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大连理工大学学位论文独创性声明作者郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下进行研究 工作所取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用内容和致谢的地方外, 本论文不包含其他个人或集体已经发表的研究成果,也不包含其他已申请 学位或其他用途使用过的成果。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的贡献 均已在论文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。若有不实之处,本人愿意承担相关法律责任。学位论文题目:丝趱里拯遮叠自边筮垄区趁逝丕统作者签名:岜坌型日期:2旦!至年厶月卫一日大连理工大学硕士学位论文摘要在船舶甲板设备的设计阶段,设备的校核是非常复杂且关键的一项工作,每种设备 都涉及很多模块,在校核过程中会遇到大量的计算、零件选择等,如果直接按规范进行 手工校核,要进行大量重复性的工作,耗时长、效率低、容易出错。由于简化、数字舍 入等,其结果误差也比较大。在初始设计阶段,很容易出现如零件结构强度不满足要求、 强度冗余浪费、零件间干涉等问题,难以兼顾方便、美观、实用等方面,增加了设计难 度和设计风险。液压舵机、液压系缆绞车、液压组合锚机均属常用的船舶甲板设备,在船舶的安全 航行中扮演着无法替代的角色。为了解决以上问题,本文分别对拨叉滑块式液压舵机、 液压组合锚机和普通卧式液压系缆绞车等典型对甲板设备进行了自动校核和诊断研究。本论文包括以下研究内容: 分析了上述三种典型设备的校核原理,对这三种设备的校核计算原理进行了简要总结,列出设备及部分零件的校核过程。 针对上述设备提出了设备诊断研究的内容和意义,分析了设备诊断的原理,目标是辅助设计人员进行方案优化,并为设备方案的自动优化做前期工作。 针对上述三种甲板设备,利用Visual C+编制了自动校核软件,软件通过Aess存储数据,根据用户交互对这三种设备进行快速校核。软件界面使用C编制,能友 好地控制和管理设备及其零件,方便地操作和查看设备及零件的校核过程,并能自动生 成校核报告。生成的校核报告中原理和过程详细完备,格式规范,结果准确,能够满足 甲板设备厂商的使用要求。在设备自动校核软件的基础上,根据前述设备诊断的原理,用计算机实现了设备自 动诊断功能。软件按照用户交互需求,并根据校核结果和零部件之间的关系进行判断, 对设备及其零件的安全性、匹配性和合理性进行了诊断,根据用户配置及零件特性,给 出设计方案出现问题的原因和优化的建议。相关建议由专家或小组讨论给出,可在使用 中不断改进完善。软件系统把设备所有零件的症状及建议汇总生成诊断报告,设计人员 在相关设备的方案设计阶段根据诊断报告对设备参数进行逐步修改,重新校核并诊断,循环几次,就能得到新的较好的设计方案。在软件系统设计中保留了ANSYS交互接口和设备可靠性分析的接口,并可以进行 局域网小规模网络化配置,使数据库数据得到一定程度的共享,方便软件的使用及扩展。船舶甲板设备自动校核及其诊断最后,本文通过实例对甲板设备自动校核及诊断软件系统进行了验证,系统大大地 提高了计算效率和计算精度,并可以根据给出的诊断建议进行优化改进,能够满足船舶 甲板设备厂商的设计需求,并已经被部分厂商采用。本文研究内容及相应的软件系统有很大的扩展性,可在此基础上研究,设计出更通 用的甲板设备的校核和诊断优化系统,使船舶相关设备的设计更加高效、可靠、专业。关键词:甲板设备;软件系统;舵机;锚机;绞车;校核及诊断大连理工大学硕士学位论文Auto-CheckiIlg a11d Dia盟osis System for Ship Deck Machille巧AbstractIn the design pe哟d,checkillg calCulations南r ship deckiIlg machille珂are much too complicated aIld piVotal work,because each machille i11VolVes qu矗e a lot of gadgets and modules,leadiIlg to quantities of calCulation and choicesIf one des适ner does也e checkiIlg manually,he would mn iIlto plenty of repetitiVe work,and thats bor洒g,long-1asting, ine伍cient aIld easy to get wrong or iIlaCcurate resultsWhats more,iIl the early period of des适玛there easily appears a bad scheme that is inconvenient,llIlaesthetic and unpracticalAndthe plan might haVe seVeral gadgets that dont mlfil the demands the regulatioIlS required or加a11ead itThere also might be interIhes锄ong the many gadgetsThese lead to h裥ness andr诞Iks for the des适nHydraulic Stee血g gear s耐es,hydraulic combiIled wiIldlass series,and hydrauhc willch s面es are coImnon used deCk maChiIlery on shi:p,aIld they play Vital and irr印laceable roles in sailiIlg safetyTo solve the problems above,“s thesis did some research on hydrauhc steeringgears,hydraulic combiIled windlasses a11d hy(1raulic willches It consists of南llowing comems iIl this thesisIt aIlal),zed checking theory of the three equipment,hydrauhc steeril玛gear,hydraulicco m_biIled w砒lass and hydraulic willcll,and concluded Checking process of the thIeeequipmentAnd it also put旬rward de血lition aIld signi6cance of diagnosing researchIt analyzed theo巧of diagnosisPu印ose of diagnosing is to build baSe for automatic scheme optimization南r equipmentPointing to cheCkiIlg and diagnosillg work南r the three equipment,a sof【ware ispro铲a伽ned to丘nish checking workThe soflware is made with Visual C+and data managed with MicrosofI AccessIt deals with calculation of the many Inodules required with the data 丘om user interfaCeGUI ofthe soflware is made i11 MFCIt can maIlage machines and gadgets 衔endly,and caIl manipulate aIld display the total processIt generates checkil玛r印ort automatically,which is regular and i11铲eat order,with detailcd theo巧a11d processOn the base of auto-checkillg results for equipment, the software iIIlplements autod让喀nosing血nCtionIt aIlalyze demands ofdes逗n趿d process me reSuns ofcalculation and relatioIls betweeIl modules,then diagnose parts of machiIle po缸iI坞to sa南ty,matchiIlg,and reasonabilityReleVant causes of the problems aIld suggestions are given at last and fomdiagnosis reportThe suggestions are giVen by experts or group discussion,which can be Supplemented and iInprovcd aRenardsDesigners iInproVe the machille scheme gradually, recheck it then will get a better designIThe soRware resees nerfaces to get ANSYS resuhs,疵I to弧a妞e rellablllty otSpecified maChmsIt can also be confi舭d t0 share data i11 LAN for small-scaleuseExamples are given to prove the e伍ciency and accuracy ofthe so脚are Syst锄Deslgnersimprove the scheme accord堍to diagnosis and suggestionsThe sySt锄can meetthe deInandsof wiIldlass manu量玉c衄and haS been adopted by some of themContents旬r the research are eXpandableMore research can be done to衄弘ovetneauto姒and diagnos吨syStem to丘t more k砌s of ship deck equipment,黜d can make tnedesign process more emcient,reliable,and professionalKey w。rds:Deck Machinery;s矾ware design;steering Gear;windlass;winch;checkand diagnose
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