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Chinese-English Trademark Translation一、 课题(论文)提纲0. 引言 1. 中英商标翻译的重要性 2. 中英商标翻译的原则 3. 中英商标的翻译策略 3.1音译法 3.2意译法 4. 中英商标翻译的误区 5. 商标翻译的文化禁忌 6. 结束语 二、内容摘要商标宣传是国际市场推销商品和进行竞争的一种重要手段,而培养名牌商标是进一步开拓国际市场的重要环节。因此,做好商标的翻译,其重要意义是不言而喻的。随着世界经济体系的全球化和中国加入WTO,产品的进出口日益增强,因此也导致了商标的翻译越来越受到重视, 在翻译理论和实践的基础上不断得到丰富和发展,尤其是更加注重了中西方的文化差异。本文通过中英商标翻译的重要性、其翻译原则、策略、误区以及商标翻译的文化禁忌这几个方面初步探讨了如何进行中英商标的翻译。从而使翻译出的商标名称与原文的商品在音、形、意和美等珠联璧合、异曲同工,在商品交流的同时亦可实现文化的交流。三、 参考文献1http:/www.studa.net/Translates/090918/09275631.html2http:/www.101ms.com/lunwen/wenhua/w/2009-06-02/lunwen_148675.html3http:/www.studa.net/Translates/080520/16002373.html4史玉娟.从文化差异看商标翻译的方法及原则J.沈阳工程学院学报(社会科学版).20055腾延江.商标英译中的文化失语现象J.山东外语教学.2004Chinese-English Trademark Translation Abstract: The trademark propaganda is an important means of selling goods and ways of competition in international market, cultivate famous brand serves as an important links in opening up the international market. So the importance of a good trademark translation is evident. With the globalization of the word economic system and Chinas entering into WTO, the product import and export are growing day by day, therefore, there are more and more emphasis on the translation trademark, and is a continuously enriched and developed on the basis of translation theory and practice, especially paying more attention to the Sino-Western cultural differences. This paper mainly discusses the importance of the Chinese-English trademark translation, the translation of the principles, tactics, errors and trademark translation of cultural taboos. That has a preliminary study about several aspects. Let us know how to translate the Chinese trademark into English. Thus, commodity exchanges and cultural exchanges can also be achieved.Keywords: trademark; translation; method; culture0. Introduction:A commodity wants to win the competition in the market to get a large market share, besides its own quality, its much more depends on the ability of consumers to understand and acceptable, and how they like it and publicizes it. So, trademark has become more important. A good trademark can be a valuable asset to the enterprise. On the other hand, a bad trademark can bring heavy losses to the enterprise. Therefore, the trademark translation relates to the survival of enterprises.1. The importance of the trademark translation in ChineseTrademark for some people might be an unfamiliar conception. Some people think that their companys own products do not need to take much attention to the translation of a trademark, as long as consumers buy their products! But everyone knows that in this ear of information industry, enterprises have strong brand awareness. Trademarks are an important thing in business.With foreign goods flooded the Chinese market, trademark translation is become more important. Due to the difference of geographical location, customs and culture, religion, consumer attitudes between foreign country and China, the translation of English trademarks involves cultural differences. Foreign goods want to enter China, and let the Chinese customers like it, firstly they should let the Chinese customers willing to accept the information of product. It means that they need to in accord with customers aesthetic psychology. The translated trademark should be both of cultural habits and aesthetic psychology. Trademark translation should also be possible to display imagination and creativity, digging out the goods and Chinese culture on the common characteristics, closing to the Chinese culture as possible to obtain others consensus. Therefore, trademarks can show its property, and also is an important social culture. Its like a bridge to combine with the eastern and western cultures, businesses, and consumers of goods closely.2. The principles of Sino-British trademark translation 2.1 Respect the consumer habits of the culture and aesthetic psychology, all aspects of life will be affected by cultural influence, which restrict our feelings and to form the process of ideas, thus formed by culture perception mode. The impact of these perceptions will influence peoples values and consumer psychology. Trademark translation, must consider how to face the culture of the consumer habits and aesthetic psychology, it is not just a simple and free transliteration. The Importation of trademark translation needs combine with our Chinese nations traditional culture, and be attention to the consumer psychology. For the Chinese people since ancient times the names of people or things are very seriously and pay attention to, and have a strong sense of rectification of names. Foreign goods entering the Chinese market want to set a good product image and were deeply loved by Chinese consumers, should have a name conforms to Chinas consumer culture and aesthetic psychology. For example, the Coca-Cola
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