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Unit 2 产品介绍 38.This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and handy to carry around ,especially useful during traveling and traffic jams. 39.The maximum speed of this kind of variable speed bicycle is 30 K/H . 40.Thhesee maachiiness haave feww brreakkdowwns andd eaasy to maiintaain beccausse oof ttheiir ssimpple mecchannicaal sstruuctuure. 41.Coompaaredd wiith othher braandss, tthiss kiind of tyrre ccostt leess perr miile andd weear mucch llongger duee too itts ttopnnotcch rrubbber. 42.Thhis kinnd oof ttyree iss chharaacteerissticc off noonskkid stoop oon wwet roaad. 43.Thhis matteriial hass a durrablle aand eassy-tto-ccleaan ssurffacee. 44.Thhis kinnd oof aair-conndittionningg syysteem iis ppraccticcal andd ecconoomiccal forr thhe nneedds oof yyourr coompaany. 45.Ouur pprodductts aare as supperbb quualiity as welll aas tthe typpicaal oorieentaal mmakee-upp. 46.Ouur ssilkk gaarmeentss arre mmadee off suuperr puure sillk mmateeriaal aand by traadittionnal skiillss. 47.Thhe ggarmmentts aare maggnifficeent andd taasteefull annd hhavee loong enjjoyeed ggreaat ffamee booth at homme aand abooardd. 48.Ass ouur ttypeewriiterrs aare madde oof llighht aand harrd aallooy ttheyy arre bbothh poortaablee annd eenduurabble. 49.Thhe hhandd baags we quootedd arre aall madde oof tthe besst lleattherr annd vvariiouss thhe kkindds aand thee sttylees iin oordeer tto mmeett thhe rrequuireemennts of alll waalkss off liife in youur ccounntryy. 50.Ass ouur pprodductts hhavee alll tthe feaaturre yyou neeed aand 20% chheapper commparred witth tthatt Jaapannesee maade ,I strronggly reccommmendded to youu. 51.Vaacuuum ccleaanerrs oof tthiss brrandd arre ccomppetiitivve iin tthe intternnatiionaal mmarkket andd arre tthe besst- selllinng pprodductts oof ttheiir kkindd. 52. “FForeeverr” mmulttiplle sspeeed rraciing biccyclles aree suure to be selllabble in youur mmarkket. 53.Owwninng tto iits supperiior quaalitty aand reaasonnablle ppricce oour sillk hhas mett wiith warrm rreceeptiion andd quuickk saale in mosst EEuroopeaan ccounntriies. 54.Wee feeel thaat oour prooducct iis tthe besst kkindd inn Assia andd wee caan vveryy weell commpette aagaiinstt Jaapann inn prricee. 55.Ouur ggoodds aare greeatlly aapprreciiateed iin ootheer mmarkketss siimillar to youur oown. 56.Byy viirtuue oof iits supper quaalitty ,thiis pprodductt iss offtenn soold outt inn maany areeas. 57.Ouur pprodductts aare supperiior in quaalitty aand modderaate in priice andd arre ssuree too bee seellaablee inn yoour marrkett. 58.Thhesee ittemss arre mmostt seellaablee inn ouur mmarkket. 59.Thheree haave beeen aa stteaddy ddemaand in ourr maarkeet ffor thiis kkindd off tooy. 60.Wee haave thee plleassuree inn reecommmenndinng yyou thee gooodss siimillar to thee saamplle yyou sennd. Unit thrree 业务范范围介绍绍 61.Wee wiish to inttrodducee ouurseelvees tto yyou as a ssatee-owwnedd coorpoorattionn deealiing excclussiveely in ligght iinndusstriial gooods. 62.Wee arre iintrroduucinng ooursselvves as onee off thhe lladiing expportterss off thhe ssamee liine of bussineess.63.Wee haave thee plleassuree off inntrooduccingg ouurseelvees tto yyou as a sstatte ccorpporaatioon sspeccialliziing in thee exxporrt oof ccannned gooods. 64.Wee inntrooducce ooursselvves as deaalerrs iin bbicyyclees aand spaare parrts. Wee haave beeen iin tthiss liine forr ovver twoo deecaddes. 65.Ouur ccorpporaatioon iis sspecciallizeed iin hhanddlinng tthe expportt buusinnesss off teextiiless. 66.Thhe mmainn prroduuctss ouur ccorpporaatioon ddealls iin aare eleectrricaal aappllianncess. 67.Ouur ccomppanyy iss maainlly eengaagedd inn aggriccultturaal pprodductts. 68.Wee sppeciialiize in thee exxporrt oof ttablle-cclotths. 69.Ouur ccomppanyy maainlly ddealls wwithh thhe eexpoort bussineess of sillk ggoodds. 70.Ouur sspecciallizaatioon iis tthe expporttatiion of Chiinesse ssilkk gaarmeentss. 71.Wee arre eengaagedd inn thhe iimpoort andd exxporrt oof mmachhineery. 72.wee arre nnow doiing a llargge iimpoort bussineess in fruuitss frrom Souutheeastt Assia. 73.Wee sppeciialiize in hanndliing cloockss annd wwatcchess off alll ssortts. 74.Wee allso takke oon aa vaarieety of sillk ppiecce ggoodds. 75.Ouur aactiivittiess cooverr a widde rrangge oof ccommmodiitiees, succh aas ttiess, bbeltts aand shiirtss. 76.Wee arre iin aa veery goood pposiitioon tto ssuppply mosst ggraddes of cannnedd fiish at commpettitiive priicess annd ffor goood ddeliiverry. 77.Wee arre iin aa poosittionn too accceppt oordeers agaainsst ccusttomeers sammplees sspeccifyyingg deesiggn, speecifficaatioons andd paackaaginng rrequuireemennts. 78.Wee arre nnot expporttingg sttraww annd wwilllow prooduccts, emmbrooideeriees, poorceelaiin wwarees, jadde ccarvvingg
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