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好用的英语话题作文300字汇总6篇在学习、工作、生活中,大家都常常接触到作文吧,写作文是培育人们的视察力、联想力、想象力、思索力和记忆力的重要手段。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是我帮大家整理的英语话题作文300字6篇,欢迎大家共享。英语话题作文300字 篇1Nowadays, there are more and more (某种现象) in (某种场合)。 It is estimated that (相关数据)。 Why have there been so many (某种现象)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows。 The first one is (缘由一)。 Besides, (缘由二)。 The third one is (缘由三)。 To sum up, the main cause of (某种现象) is due to (最主要缘由)。 It is high time that something were done upon it。 For one thing, (解决方法一)。 On the other hand, (解决方法二)。 All these measures will certainly reduce the number of (某种现象)。英语话题作文300字 篇2l have a best friend.her name is tina.we have many difference and similarities.she likes to do the same things as me.and she can make me laugh.but she is less more outgoing than me.she is very quiet.however,we both like reading.and do well in english.but she is smarter than me and l work harder than her.l think friends are like books-you dont need a lot of them as long as they are good.英语话题作文300字 篇3Dear teacher,How times flies! I have to say goodbye to you now. Thank you, my dear teacher.Youre one of the best teachers in our school. You teach us so well. You often help me with my studies. When Im in trouble, you always give good advice. With your help, Ive made much progress in my studies. Im lucky to be your student.Ill never forget you. No matter where Im going, well be together forever.Best wishesYours,Robert/Emma英语话题作文300字 篇4Diligence is the first key factor to success. Diligence helps us remove ignorance, overcome difficulties, and enlighten our minds. It makes a fool wise, and a poor man rich.Devotion is another factor to success. Whatever we do, we must love it and do it whole-heartedly. Only when we set our minds on the job, can we do it well.Furthermore, perseverance, or a strong will, is the last key to success. Without a strong will, we are likely to give up when we meet some difficulties.英语话题作文300字 篇5Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules. We cant have breakfast in the classroom. Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom. Then it becomes the class rules in my class. If anyone breaks this rule, he will be punished. So no one in my class dare to have breakfast in the classroom.我们学校有校规,我们班也有班级规定。我们不能在教室吃早饭。老师说假如我们在教室里吃饭,我们会弄脏书本的。然后,它成为类规则在我的类。假如有人违反了这项规定,他将受到惩处。所以我们班没人敢在教室里吃早饭。英语话题作文300字 篇6我最喜爱的运动是篮球。在电视上看起来很酷,因为我几乎没有什么篮球明星,所以我对篮球明星很着迷。篮球要求速度,高度和技能。我跑,跳,切换,并尝试打!我身体的全部部分都在这项运动中熬炼。我觉得我就像是在操场上的风,我的目标,这让我感觉很好!篮球运动须要快速反应和确定。当机会来临时,它可能会在下一秒消逝。我应当让一只眼睛凝视着老鹰,确定和快速地把它当作一只豹,并把它当作狼来奔跑。此外,篮球运动不仅仅是运动,它还须要团队合作。没有人能发挥自己。一个团队应当一起工作。所以我学会在这个嬉戏中与他人合作。我应当了解我的队友在做什么,他须要我为他做什么。在另一边,我应当学会展示我的队友,我须要什么。同时,我须要一个完整的嬉戏,了解如何是我们的团队的状况,以及如何是其他团队。它涉及更多的合作和战略。我打篮球大约5年了。我有很多好挚友在体育。为我的团队和我的学校赢得荣誉是我的傲慢。我还和我的挚友们一起享受全部的嬉戏。篮球将是我最好的挚友,在将来和我最好的记忆有关学校生活。本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页
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