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1. The early development of American literatureA. The early development of American literature is slow, as then America was at the period of development with low living standard. B. The first problem immigrants had to solve was food. It was really hard for them to care for the spiritual enjoyment.C. In 1704, first newspaper got published in America. In 1731, first library was established. In 1752, first professional troupe (剧团 )was set up. What was put on the stage were English plays. It was not until 1767 that the first play by American writer was put on the stage. It was after the war of Independence that novels appeared.2. Main literary writers and writings of this periodA.The writings of this period were diaries, travel notes and works of religion. B. Though they couldt be regarded as the birth of American literature, to some extent, they reflected the living situation and social customs of the early colonized place, which had played an important role in the cultural life of American people, thus influenced the following American literature.3. Literature of Reason and RevolutionWriters of the periodBenjamin Franklin: The Autobiography; Poor Richards Almanac(历书,年鉴)Thomas Paine: Common Sense;Thomas Jefferson: The Declaration of Independence Thomas Paine(1737-1809) and Common Sense1. Published anonymously by Thomas Paine in January of 1776, Common Sense was an instant best-seller, both in the colonies and in Europe. It went through several editions in Philadelphia, and was republished in all parts of United America. Because of it, Paine became internationally famous.2. Paines political pamphlet brought the rising revolutionary sentiment into sharp focus by placing blame for the suffering of the colonies directly on the reigning British monarch, George III.3. First and foremost, Common Sense advocated an immediate declaration of independence, postulating a special moral obligation of America to the rest of the world. 4. Not long after publication, the spirit of Paines argument found resonance in the American Declaration of Independence.1. What were Benjamin Franklins achievements?2. How could he be so successful?野金银花菲利普弗瑞诺美丽的金银花, 造化令你素裹银妆,你粲然绽放于幽静一角。 你得以远离庸人的目光。芳菲满枝,无人垂顾, 她赐予你一片绿阴葱葱,迎风起舞,无人注目。 她带给你一泓流水淙淙。 游子从不践踏你的玉体, 恬静的夏日倏然流淌,过客从不催落你的泪滴。 你终于红衰翠减,玉陨香消.妩媚动人,你却无法盛颜久长, 朝霞暮露,落红满地,你令我黯然神伤。 孕育了你娇小的身躯。纵然在伊甸乐园,人间天堂, 你从尘土来,又归尘土去,也难免一日凋零,满目凄凉。 来时一无所有,去时化作尘土,萧瑟秋风,凄白秋霜, 可叹生命苦短,你终于消失得无影无踪。 你终究红消香断。Analysis of the poemv It is a deistic celebration of nature, romantic use of simple nature imagery, inspired by themes of death and transience. Much of the beauty of the poem lies in the sounds of the words and the effects created through changes in rhythm.v Flower vs Human Being, Duration vs Lifev Show us how to live an useful life.v In a revolution, one should not do nothing for his country for fear of being hurt, harmed and destroyed. 1. What is Puritanism?1). A religious and political movement. Through it, one sees emerging the right of the individual to political and religious independence.2). Their religious doctrines: original sin, total depravity, predestination, limited atonement.3). Their attitudes toward entertainment: joy and laughter are symptoms of sin.4). Their attitudes toward work: work itself is a good in addition to what it achieves, that time saved by efficiency or good fortune should be spent in doing further work.2. What is Puritanisms influence on American literature?1). Purpose: pragmatic2). Contents: practical matter-of-fact accounts of life in the new world; highly theoretical discussions of religious questions.3). Form: diary, autobiography, sermon, letter4). Style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical decoration, adoption of homely imagery, simplicity of diction.Historical Introduction of Reason and Revolution Periodv 1. Industrial Revolution: spurred the economy in American colonies.v 2. Independence War: the industrial growth led to intense strain with Britain. v The British government tried to suppress their growth economically, and ruled them from abroad politically and levied heavy tax on them. v These aroused bitter resentment in colonies. Constant conflicts resulted in American revolutionary warv 3. Spiritual life of the coloniesEnlightenment.v 4. Philosophical and intellectual movement.v 5. Advocated reason or rationality, the scientific method, equality and human beingsability to perfect themselves and their society.v 6. Agreed on faith in human rationality and existence of discoverable and universally valid principles governing human beings, nature and society. v 7. Opposed intolerance, res
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