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Module 6 The Tang Poems模块教学目标技能目标Skill Goals Leani about the Tang poems and Chinese and English poets Talk about a Chinese poet Review the modal verbs must, cant, may, might, should, could and would Write a short poem and a short passage about a poetII.目标语言 Target Language功能 句 式State facts and express opinionsIt was a time of expansionTrade with foreign countries created a tolerant and cosmopolitan culture.Perhaps the biggest foreign influence came from Buddhism.New discoveries were made in astronomy, geography and medicine.Li Bai (701-762), the son of a wealthy merchant, grew up in Sichuan ProvinceIf Du Fu was a realist, then Li Bai was a romantic词汇1. 四会词汇part, effect, image, mood, rhyme, rhythm, subject, expansion, control, tolerant, cosmopolitan, govern, entertainment, origin, altitude, record, range, explosion, export, talent, appearance, failure, cormption, irregular, realist, romantic, depth, drowned, reflection, specialist, depth. Buddhism, knowledge, suffering, syllable, merchant2. 认读词汇acquaintance, farewell, bar, gird, drift, thistledown, steed, neigh, adieu, the lang Dynasty, Siberia, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanstan, Persian, Arab, Jews, religion, community, astronomy, geography, medicine, poetry, literature, genius, realistic, vale, crowd, daffodil, flutter, breeze, positive, memorable, explore, therapy, ignore, creative, disorder, motivation, commuter, realm, sonnet, arbitrary,underground, Keats, Shelly, typically3. 短语float away, part from, wave ones hand, go ones way, as far as, be known as5 hand in hand with, become interested in, as well as, be known for, the Civil Service Examination, be drowned, take hold of, a host of, by heart, fire away, off the top of ones head, be hopeless at, on second thoughts4. 重点词汇effect, expansion, control, cosmopolitan, govern, entertainment, origin, altitude, record, range, explosion, export, talent, corruption, irregular, reflection, depth, suffering, merchant语法Review the modal verbsYou should read the poem sometimeCould you answer a few questions, please?Would you like to say the second verse now?重点 句 子1. Persians, Arabs and Jews came to live in Chinese towns, bringing with them their own religions and customs. P722. They were allowed to live in communities governed by their own laws, and to keep their traditional forms of entertainment such as music and dance, which influenced the development of Tang culture P723. But perhaps the biggest foreign influence came from Buddhism, whose origins were in India. P724. It was only in the 11th century that his poetic genius was recognized. P735. If Du Fu was a realist, then Li Bai was a romantic P736. It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the moon. P73IIL教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本模块以Tang Poems为话题,旨在通过模块教学使学生了解有关唐诗的知 识以及中外诗人的生平、诗歌特色及成就;复习情态动词would, should, could. might、may、needift等的用法;能利用所学诗词知识写一首简单的诗;能写短 文简单介绍某位诗人的生平。1. 1 IINTRODUCTION通过让学生学习李白的诗歌送友人了解唐诗 的有关知识,如诗歌的主题、格律、意象等。1. 2 READING AND VOCABULARY (1)重点介绍了中国历史上盛唐时 期诗歌、音乐、舞蹈、宗教、天文、地理、医药、文学、科技等方面所取得的重 大成就及唐朝两位著名诗人李白和杜甫的生平、诗歌特色。通过学习,让学生了 解我国灿烂的历史文化传统,培养他们热爱祖国、热爱文学、热爱诗歌艺术的美 好情感。1. 3 GRAMMAR 复习情态动词 must, cant, may, might, should, could, would 的含义及用法。1.4 LISTENING AND SPEAKING要求学生通过听取关于人们谈论诗歌的采 访录音和两首英国诗歌,进一步了解诗歌艺术的特点及中外诗歌的艺术特色,学 习朗诵、欣赏诗歌。1.5 EVERYDAY ENGLISH要求学生通过改写句子的形式掌握儿个常用习语 的意义及用法。1. 6 READING AND WRITING分阅读和写作两部分。其中,阅读部分讲述 的是诗歌的内容、意义及作用。文章指出诗歌有助于人们保持良好心态,具有一 定的心理治疗作用。写作部分则要求学生在掌握有关诗歌写作特点的基础上写一 首短诗。1. 7 READING PRACTICE要求学生阅读一篇介绍英国伦敦地铁诗歌的短 文,并在掌握文章大意的基础上进行主旨归纳、细节理解、作者意:图把握等训练。8 CULTURAL CORNER介绍了英国诗歌发展的鼎盛时期浪漫主义诗歌及诗人。9TASK要求学生选择介绍一位中国诗人的生平、生活年代及其诗歌。教材重组2 .1从话题内容上分析,INTRODUCTION 与 READING ANDVOCABULARY相一致,可将这两部分整合在一起,设计成一节任务型阅读课。2将GRAMMAR (1)和GRAMMAR以及Workbook中相关练习整合在 一起,设计成一节任务型语法课。2. 3 可将 LISTENING AND SPEAKING. EVERYDAY ENGLISH 和 TASK 三部分整合在一起,上一节任务型口语课。2. 4可将READING AND WRITING以及Workbook中的写作部分整合在一 起,上一节任务型写作课。2. 5 可将 READING PRACTICE 和 CULTURAL CORNER 以及 Workbook 中的阅读内容整合在一起,上一节任务型泛读课。3 课型设计与课时分配1st PeriodReading2nd PeriodGrammar3rd PeriodSpeaking4th PeriodWriting5th PeriodExtensive ReadingThe Fifth Period Extensive ReadingTeaching goals 教学 U 标Target language 目标语言a.重点词汇和短语 be addicted to, cereal packet, appeal, acquaintance, tube, glance at, surplus, entertainment, approve of, sponsor, be launched, officially, damp, descend, barrier, shabby, platform, assume, literary, significance, doughnut, a preview of, departure, merry, a chorus of, take on a new life, removed, alongside, advert, sonnet, arbitrary, cater for, taste, have association with, enterprise, confirm, correspond, anniversary, donate, available, production, as well, view, networkb.重点句式Anyone who is addicted to will.The success of the Poems on the Underground enterprises confirmed that.Posters of the poems decorated the British Council libraries throughout the wor
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