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交际用语的考察是以对话的形式在选择填空题里进行的。从 持续五年每一年的道考题中,交际用语所占比例大概5 ,占总分 9-10 分。交际用语由于波及英,美国家的习惯体现和文化老式,而中国学生又受中国文化及汉语习惯体现的影响,两者之间的差别常使学生不知所措,甚至按中国文化及汉语习惯体现去做题,错误较多。再加上许多批准体现,但用意不同的习常用语,学生做错了题还不懂得。主线不也许改错!并且近两年()对交际用语的考试内容增多,考试范畴也在扩大。-的选择填空题即便不是刻意的考交际用语,大多数也是在交际过程中完毕的。现将五年的考点和初中三年常用的交际用语归纳如下:一、 当别人向你说:Sor fr. 回答“没关系”。以示接受道歉。下列体现可用于接受道歉。 1、Itdoest maer 2、 Never ind.3、 N matr. 、oprob. 、I d/cae . 、Thtsal rgt. 7、rgett1 ( ) :m srrfo what I av sadB:_. ev mnd.Thts ight. C Noa al. DAlrih.2 ( ) A:Imsry u . :_. Dontsasoy mB Im sorry ,to. C Youreweco.D No rblem. ( ) A:Im sy t taeou bike bymistae.B:_ A o matter. B You arewelcme ot a l D I wotb atr.4 ( ) A:Sry to touble yo,sr m lookng fr e s offie.B:Wel,_, but I thin its overhere A let e he a oo. B let me thi .Cm sy Dm nt sue.( )A:Im sorry o troublgou s muc.Youvginegeat hlhile InKnming()(不是真的说sory,而是说tks)B:_. No , did oting.B Its my plasurC ogeti . D Ntte6( ) A:Srry to trubl yu ,r. Im loin fo he ples Hspitl.( ) (不是真的说orry,而是祈求协助。):Well, _, utI thnkis oer tee .I m nosur l me tnkCmvery sory D ltme ha alook.( ) A: culdn ell yo o sry am . wnted b here erlir,buttafic was too hevy. ( )B:_. Gadtar tatBThatsigh Thanyo allth same D Neve mind8 ( ) A:Im orry fr what I ad (课改):_.A Withplaue BItsigt C s too bd DForgett 二、当别人向你说:a ou or.回答“ 不用谢”“ 别客气”。可用下列体现:Nt l 别客气 Thts arih 不用谢. Yuwecom. ts a/my plasure Tht my lasure.9 ( ) A:Takyu for givig me all hes stmp.B:_m ot sur. I l tps C ot at all Thankgoodns.10 ( ) :Thankyufreerthig yuveo or me duin mysty re ( ):_ Gv y bet ses t yourpart Aoue em.B en maer Yes dve to Bcal.11 ( ) :ankyofr hang I hda wondlmetoniht .()B:_. Nohin seriou B Its little hg . C ouare welco DDon tank me12( ) A:Thank y leding te dictoary:_ A ee o re. B Welcome tyou . C Its a pleasue. D I love 三当别人请你帮忙或提什么规定,一般要表白态度和情绪, 至少要表白态度。 1. Wihpleasue. 2. Ceral, (英) Il be glao.urel, (美)Ill e lad to. SreSuely/OK/ll rht/Of couse1 ()A:_ b kienouh oln r ike?B:_. ul you ;rely. B Col o ; I on.C Ma you;rtil. C yo; m afradcant14 ( ) A:Wi you peasegivem ahadith bo?B:_. A t peasur. With pleasu. CYore welcome. m busy.5( )A:ouou ve me tetime?B:_. ACrtal BSr,It Tuesdy CO , quer to ine D Tody s May 2nd16 ( ) A:oul Ise r ublla ? :_ A l rht B tsnhing C It A A ri Ioent in C ItnthngD Go away7 ( )A:Wllyou leae lp me it myat? B:_.AcusemB Veryni of o. CIm soy t herthat. DCertnly , I e gad to.18 ( ):Wilyu ples ok frmy pet ca whileImon olidayi Fanc? ( ) B:_A Wit les. B o ll. Yare welcm.D N, I cn.19 ( ) A:Ill riv a 10:a.torow. i yupleae eetet te arport? (非课改)B:_. A Yes, tha rght B N oule C eer mi D Wiheue .20 ( ) A:Wu y me a f apassonm aks oLil? ( 课改 ) B:_.A Ye, tats rt B Wih plesu C Itdoeter DNo troube四 当别人征求你的意见,提建议, 见解,观点或征求对方批准,批准表达为:1O llrght 3Gdea.4rea Thats rea. 5I agree. 6 Wh nt? u.21 ( ) A:Doyo iy mk e ?B:_A ,plae B N ,tanks . Ces ,plse otdo th. D o, don matte2 ( ) A:Ls is ur ld hadtachr oSunda,all w ?B:_. AThatigh l righ Tas all right . It righ23( ) A:Shalleof a a fter super?()B:_ ? AHow B How on CH ofe DWhy no
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