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名人英文励志演讲稿名人英文励志演讲稿 演讲,就是面对全部的观众,将自己想要说的话用流畅又富有哲理的词句表达出来,那么有关名人英文励志演讲稿的有哪些?下面是我为大家整理的名人英文励志演讲稿,一起来看看吧! 名人英文励志演讲稿篇一 od mrnin ladiesandgentln,It s mygatpleaure otan er treent y speech‐ash;A youlol open o ey, look aund, ntic where telight coe ito rom; listn carfly, see ithere are ewsound o canrognze;feel with ourbdy an sii, and s if you ca ee te fesness nt air. Ys, yes, yes, i&rso;sanew d, itrsqu;s feret day,nt&rso;sabrigh day! An mst importantly, irsquo;s a e benng for our fe,abginng wher you are oinomake ew deins,ake ne acios,mke newfrd,and takeyr lf to a totll urecednte(空前的) levl. In your mindrsuo;, yo n see clearly the hngs ou an tohve, e aces you inten too, te reltionships you dsr to devlo, an hposition you spire(励志) to reach. Y an earyour lhrs o joy andappins the ywneerhing hppens as you dream.Youcan seethesiles on th people rundyou wh emagic ont rik.o an fee yr ace is etin red, your heart iatg ast,and yur blod isrushing all ove bdy, to evey inle crnf your bein! You know ll thisisreal as lg as you a confident, asnateand comitted!(效忠的) And yure ofident, you aepassionate, o r commtted! ou wil no longr fmakin nesuns,shwng ew fcialexrssi, sngyouro in ne ws, aproachingew popl,and askingew question You wll liveveysingl da ofulie with bslutepassio, ad youwill sow yorpasio throughthe wr you pe andhe acins yo take u will fou al our time andeffort o th mos mportatoals yur ie. Yuwillnever scumb(屈服,屈从) to hallee ofharships. You il nevrwaer(动摇) your ursi of ecelenc. fter all, you a te bst, anou deerve theb! As you cach and fien, I ca assueyu the door to all tebst thns inth word llonto you,but thketo thar s in our hand. You must doyopar.Ymust faihflyollow the pns mk nd tke th act youln; you must veui ando mut eer ear. Iknw ou mut o it, undo it, you wlldo, ad yu wll succed! owstand irm nd tall, ake fis,ge eited, an yellit ou: I must d i! Ian do t! w do it! I will succeed!Imst dot!I can d it! ill t! I ilsceed!Imust oit! can do it! I ill do it!Iwill succeed!名人英文励志演讲稿篇二 Good mon eyoe,my I he yu atenio,please?I gla t be be o give alctr on this classroom. his once,I want tlk bout Englih.My toic f conversaton i tha lovenglsh. Aevryoneknos,h s vryportant toy.Ithas been used evywere in he wrldIt ha become themost ommo lnuagon Innet an for intratiol rde. f we an speak Engliwel,we ihave morecance to cceBase mread moreple avetake noticef i,he number o epelewho go to earn nglihasinceaseat a high sped. Bt for msef,I earnishno onl becase of is portanc ad i selness,but albecueofm loeforitWhen ler Elish, caneel a differentay tnkigwhich is e moreroo to tucteorld.WheI read Engsh nves,Icaneete plasurromthe ok hcs ifferen rm reding thetranlaioW Ispk Eglish,I can fee thcnident fomy wohen I rie Enls,Icnsee the bauty wich is no the samea our Chines I leli,it givsme colorfuldramI oe cantravel aund h word neda With y ood nglish, I can make rieds with ma peol from diffentcntries.aneemnypeso raintrest.I ream tha ca g o Lodon,becus i i te birth place of Egh.I so want tse y od nlihto intruce ureplaces tth ngli spoken eple,I hopehat ty c love o contr ie s. I know,ome w n buil na da. I believe a after ontinuous hardsudy,ne dayIcansek Englsh verywell.If yu atto b loed, you sould lr t ov and be ovable.So I belvaslove Enlish everya ,t will loem tooI am sure tha I wi raimy drem ne day! Thankyou! 名人英文励志演讲稿篇三Goafternon,laiean ntle! I#3;m very hooe tosnd here a give youart pech!Tobiwth,I want toak a uetin Doeverybody deam agod drealast iht? Actually ,oa I wan totalk bu eam wh yuf orse, hat nt to lsnt a dream you have st ig,but a dream&mdsh;— about lfe Everye has dream about life, diffeet drem at ierelfe sg,an we eddreams to suou. reas areliketestrs e rrechnh ky,but likemosmarnes,we can chrtou
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