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具体题型:听力(30%)1 听音看图, 连线。2 听句子,选出所听到的图片。(4选1)5小题3 听句子,找出所听到的单词。(易混淆单词)5小题4 根据所听内容,回答问题。(不可能直接得到答案,需要思考,推测)5小题笔试(70%)一、 选择题(15题) 情境,时态,比较,代词,存在,一般现在时,一般疑问句,现在进行时,动词惯用方法二、 AB栏搭配 (10)年龄、时态、问距离、将来时、购物、比较级、选择疑问句、反问,区别how many , how much 三、 排序 (13个话题中一个)四、选择短语,用适当形式填空。 6个空,0.5分/个。填适当的句子。 (2题难)时态,惯用法,根据时间五、 选择填空 (2选1) 。没有难度 副词/复数/惯用法/固定词组搭配/冠词六、 阅读(2篇)1)判断正误。(T/F)内容出自课文,少作变化。2)回答问题。(校园生活) 一个句子两种不同形式回答。 翻译句子。谈论生活实际,2-3句话。(课文C部分句型)七、任务型阅读:根据表格完成首字母填空。表格中没有的内容,在上下文中推测,进行填空。(10%)20个空。 为四会词汇。主要内容: 口语:13个话题语法:全部语法项目13个话题1 问候与道别 Hi / Hello/ How are you? Good morning / afternoon. /evening. Nice to meet you. How do you do? Goodbye! See you! See you later/ tomorrow/ next time/ next week.2 感谢与道歉 Thank you./ Thanks. Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. Youre welcome./ My pleasure. Thats all right. Thats OK. Not at all. Im sorry. Im sorry to hear that. Thats OK. / Thats all right. / Never mind./ It doesnt matter.3 请求与邀请 Would you like ? Yes, please. No, thank you. Would you like to? Yes, Id like to. Could you, please? Let me, please. Can I ? May I? Shall I?4 建议与劝告Lets.You should/ shouldnt.Time for/ to.Time for sb. to do sth. Why dont you ?can may could must 否定形式建议别人选择服饰Try this pair on. Try this one on, please.劝告与接受All right. OK. Yes.歉意Sorry. Im sorry.赞扬 Great! Sounds great! Sounds good! How nice! Wonderful!公共标志No smoking. NO parking.5 谈话人和物自我介绍:My name is. Im. I like. My favourite. is .同义转换Favourite like bestGo to by take to . Ride to.Want. Would like . 谈论物体颜色位置名称数量单复数规则与不规则 6 找人和找物 I cant find. Where is ? 刚才所处位置 It was. 不知道,Sorry I dont know. 不确定,Perhaps, Maybe, Im not sure.7 购物与服务Can I help you? What can I do for you? What would you like?What colour? What size(号码)?What about?Which one?How many?Here you are.Id like I need. Sounds great! No, thanks.Ill take it.8 兴趣爱好与能力I like. My hobby isWhat do you like? Whats your hobby?Do you like? Do you have any hobbies?Me, too.Like , loveI dont like.What can you do?Can you?9 时间与生日,时间与节日 Whens? Its in/ on What time ? At. Whats the time? What time is it? Its What date is it? Its. What day is it? Its.10 季节与天气Which season do you like best? I like best. Why? Because.My favorite season is. 在某一地区的天气特征, 形容天气的词汇,季节交换的词汇和句型, 阅读中,2-3句描述天气特征。天气状况描述掌握四季天气特征11 问路与指路Excuse me, can you tell me / show me the way to/ how to get to/ which is the way to?I want to go to.Is it far from here?Go along this street/ road. Turn left/right at the crossing. Its near. Its away. Take bus No.You can take bus No.12 电话交际Hello, this is speaking.Hello, can I speak to?Is that speaking?Whos that?Wait a minute. Hold on. Im sorry, hes not here now.13 校园生活 (5B, subject, favourite, )What subject do you like?My favourite is. Do you like?Do you do well in?Helpwith5B Unit6 指令性语言语法:1 名词 复数规则不可数专有名词大写表示所属关系:of / s 共有,各有a picture of me/ mine2 冠词定冠词:乐器, 太阳等独一无二不定冠词: 零冠词: 球类运动3 数词基数词1,2,3,5,9,12,20,30,40,50,序数词1,2,3,5, 9,12,20,数词与时间、生日等表示方法。4 代词指示代词人称代词物主代词 没有单一的语法概念,全部出自课本。5 动词常用动词惯用法:give to.talk to/ withask forhavego + v-ingtell sb. about sth.tell ab. To do sth.连系动词Be/ keep/become/ turn/get/look + 形容词动词的四种时态(全考),听力出现,选择不出现。三单构成现在进行时,过去式将来时, 计划打算,plan for6 介词动词后固定搭配时间状语,地点状语固定搭配7 形容词形容词最高级,比较级,构成及不规则变化, 用法:as as not as as than. 三者以上,最高级比较范围:of短语,8 副词动词后副词 (2选1中)high quiet loud quite9 句型四种:一般疑问句特殊疑问句选择疑问句陈述句祈使句Lets.Look!Listen! 进行时态语境题 Whas +地点? There is/ are.there be, have has 区分疑问句中表示并列and用or替代
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