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大连理工大学21春ACAD船舶工程应用在线作业二满分答案1. 你船夜间全速前进时,发现舵叶丢失,应。A.立即关闭舷灯尾灯B.立即关闭桅灯,并显示两盏红灯C.A、你船夜间全速前进时,发现舵叶丢失,应。A.立即关闭舷灯尾灯B.立即关闭桅灯,并显示两盏红灯C.A、B均正确D.A、B均不正确正确答案:B2. 如求生中需要穿越火势强劲的海面,最重要的一点是_。A.保持镇静B.穿着救生衣C.辨明方向如求生中需要穿越火势强劲的海面,最重要的一点是_。A.保持镇静B.穿着救生衣C.辨明方向正确答案:A3. To shore up the main deck for the stowage of deck cargo means to _.A.weld pad eyesTo shore up the main deck for the stowage of deck cargo means to _.A.weld pad eyes on deck in proper position to secure the cargoB.strengthen the main deck by placing pillars underneath it in the tween-decksC.distribute the weight of the cargo by placing fore-and-aft planks on the main deckD.package the cargo in wooden crates so it will not damage the deck正确答案:B4. 执行关闭、锁定或冻结的图层上的对象亦可以使用“快速选择”对话框进行选择。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B5. AutoCAD广泛应用于工程设计领域。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A6. 对于典型温带气旋的冷锋, 其锋线两侧风向为: A南半球,锋前SE风,锋后NW风 B南半球,锋前SW风,锋后NW风 C对于典型温带气旋的冷锋, 其锋线两侧风向为:A南半球,锋前SE风,锋后NW风B南半球,锋前SW风,锋后NW风C北半球,锋前SE风,锋后SW风D北半球,锋前SW风,锋后NW风D7. At _ an occasional survey has been carried outA.the remind of the masterB.the referAt _ an occasional survey has been carried outA.the remind of the masterB.the refer of the masterC.the render of the masterD.the request of the master正确答案:D8. The permanent magnetism of a vessel may change in strength due to _.A.the nature of tThe permanent magnetism of a vessel may change in strength due to _.A.the nature of the cargo being carriedB.changes in headingC.major structural repairD.All of the above正确答案:C9. The external flotation bladder of an immersion suit should be inflated _.A.only afterThe external flotation bladder of an immersion suit should be inflated _.A.only after two hours in the waterB.only after four hours in the waterC.before entry into the waterD.upon entry into the water正确答案:D10. AutoCAD中恢复删除对象只能采用oops命令。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B11. AutoCAD保存图形文件可以使用何命令?( )A.newB.openC.saveD.saveas参考答案:CD12. AutoCAD中调整文字比例采用scale命令。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B13. 以下关于“栅格”说法正确的是( )。A.是在绘图时确定点位置的参考图标B.由一系列排列规则的点组成C.可以帮助用户进行光标定位D.可以迅速、准确地捕捉到一些特殊点参考答案:ABC14. ACAD中“点”菜单中有哪些项?( )A.单点B.多点C.定数等分D.定距等分参考答案:ABCD15. Tonnage tax is officially based upon the figures obtained from the _.A.AdmeasurementTonnage tax is officially based upon the figures obtained from the _.A.Admeasurement CertificateB.deadweight scaleC.displacement scaleD.Load Line Certificate正确答案:A16. AutoCAD中,通过指定坐标的方式指定点位置是绘图过程中最常用的一种拾取点方法。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B17. 保温用具应能在救生艇筏或救助艇中,在无人帮助的情况下打开并容易穿着。保温用具应能在救生艇筏或救助艇中,在无人帮助的情况下打开并容易穿着。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:18. 在任何一个气室失去浮力的情况下,气胀式救生衣的其余气室仍能使其具有足够的安全漂浮性能。在任何一个气室失去浮力的情况下,气胀式救生衣的其余气室仍能使其具有足够的安全漂浮性能。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:19. 轴向柱塞泵的配油盘采用非对称负重迭型结构的目的是:A.防止排压过高B.减少配油盘磨损C.减少液压轴向柱塞泵的配油盘采用非对称负重迭型结构的目的是:A.防止排压过高B.减少配油盘磨损C.减少液压冲击和降低噪音D.增加密封性能正确答案:B20. The step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder from twisting is the _.A.Proof bThe step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder from twisting is the _.A.Proof barB.Shifting barC.Long barD.Spreader正确答案:D21. 中暑应以预防为主。中暑应以预防为主。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:22. 以下说法正确的是( )。A.属性是块中的文本对象B.属性包括属性标志和属性值C.在定义块之前,先定义块的属性D.插入块后可以编辑块的属性参考答案:ABCD23. AutoCAD软件中,下列关于图层的说法正确的有( )。A.图层可以关闭B.图层不可以冻结C.每个图层都可以设定一种颜色、线型和线宽D.当前作图所在的图层称为当前层参考答案:ACD24. 在北太平洋上,某东行船舶观测到强劲的ENE真风,根据风压关系判断低压应在: A船舶的高纬一侧 B船舶的前在北太平洋上,某东行船舶观测到强劲的ENE真风,根据风压关系判断低压应在:A船舶的高纬一侧B船舶的前方C船舶的低纬一侧D船舶的后方C25. It is not necessary to declare _ in MARITIME HEALTH DECLARATION.A.fever accompanied bIt is not necessary to declare _ in MARITIME HEALTH DECLARATION.A.fever accompanied by prostration or persisting for several daysB.fever attended with glandular swellingC.acute skin rashD.glycosuria正确答案:D26. 在AutoCAD中,固有图层是( )。A.第0层B.第1层C.第2层参考答案:A27. AutoCAD软件中关闭图形文件可采用【Ctrl+C】快捷键。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B28. AutoCAD软件中,调用设置绘图单位命令方式有哪些?( )A.菜单栏“格式”“单位”B.命令行输入“UNITS”C.命令行输入“UNIT”D.命令行输入“DDUNITS”参考答案:ABD29. 孤岛检测有多个填充方式,包括下列( )等。A.普通B.外部C.内部D.忽略参考答案:ABD30. 固定骨折时,上、下关节均应固定。固定骨折时,上、下关节均应固定。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:31. AutoCAD软件不可进行二次开发。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B32. A light used to signal passing intentions must be an _.A.all-round yellow light onlyBA light used to signal passing intentions must be an _.A.all-round yellow light onlyB.all-round white light onlyC.all-round blue light onlyD.alternating red and yellow light正确答案:B33. 在某些状态下,AutoCAD可以在不中断某一命令的执行情况下执行另一条命令,这种命令称为( )。A.可执行命令B.中断命令C.透明命令D.以上均不正确参考答案:C34. 用( )命令可将绘图区中的选择图形复制到剪贴板上。A.copyB.copyclipC.mirror
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