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2024年苏州市高新区初三一模试卷英语202404注意事项:1本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,满分100分;用时100分钟。2答选择题请用 2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;答非选择题请用05毫米黑色签字笔将答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。一、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Alexandras fingers flew over the keyboard of the piano The audience (观众) watched in 1 as she made her way through the beautiful music This afternoon was quite 2 for Alexandra and all the other students at the Metropolitan Music School Their annual spring recital (年度春季独奏会)was a chance to show off the hard work that they had put in during the winterAlexandra reached the end of the piece of music The people in the audience then broke into Applause (掌声)So talented for a teenager, one woman 3 to her neighbor Isnt it a shame about But her neighbor couldnt hear the rest of the sentence because the applause was so 4 Alexandras teacher, Mrs Meier, looked pleased and happy, too I have a little surprise for you,Mrs Meier told Alexandras parents, but it has to wait until all the others have playedPeople were still applauding, 5 Alexandras part of the program was over She reached down to the floor and picked up the crutches (拐杖) that were lying out of sight of the audience Then she stood up carefully and, using the crutches, slowly left the stageSome people were 6 The woman who had spoken earlier turned to her neighbor again As Isaid before, Alexandra is talented But she had a terrible disease when she was 5 She couldnt walkproperly anymoreWhen the recital ended, Mrs Meier appeared on stage Hasnt this been a wonderful evening? MrsMeier asked, We see all of these students wonderful 7 this year But every year we also give aprize for one student whos been outstanding This years winner is AlexandraNow the applause got even louderMrs Meier smiled as she tried to 8 the crowd, And therewill be a huge prize for Alexandra Tickets to the Frederick Lin concertthe best seats in the houseAlexandra could 9 believe her ears She moved forward on her crutches, smiling happily as MrsMeier hugged her 10 is more valuable than this moment1A controlBsilenceC detailDaction2AusefulBsuitableC specialDmodern3AwhisperedB connectedC promisedDnodded4A politeB loudCclearDsmooth5A beforeB sinceC becauseDalthough6A generousB energeticC surprisedDnervous7A progressBserviceCwealthDcourse8 A gather B quietCraiseDsatisfy9A simplyBnearlyChighlyDhardly10A NothingB SomethingCAnythingD Everything二、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AHomologous structures (同源结构) are body parts that look similar in different animals, though they serve different purposes For example, a humans arm and a bats wing have similar bone structuresHowever, they serve different purposes Humans use their arms to hold and reach things Bats use theirwings for flying These two features are homologousAnalogous structures (类似结构), on the other hand, are body parts that serve the same purpose but have different bone structures For example, a bat and a butterfly use their wings for flight The structure,however, is very different The bat wing is made of bones, while the butterfly wing is made of somethingmuch thinnerHomologous structures tell us about the relationship between animals, showing that they developfrom the same kind of animals However, analogous structures are different because they developedseparately to serve a similar purpose11 What does the passage mainly tell us about homologous and analogous structures?A Where they can be foundB Why they are importantC How they are used in lifeD What their differences are12 Which of the following pairs belongs to analogous structures?Abat wing human armBinsect legbird wingCbird wingbutterfly wingDhorse leghuman arm13 Which part of a magazine is the passage most probably taken from?A Geography FactsB Biology WorldCModern TechnologyD Fashion GuideBImagine how you feel about yourself as a bank account Lets call it your personal bank account (PBA) Just like a bank account, you can put money in or take it out based on what you think, say, and do For example, when I keep a promise to myself, I feel in control, like putting money to my account But when I break a promise to myself, I feel bad, like taking money outSo let me ask you How is your PBA? How much trust and confidence do you have in yourself? Areyou rich or poor according to your PBA? Check out these signs below to see where you standPossible Signs of a Low PBA:l You give in (让步) easily to what your friends wantl You often feel that youre not good enoughl You worry too much about what others think of youl You act like youre better than others to hide the real weaknessl You envy others easily, especially when someone close to
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