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2020年精编冀教版英语资料冀教九上期末复习. 根据句意及汉语提示,完成单词。 1. In this village, you can see some ancient and (现代的) buildings next to each other. 2. The nurse looked after so many (病人) but she felt very happy. 3. The question is (是否) we can catch the early bus or not. 4. My brother jumped (最远) in the long jump in the school sports meeting. 5. Mr. Wang rides to work every day because he cant (买得起) a car. 6. Most (杂志) are published either weekly or monthly. 7. We have to (呼吸) in and out so many times a minute. 来源:www.shulihua.net 8. Dont make fun of the (残疾的). Its quite impolite. 9. This kind of custom has been carried down from the 18th (世纪).10. Whats the matter with your left leg? I had a traffic (事故) last month. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. 对于每个运动员来说创造一项世界纪录都是有可能的。Its possible for every athlete to .2. 你应该尽心尽力做好自己的工作。You should to do your job well. 3. 我的房子是他的房子的三倍大。My house is big his.4. 全世界有很多种美味的食物。There are lots of delicious foods .5. 你知道王红最近为什么情绪低落吗?Do you know why Wang Hong is these days?6. 哥哥为我们树立了很好的榜样。Our brother to us. 7. 那位老人日复一日地做着同一件事。The old man does the same thing .8. 你真的不必立刻就把钱还给我。You really return my money right now.9. 王玲只考虑她的学业,别的都不关心。Wang Ling nothing but her studies. 10. 大家都知道美国人的饮食习惯和我们的不同。Everyone knows Americans eating habits ours. 连词成句,注意标点符号。1. for, late, be, school, dont !2. week, is, that, home, Linda, will, it, fly, next, said .3. I, this, long, storybook, how, can, keep ?4. recover, weeks, will, three, take, to, me, it .5. road, year, people, accidents, are, every, in, killed, many . 根据汉语意思及英语提示翻译下列句子。1. 我害怕面对现实。(afraid) 2. 妈妈允许我周末玩电脑游戏。(allow) 来源:www.shulihua.netwww.shulihua.net3. 记住一日三次饭后服药。(remember) 4. 她没有道别就坐飞机回上海了。(without) 5. 在公共场所吸烟是不礼貌的。(impolite) 6. 请保持你们的衣服干净整洁。(keep) 7. 李梅晚上敢一个人呆在家里吗?(dare) 8. 做事匆忙就会犯错误。(in a hurry) 9. 没有人能阻止我做那项工作。(prevent . from) 10. 他非常粗心以至于在考试中犯了很多错误。(so . that .) V. 单项选择( ) 1. Have a good time, Tom! A. OK, I will. B. Of course. C. Thank you. D. Youre welcome.( ) 2. Can I help you, Sir? A. Yes, you can. B. No, you cant. C. Yes, Id love some apples. D. Sure.( ) 3. I got first in the English exam. A. Congratulations!B. Thank you. C. Is that true? D. You, too.( ) 4. We will have a basketball match tomorrow. A. Well done! B. Good luck to you!C. Youre lucky!D. Bad luck!( ) 5. Happy Thanksgiving Day. A. Thank you. B. The same to you. C. Yes, I will. D. Youre welcome.( ) 6. Why not go to Xinjin Shopping Mall tonight? A. Sounds great. B. Thank you.C. It doesnt matter.D. Sorry to hear that. ( ) 7. Would you like me to show you how to turn on the radio? .A. No way B. Yes, you would C. Thats right D. Thats very kind of you( ) 8. Cici, would you mind closing the window? Its cold outside. A. Yes, Id like to.来源:www.shulihua.net B. No, I wouldnt.C. That sounds good. D. Sorry, Ill do it right now. ( ) 9. I think eating too much in the evening is bad for our health. Yes. .A. I hope so. B. I agree with you.C. Good idea. D. Im afraid not. ( )10. Please dont throw paper on the ground. I wont. A. Excuse me. B. Thats all right.C. Sorry. D. It doesnt matter.VI. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的句子补全下面的对话,其中有两项是多余的。A. Didnt you sleep well last night?B. I did my homework at home.C. Because he succeeded in the development of hybrid rice with other scientists.D. What does he like to do in his spare time?E. Whats the matter with you?来源:www.shulihua.netwww.shulihua.netF. Does he like listening to music?G. I saw a film about Yuan Longping. Linda: Hi, Li Mei. You look so tired. (1)Li Mei: Nothing serious. Maybe I need to sleep for several hours today. Linda: Sleep? (2)Li Mei: No, I didnt go to bed until two oclock this morning. Linda: My God! What did you do?Li Mei: (3) Linda: What does he do?Li Mei: Hes a famous scientist in China. He was honoured with the name of “Father of Hybrid Rice”. Linda: Why?Li Mei: (4) This made China a worldwide leader in rice production. Linda: Is he alive now?Li Mei: Yes, of course. Linda: (5)Li Mei: He loves playing the violin and l
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