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七年级(下) Units 581.略微,有点儿11.给某人捎个口信,传话2.南非3.迷路12.度假4.处于(极大)危险之中13.警察局短14.付费语5.砍倒15.在对面归6.由制成16.在前面纳7.看报纸17.沿着走8.看电影18.向右/左转9.出去吃饭19.花时间是10.喝茶20.喜欢阅读1.“你为什么想看它们?7.“近来可好?“还不“因为它们很有趣。错。do you?句them?Not bad.型 theyre8.你能否告诉他给我回再interesting.个?现2.他(小狗)可以用两条腿走Could you just路。?He can .9.我正开心地拜访我在加拿3 .大象是泰国的象征之一。 The elephant is.4 .“你在忙什么呢?“没忙什么。?Not much.5 .你想跟我一起吃饭吗?Do you want to dinner?6 .”的天气怎么样?“天气晴朗。-in Beijing?-Its sunny.大的姑姑。Immy aunt inCanada.10 .你们国家如今很热,对吗?Its hot in your countrynow,?11 .要去那儿的话,我通常步行外出,在大桥路向右拐。, I usually walk out and BridgeRoad.12 .图书馆很安静,我喜欢在那里看书。The library is very quiet and I there.语法构造1. why, what, where 弓|导的特殊疑问句。2.如今进展时。3. there be 句型。话题1. Animals in the zoo (动物园里的动物)2. Everyday activities出3. The weather (天气)4. The neighborhood(邻里)常活动)五年中考真题演练词汇类()1.(202140题)Tina doesnt like the restaurant because the music theremake her ,A. sleeping B. slept C. sleepy()2.(202136题)My parents enjoy talking about the funny things that they in the school.A. worriedB. rememberedC. forgot动词的时态3. (2021看图写句子110题)Gina, have a walk4. (2021看图写句子106题)look after, now5. (2021看图写句子107题)have, now6. (2021看图写句子110题)water, now7. (2021看图写句子109题)rain, tomorrow8. (2021看图写句子107题)be sleepy9. (2021看图写句子108题)today, what,中考重难点打破,童滩点解析考点Iforget v. 忘记; 遗忘【考点抢测】1. Dont forget (take) out the trash after supper.2. Mr. King looked at me in surprise, as if he had forgotten (meet) me in the park yesterday.3. 选用forget和leave的正确形式填空。Why did Sam to do his homework?Because hehis schoolbag at school.()4. (2021 中考)一Im sorry Imy exercise book at home thismorning.It doesnt matter.Dont forget it here afternoon.A. left; to take B. forgot; bringingC. left; to bring【满分是点拨】辨析 forget to do sth.与 forget doing sth.forget to do sth.忘记要做某事(事情还没有做)Dont forget to close the door.不要忘记关门。(门还没关)forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(事情已经做了)I forgot closing the door.我忘记已经关上门了。(门已经关了)【温馨提示】forget可表示“忘记带某物,当表示“把某物忘在某处时应用leave。如:Sorry, I forgot my key.抱歉,我忘带钥匙了。I left my key in my office.我把钥匙落在办公室了。辨辨辨辨析 be made of 与 be made from【考点抢测】be made of, be made from, be made in,be made by, be made up of5. The paper wood.6. The buildings which stones are really strong.7. The computers which Japan sell well.8. The coat an old woman.9. Our class six small groups.【满分是点拨】be made和不同的介词构成的短语be made of由制成(看得出原材料)be made from由制成(看不出原材料)be made in在(某地)制造be made by由(某人)制造be made up of由组成【图解助记】be made各种“制造均不同考,闩辨辨析 other, the other, others, the others 与 another【考点抢测】other, the other, others, the others, another10. Tom, you should know how to get on well with .11He has two sons.One is a doctor,is a student.12What a hot day!Have you had a drink?Yes.But Id like to have after work.()13.I dont like this pen.Would you please show me ?Aanother Bthe other Cothers【满分是点拨】表示两件东西或者两个人中“一个另一个Oonethe other表示一定范围内“其余所有的时,相当于m60m6十名词复数Oonethe othersOOOsomethe others表示许多人或者物中的“一局部和“另一局部,并非全部OOOOOOsomeothers表示一定数目中的“一个与“另一个考点4ooooooneanotherHows the weather?【考点抢测】14. How was the weather last Sunday?(改为同义句) last Sunday?15. Its cloudy today.(对画线局部提问)16. will, be, the, day, tomorrow, how, after, weather, the(连词成句)【满分是点拨】How,s the weather?意为“天气怎么样? how为疑问副词,weather为不可数名词。它的回容许为It,s+表示天气的形容词。如:It,s sunny(阳光明媚的)/cloudy(有云的)/snowy (下雪的)/rainy (多雨的)/windy (有风的)/foggy (有雾的)。How,s the weather?=Whats the weather like? What 为疑问代词,后加介词 like。 be like 意为(像样子)。如:How was the weather yesterday?=What was the weatherlike yesterday?昨天天气怎么样? How will the weather be tomorrow?=What will the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气怎么样?注意系动词be在各种时态中的变化。在句末可以加上“介词+地点/时间是等短语。如:How is the weather in Beijing?创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日(=What is the weather like in Beijing?)天气怎么样?否口。辨析message,news 与 information【考点抢测】message, news, information17. I have a piece of good to tell you.I passed the exam.18. She knew about much about vacation last month.19. Could you take some to him?【满分是点拨】news新闻不可数名词指播送、电视、报纸等新闻媒体发布的社会各方面的最新消息a piece of news 一条消息information信息;消息不可数名词阅读、观察、谈话或者者书信中特别关注的消息、资料等,这里侧重内容get someinformation 获取信息message信息;消息可数名词意指消息,一般指口头传递的或者者take amessage捎个口信书写的“消息辨辨辨辨析 problem 与 question【考点抢测】20. I had (学习语法有困难)last term.21. I worked out the (问题之答案)at last.22. The (问题)is too difficult for me to work out.【满分是点拨】两个词都表示“问题。一
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