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Unit 1. I like dogs (Period 1)教学内容: Story time教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:animals, cat, cute, dog, panda, fat2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语与句型Do you like?并回答Yes, I do./No, I dont.3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词4. 能正确地理解并朗读对话,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。5. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语询问和谈论喜好。教学重点和难点:1.句型Do you like?回答Yes, I do./No, I dont.的正确使用。2.词汇:animal,cute,panda,fat的读音。3.能正确地理解并朗读对话,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。4.能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语询问和谈论喜好。教学过程:Step 1 GreetingsT: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Today well learn sth. about animals. (板书,带读animals, 出中文)First, lets play a game about it. How many animals can you name? (看谁说的又快又好,小组比赛。一组一次机会,按顺序回答。)S1: pig S2: cow S3: duck T: (PPT出示图片)Very good!Duck is an animal. Cow is an animal, too. They are all animals. (带读an animal)Step 2 PresentationT:I like animals. Do you like animals?S: (T引导) Yes, I do. (T板书: I like Do you like? Yes, I do.带读)T:Which animals do I like? Guess?(先乱猜。PPT出现狗的剪影)Oh, I like dogs. Theyre lovely, cute and fat. Right? (T板书和带读Theyre cute and fat) (PPT出示dogs的可爱图片,最好是三张有代表的。lovely, cute和fat)T: Do you like dogs?(问全班)(PPT一屏出现很多种类的狗)T: Please answer my question with your arms. If yes, do like this. If no, do like this. (引导学生:让学生出手势圆圈表示Yes, 交叉表示No.)S: Yes, I do. /No, I dont.( (T引导,忠实自己的想法,不喜欢可以说不喜欢哦!)(T板书:No, I dont.)T: (一个一个的指)Look at this dog. Do you like this dog? (吉娃娃) (板书this/that dog,让学生知道like后可以加名词复数和单数)T:(从Yes的人群中选一个人来回答。从No的人群中选一个人来回答。)Why?S: (T引导)Yes, I do. Its lovely, cute and fat./ No, I dont. Its too small(在图片中选择一只狗,或者一群有相同特征的狗。引导学生在说理由的时候分辨: Its/Theyre)T:Do you like these dogs?(牧羊犬,牛头梗) Do you like this dog? (PPT出示疯狗咬人图片) S:(T引导) No, I dont. (T板书,带读) (学生在说的过程中纠错:like 加名词复数)T: Boys and girls, Thats all for dogs. What else do you like? How about the other animals? (T用相同的方法教学 cat, panda, 重点教单词。让学生开火车问答:Do you like?对句型的问题少一点。) 如果有学生说了别的动物,也可以复习下Do you like?的句型。但不要教新单词了。Step 3 Practice:T: Boys and girls, Mr. Green brought some toy animals too. Look at these toy animals. What can you say?(出示第一幅图中的动物,或者把字幕去掉)S:Wow. How nice! /Theyre cute and fat./ The cat is fat! /I like cats! /I like this cat!(T带读第一幅图和学生拓展出来的答句。)1. Watch and judgea. Yang Ling dont like cats. (F) b. Mike likes dogs. (F)c. Pandas are cute and fat. (T)3. Read and say默读课文回答What animals do they like?NameAnimalsLiu TaoYang LingSu HaiMike核对答案:NameAnimalsLiu TaoDogsYang LingCatsSu HaiDogsMikePandas1. Read after the tape2. Read after the teacher Happy reading选择自己喜欢的方式读一读,请一两组反馈3. Acting time(选一、二组)4. T: Can you say sth. about this dialogue?(可以看书并小组讨论哦)Look at these toy_. Yang Ling likes _.Liu Tao thinks(认为)cats are_. Liu Tao and Su Hai like _. But _ likes panda. He thinks theyre_ and _.Step 4 Consolidations:T: Boys and girls, Lets do a survey in your groups. 5 minutes for you to prepare. You may use the sentences below: Which animal do you like?Do you like? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Why? TheyreNameAnimalsReason(原因)Its show time. OK. Which group is ready?(选一组的调查表给全班看,让别组的成员复述)likes dogs. theyre cute. likesand Theyre二次备课作业布置:1. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue fluently.2. Preview the words of P6-7.3. Draw an animal you like on the paper.(为第8页做准备)板书设计: Unit 1 I like dogs I like Theyre cute/ fat. this/ that dog? Do you like dogs? Yes, I do. No, I dont.教后反思:Unit 1. I like dogs (Period 2)教学内容: Story time中的words,Fun time,Rhyme time教学目标:1. 能听懂,会读,会说单词elephant, horse, lion, monkey, tiger, mat及其复数。2. 能听懂,会读,会说句型 I like. Do you like?并回答Yes, I do./No, I dont.3. 能熟练诵读小诗 Little Monkey教学重点:1. 能听懂,会读,会说单词elephant, horse, lion, monkey, tiger, mat2. 能听懂,会读,会说句型 I like Do you like?并根据实际情况回答Yes, I do./No, I dont.教学难点:1. 能听懂,会读,会说句型 I like并知道后面一般加名词复数,特指某个事物时可用单数。2. 能听懂,会读,会说句型Do you like?并根据实际情况回答Yes, I do./No, I dont.教学过程:Step1:Greetings and reviewT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: Can you recite the story? Lets try.出示课文图片,遮住文字,复习课文。Step2:Presentation1.T:Boys and girls, You draw the animal you like yesterday. Right? Now, lets play a game. 猜猜老师说的是哪种动物,如果正是你画的,就请你迅速站起来。OK?T: Its big and brown. It likes bananas. It likes jumping in the tree.(出图片引导)Ss: (拿着monkey图片的同学起立) Its a monkey.T: Yes. (Teach“monkey, in the tree”)T: Can you say sth. about the monkey? Like this:在介绍图片时,用P8上面的句型,板书在黑板上(This is a I like Do you like?) (T注意纠错。 like后加名词复数形式。)Ss answer the questions.2. T: Its black and white. Its cute and fat.Ss: (拿着panda图片的同学起立) Its a panda. I like pandas. Do you like pandas?Ss answer the questions.3. T: It likes barking. It can run with me. (出图片引导)Ss: (拿着dog
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