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单数句变复数句辅导版权-复习并掌握可数名词的复数博译精英1. 一般情况加S,结尾是清辅音读s,结尾是浊辅音或元音读z。例:bag bags hat hats; bottle bottles sport sport spiece pieces book books shirt shirts pant pants2. 以s, x, ch, sh 结尾的词,在该词末尾加上后辍-es构成复数,读iz例: bus buses fox foxes; match matches watch watches3.以辅音字母+v结尾的名词,将y改变为i,再加-es,读zcan dy can dies; factory factories citycities baby-babieslady ladies;story stories butterfly-butterflies4.以-o结尾的名词,有生命的加-es,无生命的加-s构成复数。读z例: tomato tomatoes ; potato potatoespia no pia nosphoto photos (无生命)5.以-f或-fe结尾的名词,多为将-f或-fe改变为-ves,但有例外,读音变化:尾音f改读vz例: knife f knives life f lives leaf f leaves wife wives wolf wolvesscarf f scarves/ scarfs6 以-ce se ze (d) ge等结尾的名词,加-s,读z。price pricescase cases orange oran ges bridge-bridges名词的不规则变化:marf menwomaf women child f childrenpeople f peoplefish f fishmouses micesheepf sheep deerf deer foot f feettooth f teeth goose geese将下列名词变为复数形式map egg apple orange tomato potato photo zoo picture chair box bus girl boy baby mon key wolf giraffe knife man woma n table desk dict ionary deer goat fish child foot tooth mouse cola milk water coffeechicke n fish cream juice tea单数句变复数句歌谣:单数句变复数句,代词四变要记住。人称,指示,反身变 物主代词看一看。连系动词am is变成are。博译精英冠词a an要去掉,改为 some, any 也可以。名词做定语,介宾不要变;有 man和woman也例外。句式不要变 。人称代词由单数变复数:1 主格 I - we ,you - you ,he/she/it - they .2 宾格 me- us,you-you ,him/her/it - them .She is a nice girl.They are n ice girls .I like him. We like them.指示代词由单数变复数:this -these , that- thoseThis is an En glish book.These are ( some English books .Is that a new pencilAre those (any) new pencils ?三.反身代词:第一人称第三人称himself/myself-ourselves第二人称yourself-yourselvesherself / itself 博译精英I am teachi ng myself En glish.-We are teach ing ourselves En glish.The child herself draws this picture.-The children themselvesdraw these pictures.四.物主代词由单数变复数:1 名词性物主代词 : mine- ours , yours- yours , his/hers/its- theirs2 形容词性物主代词:my - our , your-your , his/her/its theirThe book is mine.The books are ours.That is her pencil-case.- Those are their pen cil-cases.般情况下,形容词性物主代词在单数句变复数句时不变。This is my book .These are my books .五当句中形容词性物主代词与句中的主语一致时,形容词性物主代词应随主语人称的变化而变化,仍要保持一致He likes his bike.They like their bikes.六.连系动词由单数变复数:is/am - areI am a Chin ese teacher.We are七.a/an表示一个,只能用在单数名词前,当单数句变复数句时,一定要把 a/an 去掉,或改为 some/any。This is an orange.-These are ( some oranges.Is that an eraser ?- Are those ( any) erasers ?八.当名词作定语或在介词短语中作介词宾语充当除宾语以外的其它成分时。该名词不变。He is a boy student.They are(some boy students.(man和 woman 除外。 She is a woman worker.-They are(some women workers.单数句变为复数句时,句式不能改变,即单数句是疑问句时,变为复数句时,仍然是疑问句What s this ? -What are these ?She likes her watch.They like their watches.下面是我摘录的内容(大同小异),供参考:1. 可数名词单数要变为其相应的复数形式 ?例如 :I am a teacher. f We are teachers.It is a box. f They are boxes.2. 人称代词主格要由单数形式变为复数形式 ,即:|f we,youfyou (you的单数形式和复数形式相同),he (she, it) fthey?例如: I am a student. fWe are students.She is a girl. fThey are girls.3. am, is要变为are?例如:I am in Grade One. fWe are in Grade One.He is a teacher. fThey are teachers.4. 指示代词this和that要分别变为these或those ?例如:This is a pencil-case. fThese are pencil-cases.That is an English car. fThose are English cars.5. 不定冠词 a/an 要去掉 ?例如 :It is a black cat. fThey are black cats.She is an English teacher. fThey are English Teachers.6. man 或 woman 作定语修饰可数名词时 ,在整个句子变成复数句的情况下 ,也要变为复数形式 men?women ?例如:She is a woman doctor. fThey are women doctors. 注意:在单数句变为复数句时 ,普通单数可数名词要变为复数形式,但当名词修饰名词表示“性质”时 ,作修饰语的名词不必变化 ?例如:This is an apple tree. 这是一棵苹果树 ?fThese are apple trees. 这些是苹果树 ?6+1.单数句变复数句时,句中的形容词?定冠词?副词?疑问词?介词短语和感叹词等都保持不变?例如: Who is she? 她是谁? Who are they? 他们是谁?He is young. 他年轻?They are young. 他们年轻?单数句变复数句精炼将下列单数句变为复数句1 This is a box.2 Is that a pear3 She is a girl stude nt.4 I like her.5 The book is mine.6 This is her sweater.7 I am a woma n teacher.8 He is a man doctor.9 She is an En glish girl.10 He likes his bike.将下列复数句变为单数句1 What are these ?2 They like their old bikes.3 These are my Chin ese dicti on aries.4 These are(some oranges. =5 Are those(any) sheep?6 They are white teeth.7 We like them.8 These are (some knives.9 Are those (any) pink scarves ?10. They like their babies.单数句变复数句精炼答案一将下列单数句变为复数句1 .This is a box.- These are(som boxes .2s that a pear ? -Are those (any) pears ?3. She is a girl student.- They are girl students.4. I like her. We like them.5. The book is mine.-The books are ours.6. This is her sweater. These are their sweaters.7. I am a woman teacher.-We are(some women teachers.8. He is a man doctor.- They are(som men doctors.9. She is a
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