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阅读七选五提升练(一)A(201711浙江)How to Remember What You ReadReading is important.But the next step is making sure that you remember what youve read!1 You may have just read the text,but the ideas,concepts and images(形象)may fly right out of your head.Here are a few tricks for remembering what you read.2If the plot,characters,or word usage is confusing for you,you likely wont be able to remember what you read.Its a bit like reading a foreign language.If you dont understand what youre reading,how would you remember it?But there are a few things you can do.Use a dictionary;look up the difficult words.Are you connected?Does a character remind you of a friend?Does the setting make you want to visit the place?Does the book inspire you,and make you want to read more?With some books,you may feel a connection right away.3How willing are you to make the connections happen?Read it;hear it;be it!Read the lines.Then,speak them out loud.And,put some character into the words.When he was writing his novels,Charles Dickens would act out the parts of the characters.Hed make faces in the mirror,and change his voice for each character.4How often do you read?If you read frequently,youll likely have an easier time with remembering what youre reading (and what youve read).5As you make reading a regular part of your life,youll make more connections,stay more focused and understand the text better.Youll learn to enjoy literatureas you remember what you read!A.Are you confused?B.Practice makes perfect.C.Whats your motivation?D.Memory is sometimes a tricky thing.E.Marking helps you remember what you read.F.But other books require a bit more work on your part.G.You can do the same thing when you are reading the text!导学号44994035B(原创) Sometimes kids and teens try drugs to fit in with a group of friends.Or they might be curious or just bored.Someone may use illegal drugs for many reasons,but often because they help the person escape from reality for a while.A drug might temporarily make someone who is sad or upset feel better or forget about problems.1Drugs dont solve problems,of course.And using drugs often causes other problems on top of the problems the person had in the first place.2 This means that the persons body becomes so used to having this drug that he or she cant function(正常运转) well without it.3 Stopping can cause withdrawal(戒毒) symptoms,such as throwing up,sweating,and shaking.These sick feelings continue until the persons body gets adjusted to being drug free again.If someone is using drugs,you might notice changes in how the person looks or acts.4 However,its important to remember that depression or another problem could be causing these changes.Somebody using drugs might:lose interest in schoolbecome moody,negative,bad-tempered,or worried all the timeask to be left alone a lotsleep a lot (maybe even in class)get in fights5 This could be a parent,other relative,teacher,coach,or school counselor.The person might need professional help to stop using drugs.A grown-up can help the person find the treatment needed to stop using drugs.Another way kids can help kids is by choosing not to try or use drugs.Its a good way for friends to stick together.A.Here are some of those signs.B.But this escape lasts only until the drug wears off.C.Once someone is addicted,its very hard to stop taking drugs.D.Taking drugs is not only bad to your health but also to your family.E.Somebody who uses drugs can become dependent on them,or addicted.F.If you make friends,please be careful to observe if she or he is addicted to drugs.G.If you think someone is using drugs,the best thing to do is to tell an adult that you trust.导学号44994036C(2017山东曲师附中期末)The teenage years can be a very confusing time filled with anxiety,especially in high school.Here are some powerful tips which can help you succeed in the years.Know yourself and pick a direction.You may be faced with too many choices in your life and its unwise to try everything.1Consider all the benefits that it brings into your life and then see how you can develop your passion into a possible career option.Get away from the friends that offer poisonous advice and negativity.There is no place for that kind of behaviour at any stage of your life.2This does wonders for self-confidence and overall positivity.Read as much as you can.3Stop spending hours in watching your favorite TV shows and instead use that time to invest in yourself by reading.Youll notice in a few days how you begin to see things in a different light.4I am 19 years old,so I understand just how much time can be wasted on technology,especially the Internet and cellphones.Once you spend less time doing things that add no value to your life and instead spend that time enriching yourself,your life begins to shape and turn into exactly what you want it to be.Make mistakes.Look at
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