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牛津英语9A Chapter 1 学案 Reading预习.new words1. 金字塔2. 史前巨石柱3. 埃及4. 举办,管理,经营5. 故事;传说6. 楼梯7. 平原8. 特洛伊9. 超出,超过10. 希腊的11. 夺取;占领12. 帮助13. 命令14. 特洛伊人15. 拖16. 市民;公民17. 愚蠢的,笨的18. 安全地;牢固地19. 包括20. 秘密的;机密的;隐蔽的21. 军队22. 黑暗23. 抓住24. 粗暴地;粗野地25. 不能,无法26. 远的27. 受惊吓的28. 打;击败phrases1. 举办短故事比赛2. 递送,呈报3. 下楼4. 上楼5. 每次6. 几秒钟后7. 向下看,俯视8. 夺取城市9. 带着10. 一匹巨大木马11. 服从命令12. 用绳子进13. 以为笑柄14. 除了15. 在黑暗中16. 拖走17. 成功做某事背景知识阅读PyramidsThe pyramids were built by the ancient pharaohs of Egypt as their tombs. The mummified bodies of the dead pharaohs, surrounded by goods and treasures , were hidden somewhere in the center of the pyramids . The most famous is the Great Pyramid of Giza, just outside Cairo . It dates from about 2,600BC and is made from 2,300,000 massive , but exactly cut , blocks of stone . It is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World .StonehengeStonehenge is a strange circle of giant stones in the south of England. Built around 1,800-1,400 BC,it seems to have had religious significance , but no one knows for certain . The stones are arranged so that the sun and moon rise over certain stones on particular days of the year , such as the summer solstice . By observing the sun ,moon and stars as they passed over the stones, the ancient people were able to keep a calendar for their religious ceremonies.Kinkaku-jiKinkaku-ji, the Golden pavilion , is one of the master pieces of Japanese architecture , in the old imperial capital of Kyoto . It was the monastic retreat of Yoshimitsu , a 14th-century shogun.In 1950 , it was burned down by a mad priest , but it has been completely rebuiltTo make something special, you just have to believe its special. 练习 根据课文内容填空The soldier came down the stairstwo at a time. “Captain, theyve gone,” he cried. “Theyve _ , all of them. The plain is ” But the _ of the guards was no longer _ . He was going up the stairsthree at atime. Seconds _, the captain stood on the high wall of the city of_. He looked down _ the empty plain, and, _ it at the empty sea. “ Theyve gone and weve won” he said. “The _ have tried for ten years to _ our city, now theyve _ away. And theyve taken _ with them.答案:time, disappeared, captain, listening, later, Troy, at, beyond, Greeks, capture, sailed, everything根据课文用所给单词适当形式填空Secure interrupt drag obey citizenTrojan enemy make include moveThe captain _ him. “Youre a soldier,” he said . “You dont have to think. You have to _ orders, and Im giving you one now, _ that horse.” And so the Trojans _ it into the city with ropes. That night, in the main square of the city, all the _ of Troy celebrated. They sang and danced around the horse, and _ jokes about their _ , the stupid Greeks. Then the _ made sure all the gates of the city were _ locked, and they all went to sleep, _ the gate guards.答案:interrupted, obey, Move, dragged, citizens, made, enemies,Trojans, securely, including 根据课文选词填空 No 1 stopped them as they opened the main gates. _2_ stood the Greek army. It had _3_ in the darknesswhen the citizens celebrated inside. Now the army entered the city. The _4_ seized the captain and dragged him away. For ten years, they couldnt capture the city by _5_ . In one night they _6_ in capturing it by a trick. ( ) 1. A guard B guards C a guard D some guards ( ) 2. A Outside B Inside C Before D Behind ( ) 3. A return B returning C returned D returns ( ) 4. A Greek B Greeces C Greeks D Greece ( ) 5. A fighting B fighted C fightened D fights( ) 6. A success B succeeded C succeed D successful答案:BACCAB复习 单项选择( ) 1.In order to solve the work problem for the poor, the government_a factory in the street. A. ran B. had C. open D. found( ) 2. Tom has hurt his leg, so his classmates all went to the park _him.A. besides B. except C. beside D. expect答案:A B LanguageNew words29. 修理,修补;织补,缝补30. 中国式平的帆船31. 烟火32. 以前33. 课外的34. 加入phrases18. 不必19. 由制成20. 产自21. 由组成22. 被制成23. 被某人制作24. 打败某人25. 赢得比赛26. 摆脱,除掉27. 悬挂28. 课外活动29. 传说中The present perfect tense-Exercises:1.I _ (do) my homework already.2.He_(not finish) it yet.3._ you ever_ (be) to Beijing?4.We _ never_ (see) such a good film.5.Many changes (take place) in the last two years.6.So far we(learn) five books.7.I have _(see) you before.汉译英1.我们买这本书三年了2.他感冒三天了.3.自从上星期我借的这本书4.我成为一个学生两年多了.5.Mr Black死了三年了。6.小名参军半年了。7.我们上了8年学了。8.下课10分钟了9.电影开始了一小时了答案:1 We have had the book for three years.We bought the book three years ago 2 He has had a cold for three days.He caught a cold three days ago.3 I ha
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