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Basi FA ws Evy exped filure anayst knws ht every FA isunie. Nobod cn tru sathat h o s as evlodtanard fow or evy F thatwill ce his or heay FA ave a ndncyof directing hemsels,it ah susuent stp dpedin tutoe o the prvous sepThe flowfn As lueced by multudeo fcs: te dvice ilf, thepplicioninwhch itail, testresssthe devie hs undrgoe rio to faiue,the pint o failre, th filre rate,h failue oe, he faiure atrbute, ando cus, tefailure mechanism. Nonetheless, A isFA, so iisindeedsbleo define cetai degeea sandardFA lw foeveryfilreecaism.Th articeais gie h rer a basc idea of howth FA w fr a givenfaure mhimaybestanarize。 Stndrdzation in his cotext oes notmean deiing a step-sp FA roedue lo, but rer what look for hen nalyzig faiures ependin n wae brvd or suspecd faluremechanim is.asc -eveFAlow1)Filur Infrmaio Rview. Unersan horoughly tcutoersdescrin of the ilue. termine: )the ecic eleticalfle mod ththcusmis exerincn;b)th point ofailure o hee he faile sencouer (feld manufcurigie and at whic step?); ) atcodions thsampls havelreadygone hrouh or benubect to; ad ) th faiure rtebsrv by theusomr. 2)FaiureVerifiaio Verify thecstes failre mod by eericl teig Check the alg reults or conisency with wat th ctome is epoting。3) Exteralisua Inection。 Peforma through eteral iul nspctio n he sample. Ntea makigs n the packanok o extraanomali, i.。, missing/entleas, pacage iscolorations, pakae cacks/chp-outs/srches,conainatio, lad oidaionroion, illgbl mrs, o-standar fnts, ec。4) Bech Testing。 Verify te eecraltstsuts by benchteting t nsur tat ll AEalures r nt ue tocontt ses only. e aase is r te cutomers repored failure o, ATEresus, n enh est esuls be cnnt itheach thr.5) Curv Tracing. Perfom cracingtidnify wch pin exibit urrent/vtag (I/V) anmalies Te oecive v tacin s to ook foopen or shored ps ndpins withnoraIV cractrstcs (exessiveleakag,abnoral rkdownvoltae,etc。)。 my henbefcused on circus nvoin hese nomaous pns. nami crvtracn, wherei e uni is powrd up whi underoing crv racing, y b pford if saicurve taingos ntreveal any amalies。6) yInseti。 Perorm xry insectn tolok for ntnl paca anomis such a broke i,ising ws, norrect r msig die, exsive dtach oids, tc,wiot having to pent pakage. Xray ipection resuts mustb cnsistnt ith curetraceuts, eg。, if x-a inpecto rvalda broken reaa pin, te urve tringshud reveaha pin to bepn7) CSAM。 PerformCSAMon plsticpkagesto deermine if th sample heayintenaldelamatnsa m adtoother failue triues such ascorosion,broke wres, ad lifted bods。8) Decapslan Once alth nondestrucivestps suc as thse aboe ae been cmleted, t mple ma besubjcted ecapsulation to exse the die an thr intenalfeatr of te devie fo furherFA。 9)InternaVsuaIspection. Perfor ienalvsua nspectin after decap.Thisis suay don using a lowowr mcrosco anahgh-owr mcroscop, preeing from ow maification t hih es Look for wreod aoaie, die rack, ie a die crrosi, di scrtces, EO/S stes, fb defects, adthe l。EM inpction mabeneded insom nstacs 1) Ho Spt DetectiIf crve trac reslt inie somemardsrepcis bten te I/Vharatiic (eseclly wtreard o pwer disipon) f h samples ad knon goodunits, thn thsaplemay halocalzed han o the die. Fexamp, a abnormlly large urrenloig betwen n upn adN ma meaa hortcrcfrom his inpt nto GN horts suhhs will emthat that can bected by ho spo detectio tchique. 1) ightEmissin Miosoy。 Ifthedevdoesnt exhibt brmlites n powe dissiptn that may indat hotsot, light emsionmcsp may b pfomed o look for efets mitlight. Ntetht a emissosite oe not an thtit is the ilre sie。 1)Miroprobin.Microprobingbecomes neceary if o oos no aoral hoteissioswersee fro the smples.
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