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内墙抹石灰砂浆施工工艺(901-1996)In the process of construction of wall with lime mortar (901-1996).Txt22 genuine wine, the longer the year more mellow thick type; sincere is the fireworks, it is beautiful bloom only in height; sincerity is the flowers, the fragrance delivery on hand. A lonely heart needs love; a cold heart need the warmth of friendship; support and comfort need to force a desperate heart; a pale heart sincere help; a full alert closed door is need sincere this key to open it! Internal wall lime mortar construction process (901-1996).Txt the most precious thing in the world is not always lost or gained, but what you have gained and may lose at any time! Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last. This technology is applicable to industrial and civil building walls with lime mortar (including with cement board or dado and sill). 2.1 main materials and machines:2.1.1 lime paste: the application of massive lime leaching system, must be filtered by the hole is not more than 3mm * 3mm sieve, and stored in the sedimentation tank. Curing time is generally not less than 15d at room temperature, and should not be less than 30d when used for covering dust. When used, lime paste shall not contain immature particles and other impurities.2.1.2 grinding lime powder: its fineness should pass through 4900 hole /cm2 sieve, use before soaking with water to make it mature fully, and its aging time should be more than 3D.2.1.3 cement: 325 mesh slag cement and ordinary Portland cement. The factory certificate or retest shall be used for more than three months, and shall be used as the result of the test.2.1.4 sand: medium sand, with an average size of 0.35 0.5mm, should be used before the 5mm aperture sieve. And must not contain impurities.2.1.5 paper: before use water soaked, mash, and shall be clean; cover paper reinforcement should use machine grinding grinding. Straw. Wheat straw should be firm and dry, with no impurities, and its length should not be greater than 30mm. Straw and wheat straw should be soaked in lime pulp.2.1.6: soft, dry hair, on the loose, free of impurities, the length of 10 30mm, 4 5D before use with lime paste adjusted (also available synthetic fiber).2.1.7 main equipment: mortar mixer, grey paper reinforcement mixer, spade, sieve (5mm in diameter), narrow groove, barrels, trolleys, ash, the ash bar, 1.5m 2.5m, 2m Du by foot board, wire, steel tape, feet, mortar board, iron trowel, wood trowel, plastic socks, eight by foot, 5 7mm thick square on foot, yin and Yang, a trowel trowel, iron level, long hair brush, brush, wire brush, broom, rubber hose, watering can, small bucket, pink bag, small white, (drill tip, flat head), hammer, pliers, nails, supporting board, tool bag etc.2.2 operating conditions:The 2.2.1 must be checked and accepted by the relevant departments for structural engineering, and the plastering works can be carried out before the quality is qualified.2.2.2 before plastering, check whether the installation of door and window frame is correct, and whether the wall is firmly connected. The gap between the joint with 1: 3: 1: 1 cement mortar or cement mortar mixed with 6 layered impaction compacting, if the gap is large, should be in the mortar mixed with a small amount of hair,To make it compact; wooden doors should be protected with iron sheets.2.2.3, Liang Dian, lintel ring beam and column surface convex part of concrete flat tick. The honeycomb, surface voids, reinforcement should be carved into practice, brush a cement paste (in water weighs 10% 107, followed by 1 glue): 3 cement mortar filling layer; foot hand eye should be tightly blocked, exposed steel head, the wire should be removed first, the window should be filled in the brick partition wall and floor; Liang Di, at the junction of application of inclined brick yan.2.2.4 pipeline through the hole in the wall, the floor should be promptly placed hole casing, and with 1: 3 cement mortar or concrete filling compacting; wire pipe, fire hydrant box, distribution by installation, and will open some nail behind wire mesh; wiring box paper tightly blocked.2.2.5 closet door frame and wooden fittings installed; curtain hooks, ventilation grate. The cabinet and other embedded iron position and elevation accuracy, and good anti-corrosive and anti rust paint brush.2.2.6 the dust, dirt and grease on the base of the brick wall should be cleaned and watered.2.2.7 in accordance with the indoor height and plastering site specific circumstances, in advance ready for plastering high stool or scaffold, shelf should leave the wall and corner 200 250mm, in order to facilitate operation.2.2.8 large indoor area should be built before the construction program, the first model room, after the identification of a large area of construction.2.2.9 roof waterproof
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