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精品资料www.ks5u.com随堂演练及时体验 巩固提升单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1If the treatment is _ (success), she could be back at school next month.答案successful2The food was good but the _ (serve)was poor.答案service3This meeting is of great _ (important) to all of us.答案importance4Computer technology makes it _ (possibly) for many people to work from home.答案possible5Many of the nations of southeast Asia will one day be as _ (advance)as Japan or South Korea.答案advanced6The doctor said that the _ (patience) was comfortable after the operation.答案patient7Some people say that this new _ (discover) might change the whole society completely.答案discovery8The man said that he was merely a _ (passby) and that he didnt watch the accident.答案passerby9_ (fail) is the mother of success.答案Failure10People all went up to offer their _ (congratulate) on their winning the key match.答案congratulations
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