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编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页Revision History修改记录Version版本Date日期Description change变更履历Revised by更改人1.0Sep 25, 2006Initial release(新发行)Steve Wang1.1Mar 09, 2007Add the bed shear & press point check,stability and static load test增加床的剪切点&挤压点检查、稳定性测试和静压测试(B、F、G)Steve Wang2.0Aug 19, 2010Renew(更新)Lennon Wu1. Scope范围This document specifies the general quality requirements for the category of Furniture including domestic furniture, outdoor furniture and office furniture, etc. It is used as a general guideline for inspection if clients have not defined their requirement.此文件为针对家具产品(包括室内家具,户外家具,办公家具等)验货的通用标准。如果客户没有特别的要求,在此定为通用的验货指南。2. Inspection Criteria of Product / Package产品/包装的验货标准 Reference standard: 引用标准- EN1725, EN747-1/2, EN716-1/2, EN1130-1/2, EN1728, EN1022, EN12520, EN12521, EN1335-1/2/3, EN1730, EN527-1/2/3, EN581-1/2/3, BS4875-1/5/7, ISO7170, BS14749- ASTM F 1427, BIFMA X5.1, BIFMA X5.5, ASTM F 1858, ASNI A 161.1 Product: 产品 Must be without any unsafe defect for using; 不允许有在实际使用中任何对使用者造成伤害的缺陷; Should be free of damaged, broken, scratch, crackle etc. Cosmetic / Aesthetics defect; 不应有任何损坏,破碎,擦伤,或碎裂等外观缺陷; Must be conform to the shipping market legal regulation / clients requirement; 必须符合销往国当地的法规以及客户的要求; The construction, appearance, cosmetics and material of all units should comply with clients requirement / approved samples; 产品的结构,外观,材料等必须符合客户的要求或与样品保持一致; All units should have full function complying with clients requirement / approved samples; 产品功能必须符合客户的要求或与样品保持一致; The marking / label on unit should be legal and clear. 产品上的标记/标签必须符合法规要求且清晰明确。Package: 包装 All units will be adequately packaged, and constructed from suitably robust materials, such that it arrives in store in a merchantable condition; 产品要有足够强度的材料构成的充分包装,使得货物以可销售的状态到达目的仓库; The packaging material can protect the goods from damage during transportation; 在运输过程中,包装材料能防止货物受损; The shipping mark, bar code, label (such as price label), should conform to clients spec. and/or approved samples; 箱麦,条形码,标签(例如:价格标签)应符合客户的要求或与样品保持一致; The package should comply to clients requirement / approved samples; 包装必须符合客户的要求或与样品保持一致; Text of illustration, instruction, label and warning statement etc. must be clearly printed in users language;图解,说明书,标签,警告声明等应清晰地印有使用者语言; The illustration and instruction on the packaging must conform to the product and its actual performance.包装上的图解和说明书必须与实际产品及其功能保持一致; The method and material of pallet/crate etc. should be approved by client. 栈板/板条箱包装的材料及方式必须经客户批准3. Inspection Plan & Defects classification检验计划及缺陷分类 Sampling procedure & Defects Definition, please refer to SHOP-HI001 General Inspection Operation Procedure抽样程序以及缺陷定义,详见SHOP-HI001 通用检查程序 最终随机检查。 Acceptable Quality Limit: 可接受的质量限 Critical 0 Non-conformity is not allowed AQL 1.5 For Major Non-Conformity AQL 4.0 For Minor Non-Conformity Item codeDetails详细说明Sample size & Defects Classification抽样数量及缺陷分类Critical致命Major严重Minor轻微1Packaging Check包装检查At least the square root of the total number of cartons or defined by client, and checks all cartons/pallets/crates that were selected for sampling.至少是总箱数的平方根,否则就由客户特别指定,要对所有抽取的卡通箱/栈板/板条箱进行检查.Details please refer to SHWI-HI-G-001 具体请参照产品包装验货通用作业指导书相关章节2Aesthetics / Appearance Check外观检查G-IIAInstruction /warning/warranty etc. printing material说明书/警告语/质保书等印刷材料Details please refer to SHWI-HI-G-001 具体请参照产品包装验货通用作业指导书相关章节BAppearance of unit产品外观Non functional sharp point and sharp edge (May injure customer) 非功能性的尖点锐边(会对用户造成伤害)X Live insect/infestation / mildew / rotten 昆虫/害虫/发霉/腐烂X Knives, blades, needles and similar sharp foreign object contamination 含有刀子,刀刃,针等利物X Incorrect material used使用了错误的材料XExcessive/unpleasant odor过分或难闻的气味XWrong color or style or type错误的颜色或款式XExposed nail/screw露钉XWrong / illegal warning label or marking错误的警告标贴或标识XMissing / illegal other label or marking 缺失其他标贴或标识XDead knot死结XWobble unit晃动XMissing / detached part部件缺失 / 脱落XInsect hole虫眼XLive knot活结XLoose part部件松动X Poorly coating / plating / polish / sticking veneer喷漆/电镀/抛光/胶合板粘贴不良X Deformed, damaged, scratched, dirty mark, broken, chipped, cracked, dent mark, burr, pimple, glue stain, etc. (for wooden parts)变形, 受损, 刮伤,脏,破损, 缺口,开裂, 凹痕,毛刺, 疙瘩, 胶印等 (木头部件)XX Cutting mark, uneven edge/surface, rough surface, discoloration, dent, etc. (for stone parts)切痕, 边缘/外表不平, 表面粗糙,变形, 变色, 凹痕,等 (石头部件)XX Warpage, wavy mark, pit, blister
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