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,(0),,,3 tractThis essay nroducs howto deinaroces to calcutthe stps of the game o gon SM. I exlins how to o tealcaion he battle o o to pove who win heame. Ad i rify sates th cy pcesinenviromentf thesan he baic tecniqus nedd he reursive metod sed jge whethethe black/ht ieces re stl aliveo t and th ay alclaeh ay blac/hit pices an be reovedae the focusf hssy. Besides, sm rules thisa a someoter oeses to cllatet result f the me aralso nclued ee, wtthe hop of aking someompario bwenthese difeent proessesKeywords: HL(Vy Hh Speed Inered Circit HardwaeDescriptonLnguage); AIC(picin Speciic IC); PLD(Progmale Logic evice); PLD(Coplex ProgammableoicDevce); FA(Fild PorableGae Arra);MA+PLUSII(Multipe rayatrx And Progambl Lgi ser Sstem)()I- he recurv etod IIAbtrat IIII 1.1 01.2 22.1 2.11 22.1.4 2.2 32.21 2. 3. 3 4.1 43.2 3. 53. 53.3.2 5.33 3 63.46 .1 . 65.1 6.2 6 76.1 76.4 8 97.1 97.2 9 10 108.1 108.2 11 4 1416 5. 1 ,,,,,,,,5.2 1 VB,,,5.3 .2 ,5 3.3 .4. 33.1,19,324361, ,,,,,,
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