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Unit 3 Language in use Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. Words and phrases 词汇和短语Review the words and phrases learnt in this unit.b. Grammar 语法Preposition.2. Ability goals 能力目标Learn and master the use of prepositions and the target language in this unit.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to use prepositions and the target language in this unit correctly and properly. Teaching important and different points 教学重难点Learn and master the use of prepositions.Teaching methods 教学方法1. Review: to consolidate the words and phrases learnt in the last two periods.2. Explanation and induction: to make the students master the use of prepositions.3. Individual, pair work: make every student work in class.Teaching aids 教具准备A projector and the blackboard.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Homework checking and lead-inT: Gooding morning / afternoon, my boys and girls.S: Gooding morning / afternoonT: Till now, we have almost finished Module 4. Can you tell me what we have learnt?Give students some time to review what they have learnt, then ask them to answer this question together.Suggested answers:Talking about what people are wearing and clothes shopping.Writing about a composition about the clothes you wear.PrepositionT: Well done! During this period, well do more practice about what you have summarized above. First, lets have a competition. Ill divide you into groups, and each group should complete the test below in a certain time. The group who gives the most correct answers wins. Clear?Show the following chart on the screen.Fill in the blanks with correct preposition.1. Its cold _ May.2. Turn left and go _ Wangfujing, and its _ the right.3. Well go _ bus.4. Ill meet you _ _ _ school _ two oclock this afternoon.5. Lets see if they have one _ blue.6. Its that girl _ long hair, over there.7. Oh, take a look _ that amazing shirt!8. I think were going to be here _ some time.9. Many young people today care _ the way they look.10. Whats the logo _ your trainers?Then ask students to finish this test in groups; later, check the answers to see which group wins.Step II StructurePracticeGet students to do Activities 1-2 in groups.T: Work in groups of four. Every group should try to make prepositional phrases from boxes A, B, C. You have five minutes to write as many phrases as possible on the blackboard.Give students five minutes to write the phrases. The group that writes the most and reasonable phrases wins. T: OK. Group wins! Congratulations! Next, please look at Part 2. Replace the underlined expressions with the words in the box. You can use “in” two times. Useful phrases:1. ask (sb) about: to say or write something in order to get an answer, a solution, or informationask to / for: to make a request for help, advice, information, etc.Note: You ask people certain things without using for or about.You usually ask for or about most other things. 2. look at: to deliberately turn your eyes so that you can see something look for: to try to find a particular type of thing or person that you need or want look around: a. to look at what is in a place such a sa building, store, town etc. especially when you are walking b. to search for something look to: a. to depend on someone to provide help, advice, etc. b. to pay attention to something or consider it3. look forward to: to be excited and pleased about something that is going to happen4. put off: to arrange to do something at a later time or date, especially because there is a problem, difficulty etc. 5. show off: to try to make people admire your abilities, achievements, or possessions show for: to show for sth if you have something to show for your efforts, hard work etc. you have achieved something as a result of them6. think about: to have an opinion or belief about something7. travel around / to: to go from one place to another, or to several places, especially destant ones8. walk to / along / around: to move along by putting one foot in front of the other walk off: to leave someone by walking away from them, especially in a rude or angry wayStep IV Reading Get students to do Activities 3-4.Lead-inFirst show students the following pictures, ask them to guess what products these advertisement are for. After their talking, show them the logo of each product at the right corner of each picture.T: Every day we can see different kinds of advertisements on TV, in newspapers, on buses and so on. Do you know these advertisements?Show the following advertisements. And get students to guess. Later show the logos to see if they have got the correct answers. T: You know lots of these advertisements. Do you like advertisements? S: Yes. I do. From the advertisement, we know what is popular now; we can buy fashionable clothes and MP3 players; also
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