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No.1Unit1 Greetings.Teaching aims and demands l 使学生能用简单的英语跟别人打招呼l 使学生能分别说出早晨好、下午好及晚上好的问候用语l 使学生能模仿发出字母Aa及所给单词的读音l 使学生能读出第7部分所给的句子Communication sentencesWhats that? Its letter Aa.Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.Hello! Hi!Wordshello, hi, good, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, slideTeaching toolsPuppets, English name cardsFlash cards: Aa, ape, ace, alienTeaching Procedures新课1H 1.Greeting. (15 min)1) The teachers should say Hello or Hi to your students Warm up warmly. Part 1 2) Give the English name cards to the new students . Let them greet with each other.3) Tell your class rulesMore English Speak loudly Obey the rules2.Learn it. (20 min)老师在黑板上画出山的形状,用太阳的图片放在不同的 Presentation位置向学生展示morning, noon, afternoon, evening. Part 4Activities:Practice1) Low and high voice 2) Radish pile 3. Learn the letter Aa. (10 min)1) 首先将字母卡置于黑板. Presentation T: Whats that? Part 7-1 S: It is the letter Aa . (有意识的引导孩子说出句子) *要求学生能准确的说出Aa的发音,对于发音不准的学生要及时纠正。2) Do the TPR of A.3) Write the letter Aa对照字母卡,老师先引导学生用手指在空中按笔顺 Practice 划出Aa,再在黑板上画出四线格,告诉学生A和a Part7-4 分别住在哪几楼(占几格)。 让学生在书上写出字母一行,老师及时纠正错误。 4. 将本节课内容做总结性的复习。(5min) Closure复习课1H1. Introduce the new friends (10 min) Warm upKitty Doggie Baby Part 3,2 Have the students say Hello or Hi to the new friends. 2. Chant. (10min) 1) 首先将滑梯按照A的形状画在黑板上 Presentation 2) 边做动作边说“A A letter A Part 7-2A is the slide. Slide on the Aa.” 3) 由慢到快,分组进行比赛。 Practice3. Learn the words. (15min) Presentation ape ace alien Part 7-3 Activities: Practice 1) Guessing game 2) Touching game4. Listen and point. (5min) Practice Quickly touching. Part 5 让学生们很快的根据图片辨别morning, noon, afternoon, evening.5. Come into the music round. (5min) 若有时间,可以将歌词替换如下: Good morning Kitty, Part 6 Good morning Doggie, Good morning, dear baby! Good morning, everyone!6. 将两节课的内容做总结性的复习。(5min) ClosureNo.2Unit 2 Who is the first?Teaching aims and demands l 使学生能听懂用英语说的简单口令,并能做动作l 使学生能分别做出stand up, sit down, come here, go back的动作,并知道英语中up和down意思l 使学生能模仿发出字母Bb及所给单词的读音l 使学生能读出第5部分所给的句子Communication sentencesWhats this?Stand up! Sit down! Come here!Wordshands, books, pens, pencils, feet, up, down, cat, snail, bee, ball, beefTeaching toolsObject: pen, pencil, book, rulerFlash card: Bb, ball, bee, beef, cat, snailHammerTeaching Procedures新课1H1.Sing a song. (5 min) Warm upSay hello to your class. Then sing the “Good morning” song. Good morning to you!Good morning to you!Good morning dear teacher!Good morning to you!2.Listen and do. (15min)Teacher does the action and says, “Up up up stand up!” Presentation“Down down down sit down!” Part 1Teacher says, students do. 等学生基本掌握后,引出come here, 示意学生过来,之后做手势并说go back. *特别提示:这部分为指令性句子,开始只需老师说口令,学生做出相应的动作即可;练习多次后再要求学生说。Activities: Practice1) Who is the first? 2) Simon says3.Do it. (15min) Teacher does the action and say, Presentation ”Hands up! Hands down!” Part 3Have the students imitate the action. Then teacher says, students do.Hands up! Hands down!Books up! Books down!Pens up! Pens down!Pencils up! Pencils down!Rulers up! Rulers down!Feet up! Feet down!(注意:这部分的生词book, pen, pencil, hand, feet,可以直接引入,老师带领学生做出相应的动作,另外最好在这里引入ruler这个单词,因为后面练习中会出现。)*特别提示:这部分为指令性句子,开始只需老师说口令,学生做出相应的动作即可;练习多次后再要求学生说。Activities:
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