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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上肃Unit1 单元检测题莈一、单项选择(15分)袅( )1._do you tell your mother about your English result?肅By using my mobile phone.膃A.What B.How C.Why D.Where蝿( )2.How _ do you go to movies?Once a month.A.B. 薇often B.long C.far D.old袄( ) 3.What are we going _?What about _ some orange juice?节 A.drinking;get B.drink;getting C.to drink;getting D.drink;get膀( )4.He talked too fast and I _ understand every word.羅 A.shouldnt B.cant C.little D.a little薃( )5.I think reading English aloud helps _.莂 A.a few B.few C.couldnt D.havent莇( )6.Jim has fun _ Chinese during in China.螇A.learn B.to learn C.learning D.learns莂( )7._ the help of the teacher,he became a good student.蒂 A.Under B.On C.With D.In螈( )8.Youd better not always look up the new words _ the dictionary while reading.Sometimes we need to guess.膅 A.in B.on C.at D.from莅( )9.Its important _ the piano well.蒂 A.of him to play B.for him to play C.of him playing D.for him playing腿( )10.Did you have any problems in London?袆 Yes,_ Chinese food like rice,noodles and dumplings.膄 A.find B.found C.finding D.to find薂( )11.Youd better _ her number in the phone book.蕿 A.look into B.look for C.look up D.look on莄( )12.You are weak in English.I think youd better _ ABC.羂 A.end up with B.go on with C.begin with D.get with蚂( )13.Have you decided _ on the coming vacation?蚆 Not yet. Maybe somewhere cool.You know I dont like the heat.肆 A.where to go B.how to do C.when to go D.what to do蚁( )14.Do you _ hold such parties?螂 Yes,every Saturday.肇 A.always B.usually C.often D.hardly蒄( )15.Ms Liu is a teacher we like to _,because she can always give us advice.螄 A.find out B.look for C.talk about D.talk with袂二、完型填空(10分)蒈Dick was a clever boy,but his parents were very poor because 16 of them were out of 17 .So he had to make money in his holidays. 18 this way he was able to go on studying and he wanted to get to the university,but it was so expensive to study there 19 he had to get two jobs.芆One summer he was lucky to get two jobs:one in a butchers shop(肉铺)during the daytime, 20 in a hospital at night.In the shop,he learn to cut meat up quite nicely.In the hospital,he did only simple jobs,like helping to lift people and to carry them from one part of the hospital to another.He must 21 white clothes in these two places.蒃One evening in the hospital,Dick helped to carry a woman from her bed to the operating table.because the woman had to have an operation.The woman was 22 of the operation before Dick came to get her.But as soon as she saw him,she got even 23 frightened.She had seen Dick 24 meat in the butchers before.羁“No!No!”she cried.“I wont 25 by a butcher.”衿( )16.A.both B.neither C.each D.either蚄( )17A.job B.work C.school D.office节三、阅读理解(30分)肁(A)芀Neighborhood Yentas are well-known women.They spend most of their time watching people around them.The Yentas have this title for this.“Yenta”is a Yiddish word.It means a trouble maker or a talkative person.Nobody in the street is safe from their eyes or tongue.莆Yentas certainly are not bad people.They pass on messages and advice.They give up-to-the-minute weather reports.They know who is doing what.They see,hear,and know all and usually repeat it.They have called themselves reporters.芅Some of the Yentas neighbors think them so interested in others things that they forget their own. Sometimes,however,a child has to be found,or a robbery has to be reported.Then what Yentas do is helpful.Every neighborhood appreciates its Yentas very much.It doesnt matter what their color,belief or accent is.肁( )26.From the passage we know that a Yenta _.莇 A.is famous for watching people walking B.likes talking about others膈 C.can be either a man or a woman D.is not a help at all肄( )27.If you live near a Yenta,you _.膁 A.will not be safe B.cant stop yourself from being watched螈 C.will be stopped when you pass by D.have to pay for their help薅( )28.When you are in trouble,Yentas _.袃 A.will make a joke on you B.will watch you all the time芁 C.can sometimes give you a hand D.will report that to the police膈( )29.The word “up-to-the-minute” means _.芇 A.oldest B.best C.latest D.worst蚁(
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