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第三类:图表数据类【第一篇 课外阅读】星光中学为了理解本校学生课外阅读的爱好,随机抽取了该校20个高一学生进行问卷调查(每人只选一种书籍),如图所示是整顿数据后绘制的记录图。请你根据以上内容用英语写一份调查报告。内容涉及:1.调查问题及调核对象; 2. 描述图中信息; .谈谈你的见解。注意:词数100左右;2.可以合适增长细节,以使行文连贯。Oe posible verin:Recentl auvey has en doe tofind out hadig interets sudntsin nguanSenior iddle Schoo. n tis surv,tw hundredseior one student werinteriewed to answer wat teyike best hile eading. Thsure hows that 40% ohe stus like o reanovels mot. hy peent oftestudesremos itereed i readngppula sienc boos,a oe fifth of stunt likto eadcrtoons Therearel 10% wh lke thr readngmaer As far as I concerned, eaieis usa lot, and I pent much spare time in redng. Was mor,my favorteipopuarscincbok, which n lp u broaden ourknowldand horizn. Lets enjoy readin【第二篇写求职信】假定你是李华,从报纸上看到你所居住的都市中老年英语培训机构Mid-SioEishSchol面向高中毕业生招聘暑期兼职辅导员,负责学员课间服务事项。你对该职位感爱好,请根据下面的广告内容用英语写一份求职信并询问有关信息。ASISTNTWANTESSITN DINSUAHIDAYIN MID-SEIOR EGLISH SCHOOLhours per day? Over 18 yars ld Ecllent Englsh weekends? ExprienedHeathand helpflhow much? Reonabl wokg hoursandoesaarypaid daily?Cactus b e-ail: 注意:1词数100左右;2. 可以合适增长细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语已为你写好。ea ir/Mam,Iouldlike o ppl or te pst of assistnt whic was avertisd n the nwspapr.I fond this postio qite ppealingtomIve just graduatedfr high chool an mlready18 earsold. Wh goo comand Englih, ancommuncate i others freely. Besde, Im y and halthyDuring m sty i middl chool, I sed b a volue and loked atr th eldrlyin anrsing home n weekend. I elieve Ica be of r hep to you. Yethereis sill meting I leto clrify.First, how long ill I sed wokingvrydy? Ihope I wnt av to wor onweeensbeaueI ned topare some tmetostaywith y faily and frien. Secon, hom ilI gt for te job? Cn I getaiddaily?ookig forward to yo eay rply!Ys Sncery,LiHua【第三篇 阅读调查】如果你是Tom,近来你对所在班级的6名同窗进行了调查,看她们上网做什么。目前请根据调查成果用英语写一份调查报告。Thigs he doBys (30)Girs (3)ean news25%20%Senig e-mails012%aing10%4%Stuyng10%0%Playinames35%18%注意:1. 报告应当涉及表格所示的所有内容但不能单纯地列举数字;2论述过程中可合适增长评语; 词数:10左右。Possibl vrsion:Ihae eently ad surey mng 30 ys an30r in mylass aou thi purpeso suring hInet. Th gir favorite is ctin, butonly a fewbyslike. What te by ike o do os is playing gamsnd abot18 prent o giraolk i. oth bys ad grls ik to rednewo sende-mal on the ternet. Maybetheyhnkit isth mot cnvenien w to gtinfrmatioo kee in och wihfriend.nly 0%f the boys use he Itret fr tuy, nd so thegirls Thtswhat we houd are or about 【第四篇 爱好爱好】如果你是李华,是校英语报的记者。上周,你们以“yhbby”为主题对全校300名学生进行了调查。请写一篇短文,报道本次活动。要点如下:爱好爱好人数因素旅游超过5%开拓视野,体验生活上网约30查找资料,理解时事听音乐1放松心情,缓和压力运动%锻炼身体,保持健康注意:.词数100左右; 2 可以合适增长细节使行文流畅; . 开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Oneosile versioLast , we did asurvey am3000 tudet on “y hbby”in ouhool.Acring o teurve,ver alf of the stdes ar intersed i traveling, which elps hemtoroad t orins ell a perenc life. Abo 30 of them ocupy emselves in surfig he Internet frionly iuseful in searhin infrmtion, bt can hel h earn u urrn affr on ie and kep updatedmongerest, 1 ae music fan hocan elax thesevs d hak off heir prssu by itig t music ofdiferenttpes, ang whichR&Bisthemost oar. 8% of the pref todo phcal exercises, u as payng bals, runin dwimmig, to keep fit and healh dmitey, the stuentsvyed all ejy ir hoby anlve olorfl if. 【第五篇 烦恼诉说】如果你是李华,学校组织了一项“有烦恼向谁说”的调查活动。请用英语给校报编辑写一封信,反映有关的状况。注意:1词数100左右;2.可以合适增长细节,使行文连贯。DearEdior, m a Senio Thee studen.Recentlyw have creduta suvey“owm do yu whn i troble?”Thresuts are as flows. _ Youssicerely, LiHuOn posse veson:earEditr, I am aSnirThestudnt. eenl we hav carid ot a survey-“To whom o owen in troule?” The reultsa fols.Acording t th chart, 7 stdent chooe nt to alk aouttei worry t others ecause
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