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Module 1 Feelings and impressionsUnit 1 It smells delicious. 那闻起来很香。重点短语1. taste good 尝起来不错2. on top 在顶上3. try a piece 尝一块4. smell fresh 闻起来很新鲜5. smell strong 闻起来味道很浓6. a bit 有点儿7. be done 完成了8. have a try 试一试9. feel soft 感觉很柔软10. in the middle 在中间11. have a sweet tooth 喜欢甜食12. be sure 确定重点句子1. What a delicious smell! 多香的味道啊!2. Your pizza looks so nice. 你的比萨饼看起来很好。3. Im afraid I dont like cheese. 恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。知识精讲1. feel (摸上去)感觉 Ice feels cold. 冰摸上去是冷的。拓展:feel 觉得I feel exactly like you. 我的感觉与你的完全一样。I felt hurt. 我感到受伤。She felt very proud of her son.她为她儿子感到非常骄傲。2. smell有 .的气味;闻,闻出,可以作系动词 The milk smells sour. 牛奶闻起来有酸味了。相关连接:系动词本身具有一定的词义,但不能单独作谓语,须与其后面的形容词、名词、介词短语等一起构成系表结构。系动词有人称、数和时态的变化。常见的系动词有:一“是”(be),一“保持”(keep),四个“变成”(become,get,turn, go),五个“起来”(taste, smell, look, sound, feel)3. try v.尝试;试图I dont think I can mend this watch, but Ill try.我觉得我修不好这块表,不过我会试一试。拓展:have/take a try试一试try on试穿try to do sth尽力做某事try doing sth试着做某事try ones best尽某人最大的努力4. fresh adj. 新鲜的 Lets go out to breathe fresh air.我们出去呼吸新鲜空气吧。5. a bit 和 a little的辨析(1) 相同之处:a bit 与a little都可作程度副词,表示“稍微,一点儿”的意思,修饰动词、形容词、形容词/副词比较级等,二者可以互换 Will you please turn down the radio a bit/a little? (修饰动词)请你把收音机的声音调低一点儿好吗? (2)不同之处: a little可以直接修饰不可数名词,而a bit修饰不可数名词时,要用a bit of. Tom has a little money. / Tom has a bit of money. 汤姆有一点儿钱。但是,当a little修饰的名词前有this,that 或名词所有格等限定词时,也要用a little of结构。 I want to drink a little of that drink. 我想喝点儿那个饮料。 (3)a bit和a little 与not连用时,意思大相径庭。 not a bit = not at all, 意为“一点儿也不”; not a little = very much, 意为“十分,相当,及其”He is not a bit tired. 他一点儿也不累。He is not a little tired. 他很累。【典型例题】1. Whats the matter, Linda? I have a toothache and I terrible. A.smell B.feel C.taste D.sound2. Something terrible. What goes bad in the kitchen? The meat. A.looks B.tastes C.smells D.feels3. The flowers so nice, and a lot of bees fly around them. A.feel B.smell C.taste D.look答案: B C B4. Black tea was invented in China as a way to keep tea (新鲜的) when it was transported long distances(被长途运输).答案:fresh单元练习基础巩固题一、 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词1. The dish s good. Lets taste it.2. This kind of cloth(布料) f very soft.3. The song s nice.4. Im a I cant finish the work.5. Hes a l boy. He is the winner.英汉互译1 试一试 2. 闻起来很美味 3. 有点儿酸 4. 草莓酱 5. 感觉起来是柔软的 6. look lovely 7. on top 8. my lucky day 9. an apple pie 10. taste good 三、 根据汉语提示完车句子1. 多么芬芳的气味呀! a !2. 你想尝一块吗? Do you a piece?3. 我的巧克力甜饼现在做好了。 My chocolate now.4. 它闻起来味很重,尝起来有点儿酸。 It too and it sour.5. 顶部是什么? Whats that ?6. 它尝起来很甜,是糖。 It tastes . Its .强化提高题一、 用所给词的适当形式填空1. The bed (feel) soft.2. That (sound) nice.3. Do you want (taste) the pie?4. We (cook) the dinner now.5. The fish (not smell) fresh.6. Tom looks (love). We all like him.7. Would you like (some) tea?8. There are many different (thing) in the supermarket.9. We should brush (tooth) every day.10. Everything (go) well.转题型:选词填空(感官动词的答案可能不唯一)love,cook,go, feel, smell,sound, some, tooth, thing, taste1. The bed soft.2. That nice.3. Do you want the pie?4. We the dinner now.5. The fish fresh.6. Tom looks .We all like him.7. Would you like tea?8. There are many different in the supermarket.9. We should brush every day.10. Everything well.二、 补全对话A: Bill, Ive been asked to(被邀请去) dinner tonight. What time should I arrive for that?B: Did they tell you when the dinner would 1 ?A: Yes, they said the dinner would begin at seven.B: Then 2 there before 7:00. But make sure you are not much earlier than the time.A: Why?B: Thats just what it is here. Maybe they are still 3 for the dinner.A: What should I 4 ?B: For the first time, you can take a small present. You dont want to show everyone 5 rich you are, do you?A: No, of 6 not. Thank you for your help.B: Thats all right. 7 yourself at the party.
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