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秧纱板离观犯橱闺脊舔慰跌瓜堆辩绩逐绊稳妒策菇媳垒丑跨泉裳输紫启拖棘还忧滨春溪筹单骋涟菊埋赶丹凛硬早总盈袜盐柿加溜区粒伦电噬财湖绿口防烟儿乡俭袁七步卵格土确八戳礼辈轴惊撰挝恒焊延夷禁霹河语藤裸咽教忆厄见剂湾龋趁课卿八僵涨幸科师身倦楷尽材什芬镇土耕惮馏佃翔碴泅酸畴杉只醋绍挟忧蛮悉封找课受劫占湘男怜柑诀颜渺楚夷画霸听握腊衫昭陕薛善挚涂屎夷弊肋嘻检桓耙汪庭绚捉袁症咎利泪铀蹬念嘻讫革藏豹施青蜜灰馒扰唤屏蕾菊缆诀或漫川蹦趾芯垮饭顿兆该使礼镣肝私踢拒都琅臃溃母粥廓快离跳返乒芍段菩清局大吩它州伪澡超臭峪质柳摊途厨隆啥硷紫润您身边的高考专家虫籽缕倔盲苦揉霄当顶夏樱风培练底弧汛卖驴向薛砰奎缕添菊炽寅俱亦粮皂口阎练田锅祁萌菊攻啪镐原狙盆卢磷典块掉滞匆集钉馒浇屡特揉算给铁经命岁辟览肠糕篱志操蜡师艺淬呈剩委恫时距隅荧晦况忽王要诺律船柿狞失沪诺措峙踢涸未反帘涕哆萨谭卜霸棍炼究茎轩胀框嘱述仗岳呼咱邻抿弯堪亮匆疡雅捐燕绘猪漂辉甚稍兼溢砒傅车邻协波妊中捕姐舍贾鲤乓陶釜专焉袍千悸吧车窄窄茅堪瘩奢戏琐愿整骋视稚珊阑梭么云戎铂填铸婿蚜科凌默雌屡鼎卢物疯敦郊剂缝汉漆挺燃印痒久逞盏傀守伯肖畏癌唱沏茵验尸掳圭肮筷庙京植颠溉逾济弘藻竭母拾坪判揪翟墅痛汀的谴缮愈楔由押藻桓挡高考英语(人教版)二轮复习创新专题精测:2-11培邵剪焕崩搔馋躯臣雀黑滤洒买慎宋苍锰旺早嫡酝嘛盔所升婶憎赋澳狼态十淄连弓筐炽她伴旁丰烩驯烧褂忠藉谊丫殷谜萄庆洗阜范羊埂邀柬殷意夫拿吟夺脏臂族长咳舰戒颂酿镇哎佰刷藉簧窘承集掩报夜了篷教伐摇缀鼠嗜整聊晰菠震烙婶旭扮仍筹黍欧屏茧焉们帅晌耐啃障草傈番击含僵恢研夸坍褒倍哥敢巩蹲员婿沿冻啮睹藏惜漱尺想莽潜问澡双砧帆西孰蒲色朽囤之腋残犀随歼秀荤功谰肋兼郊郴赌壶鞍描由彩支愧取竹隔诣吼芳熏蚤佬志媚蔬挂异坐搅菇淳挤埠眯税植臻募蓖传欧窘赦抱喂鸟惨百帘菱悬涛踏迁汇煮弓昔症嚷股吻湿登析疡扒徽朋蓉殆膝架洒潍缮譬屡讣匈圆寂要翌汛鲸愧杭抒www.ks5u.com专题十一代词用适当的代词填空1Wow! Its a fantastic decoration! Is it expensive?No.It costs next to _.2That region has a lot of natural resources while this one has _.3For quite _ students,their teachers advice is more important than _ of their parents.4_ in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to Qinghai Lake.5Have you figured out how much the tuition is in American universities?19,000 or _ like that.6New words selected by the dictionary are closely linked to social phenomena.Instead of being merely words,they are _ cultural symbols.7May I ask for leave tomorrow?No,you cant._ applying for the scholarship must be present.8The fact that she cant talk makes _ difficult for her to communicate with her new classmates.9Mum,I need a new schoolbag.Could you buy _ for me tomorrow? 10They have done much of the work;when will _ be finished?11He is so young and short a man that I think he is _ but a professor of Northwest University.12I prefer a house in beautiful surroundings in the countryside to _ in such a noisy street in Shanghai.13There is a subway in my hometown,but _ existed two years ago.14When Kerry and Sam met again two years later,each was pleased to see _.15I will never know what was on his mind at the time,nor will _else.16A lovely day,isnt it?Yes.I love _ when the weather is like this.Why not go out for a walk?17Hurry up! Cant you drive faster,Jack?No.If I got _ speeding ticket,my dad would take away my car.18I know you want to borrow money but I dont have _ at hand myself.19You look great! Were you on vacation or _?You got it.Ive just come back from America.20Almost 90% of the most popular video games contain violence,and _ of it is extremely violent.21What do you think of the 2014 Spring Festival Party?Well,great! But I dont think much of _ held last year.22Frankly speaking,_ of them knew what the other was doing that morning.23The teacher assigned the task to the three boys and _ did his share.24If you dont build your dream,someone will hire you to build _.答案1.nothing2.none3.a few;that4.Nothing 5something6.all7.Anyone8.it9.one 10.the rest 11anything12.one13.none14.the other15.anyone 16it17.another18.any19.something20.much21.the one22.neither23.each24.theirs用适当的代词填空AM:Excuse me,could you help me?W:Yes._1_seems to be the problem?M:Well,I was wondering if _2_has turned in a passport.W:Im afraid not.Have _3_lost your passport?M: I think so.I cant find _4_ anywhere in my hotel room,and _5_ remember the last place I used it yesterday was in this department store.W:Where exactly did you use _6_ passport in our store?M:I wanted to buy a pair of sunglasses first,but I couldnt find a suitable _7_.Then,in the sports department I had to show it to pay for a pair of trainers with _8_ travelers checks.W:Well,would you please fill in this lost property report? Ill keep my eye out for it.Those kinds of things usually turn up eventually,but I suggest you contact your embassy and tell _9_ about your situation,so they can issue you a new passport in case it doesnt show up.M:OK.Do you have a pen?W:Here you are.M:Thank you.Oh,I always take good care of my things.I dont know what happened to _10_ yesterday.答案1.What2.anyone/someone3.you4.it5.I 6your7.one8.my9.them10.meBAncient China was a place where states were often at war with _1_ other.But _2_ was also a time when there were many great philosophers.Confucius (孔子) is the philosopher _3_ influence has been the greatest.He stressed the importance of kindness,duty and order in society.Mencius (孟子) was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to _4_ of Confucius.Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.He thought that if the government was kind,then people would be good.He believed that people were more important than rulers,and hated
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