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Unt11monghe FrigersEercises 1. Answer t questons on the tex: 1) hy did t toray that Quebc City woud e known as“l cptale mondale du gaz lariogen” (“tear gas cit ohe world” ) ater his vsit o theCit?2) Wh did he uthor ocus onhse wthwerha endyprings s his intrviwees?3) Whydd t uhocmpre pole onthe tetof Quebc to utty aaneesolier oated on a Pacific island?4) he auto aruestha h mpact o inernaonal insttutsoglobalisation has bee decidedly mdest To what extent d yo think itertioalinstituio hav nimacton globlti?5) W isth policy odivson andappasemet nooger wkabe n hatarehefactrs nwhih uces of uc apoliy deends?6) Why osuppores of trde opoe unerl libralizationnhow des teautho refute theiargments?7) Ws wong wt the disut sttlement rocintheWTOacording to the article nd o you think t authos gment holdswter?8) Plse elaborae on “Maretcpttion is a dsoveryros”9) Whatoes the authoiply bsyg “Free rde mustbe sold,not merely as a measto open foreign aret, utas the best pliy forEurope regardls ofwat her untis do”?10) What ae heessns Eopecan d frm e Qube Tradummitaccoding te uthor?(答案跟第一版相似)2. Fill eachblankof he following sentnes with ne o the prases in he istgiven below: 1) Te prram oersnoing significant theway ofinancial compensation. 2) Thoil fels trtch aoss 32,00 squarekilmterfom the rvrsiet th footof he mountain. 3) He aile to liup to he higexpectationsof manyareoldrsand fegninetorsalik. 4) h frties tovidbeing ignore the playgroud, d i chief strateg, isto clinenaiously t its pecil reaionsip with hna. 5) heho try to sea hemeveof fromte digi wrldwll cmep withinnumr iconveniences ifuture. 6) Their strate sto shiftfrom ideologca ofratont tactil cperati.7) hekey to holding onto a compayselees i wor athaenges a perso intellec, whchconsdere to be oeof th “hygie tors” i human-resoce.pance8) He llely oobribes of $2 mlion in cane forakingoans. 9) a teav dne s likel py ito thad of thei percived reial riva.10) Asateam, h two prie gan round andecm ea ueae. 11) hesee to e nooth options,but uof the firm to enuecorporte pofits. 12) Is a etof kills that h bom impotanfr te modr aager amanies re subject to ciy fomshreoldes nd he ic subct3. Mach the trs in comn A wit th exlanaonsin colmn B:A B 1) fring group a) A systm of econmic dctriesadocig hagovernmets sold glat inernatol trd in rerto gan coitive advanas andbilvorablbalace trade. 32)conoc freedom ) y acivity by agverment, grou or invidual to aintaior restore te evironment or the beneit of al lves in the lobeicldinhumn 53) mercantliassumtins c) A social grup hod mrnalor extrem views, eleing he crren socty is ufir adm e hanged thoughextreme mea inlingvene. 14)disput setlemetprocess d)A govenmenpolicy oencourageport o god through locost oans, ta relief foxportes,govnennced inernationlavtiing etc.7) enionmental ttion e) A naonal conomi tatgy obuild upa domstic economy by emphsizinte replacement fmport by oestcally ruced oods. 11) marke copetiton )he rigt oidivdals n orgaizains o pursethei own nterehrogh ecnoiactivitesudr te u ofaw wthot intervetinro gvermentor comc authity. 27) prt sy g)Inetme y citzens, firs ofgovernmentoa ount n idusrie oother one. 128)marke yste h)Proeures rqired to investigatea ispe n internationl rad , to mediateweente two parties onrned,an odecide the outce o thdsputecae.4)antiglobaizai i) Cntets in the arke betenbusiessfirms strivng fr reae shar aar or forwinnin smgoup of cutomers. 6) ati-dumping duy )Aystati procs nwhihthre aremarket playes, ly supplers ad consurs, ieratan mke deals. 81) mportsstution k) ditial ff lid onmorted good when they re so te ioting counr a prie les thfair alue nd
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