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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上外研版七年级下册M8练习Vocabulary1. We need to protect the f_ (森林).2. We will have a meeting to d_ (决定) what to do.3. You must find the r_ (合适的) man for the job.4. We ate a b_ (篮子) of peaches.5. Nobody seemed to n_ (注意到) anything wrong.6. A flock of(一群) birds flew t_ (朝) us slowly from far away.7. Hep_ u_(拿起)the letter and read it.8. Please k_(敲) atthe door before you come in.9. Visitors can e_ (进入) through aside entrance(侧门).10. F_ (喝完) up your drinks now, please.11. They were both fast a_ (睡着的) in theircots(婴儿床).12. Dont p_(指着)your finger at me. Its rude!13. You dont have to s_ (大声喊) at me.14. We spent p_(部分)of the time in the museum.15. He put his arm a_(环绕着)her.(sleep/ asleep/sleepy辨析)16. He felt very _ and went to _ early.(sleep)17. He was too tired and fell _ (asleep/sleepy) at once.18. How was Jack last night?-He was so _ that he fell _ quickly.A. sleepy; sleepB. sleep; asleepC. sleepy; asleep D. asleep; sleep(pick / pick up)19. 他停下车来接这个男孩。He stopped the car to _ _ the boy.20. Your clothes are on the floor. Please _. A. pick them B. picking them up C. pick up them D. pick them up21. We must not leave rubbish and _ in the park.A. pick up the flowersB. pick the flowers up C. pick the flowersD. pick flower(point at/ point to/ point out)22. 现在老师正指着那张地图。The teacher _ _ _ the map now.23. Brain指向门,我看到那里有个女孩正在朝我微笑。Brain _ _ the door and I saw a girl smiling at me there.24. 老师刚才指出了我作业里的许多错误。The teacher _ _ many mistakes in my homework just now.25If you are not satisfied with anything, please _.A. point at it B. point out it C. point it out D. point to it (decide to do sth /decide on sth或 doing sth/ make a decision)26. They are going to make a _(decide) soon.27.Finally, she decided _ studying in Xijin Middle School.A. to B. on C. for D. of28. Xiao Fang, we decided _ a picnic this weekend. Will you join us?-Im afraid not. I have a lot of homework _.A. to have; to do B. to have; doing C. having; to do D. having; doingGrammara. 一般过去时 结构:do 肯定句1. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子。(1)A thief _ (come) to my home and _(take) away my computer the day before yesterday.(2) It _ (be) sunny and hot yesterday. We _ (go) to the park and _ (fly) kites.2. 按要求改句子(1) 我昨天待在家,为数学考试而学习。I _ at home and _ for a math test yesterday.(2) -昨天下午你和谁一起玩的? -我和朋友一起玩的。-Whom _ you play with yesterday afternoon?-I _ with my friend.3. When I was young, my mother often _ me some interesting stories.A. spoke B. speaks C. told D. tells4. Jason _ to work after he graduated from middle school.A. goes B. went C. will go D. had gone5. He turned off the light and then_.A. leaves B. has left C. will leave D. left6. Annsnew car_her 20million dollars,didntit?A.had cost B. costs C. cost D. has cost7. -How was your weekend on the farm?-Great! We_with the farmers.A. enjoy ourselves B. went fishing C. will work D. make friends b.一般过去时 结构:do 否定句1. We _ any classes yesterday. (didnt have/ have not)2. Jack read a book with his friend yesterday.(改为否定句)Jack _ _ a book with his friend yesterday.3. Mary _ her homework just now.A.doesnt do B.didnt do C.wasnt D.did not4. Oh,itsyou.ImsorryI_knowyou_here.A.dont;areB.didnt;areC.dont;wereD.didnt;were 5. -Your phone number again? I_quite catch it.-Its 695-6844.A. didnt B.wasnt C.dont D. cant c.一般过去时 结构:do 一般疑问句1. _ your family go to the beach last weekend?A.Does B.Did C.Do D.Were2. Mary went to London for a study trip last summer.(改为一般疑问句)_ Mary _ to London for a study trip last summer?3. He found some meat in the fridge.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ _meat in the fridge?4. 这些游客前天参观我们学校了吗?_ the visitors _ our school the day before yesterday?Cloze practiceIf you want to travel to a new _1_, what will you _2_ about first? The answer may be how to find the way.In big _3_, many people go from one place to another by bus, taxi or underground. The bus is a _4_ way of traveling. If you want to take a bus, you _5_ know which bus to take. You should _6_ thetimetable(时刻表)carefullyso that you can take the right bus and get to your placeon time(准时). And its important for you to know _7_ to get off.In thecountryside(农村), _8_ can be much easier. In some places with small _9_, people get to shops or their working places by bike.
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