on,不以day结尾就用at ,在楼层上用on , 在某个国家用in27. a lot of=lots of 既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词many只能修饰可数名词 , much只能修饰不可数名词28. between在两者中间,between后面的名词要用复数,或者后面要有两个东西29. 不规则的名词复数manmen womanwomen snowmansnowmen footfeet toothteeth childchildren fishfish 30. 需要双写最后一个字母加ing的动词有:chat,put,sit,run,stop,shop,swim31. come after 在之后到来 come before 在之前到来32. 主格口诀:我是I 你是you,男他he,女她she,宝它it,我们是we,你们是you,他们是they33. 一般现在时表示经常做某事,习惯做某事。在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数he,she,it时,动词要变成三单(熟背课本上归纳的动词三单变化形式)牢记:我不变,你不变,他(她,它)要变。 我们,你们,他们都不变。34. 长在树上的东西用on the tree ,不是长在树上的用 in the tree 35. 一般疑问句中,some要变为any,但如果表示请求或征求别人意见,不要变如: Would you like some? Can I have some ? Do you want some ? 等
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