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Book8Unit4 Lesson23: Good-bye!教学设计一、教材分析本课作为六年级下册第4单元最后一课的新授内容,讲述了Li Ming, Danny和Jenny在机场要分别了。上一课学习了大家为李明准备了 派对,为本节课事情的发展做了铺垫,本节课中四会单词good-bye, hear,和句型 Have a good trip.Don t forget to write.对学生难度不大,但本课中出现了中西方文化的对比,这需要帮助学生了解,除此之外,学生在学习本课时应该具备“英语课程标准”中义务教育阶段所规定的全部二级目标要 求。二、学情分析本课的教学对象是小学六年级的学生,这些学生从小学三年级开始学习英 语,已经有了一定的英语基础,并且具备了一定的语言组织能力。本课的四会单词good-bye, hear, 句型 Have a good trip.Don t forget to write.对学生难度不大,所以在掌握本课重点词句后要关注引发学生思考,培养学生的思 维能力,并关注培养学生学习策略,帮助学生提高学习能力。三、教学目标l语言知识和技能:1)学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:good-bye, hear2)学生能听认读、理解并运用: Have a good trip.Don t forget to write.2情感态度1) 使学生能体会到英语学习的快乐,积极参加各种课堂学习活动。2) 使学生乐于接触外国文化,在小组活动中能够于其他同学积极配合和合作。3 学习策略1) 学生能够积极于同学合作,共同完成任务。2) 2)通过观察、思考在相关知识间建立关联。3) 3) 能够利用寻读等阅读策略寻找相应信息。4 文化意识4) 1)使学生知道并了解英语中简单的告别祝福语。5) 2)使学生在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外文化差异。四、教学重、难点教学重点:学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇: good-bye, hear教学难点:学生能听认读、理解并运用 : Have a good trip.Dontforget to write.五、教学用具课件、多媒体、单词和句子卡片、奖励贴纸等。六、教学过程:StepI:Class Opening and Review 1.Class Opening: T:Hello,boys and girls! It s time to learn English.Ss: Yes! T: You are Team One, you areOK!(出图) T: OK! First, look at the picture.Ming s surprise party. Do you remember?was Li Ming yesterday? Ss:He was atay, where is Li Ming? Who can guess? S1: ain? T: Ok, maybe. S2: Is he at school?Are you ready?Team Two, OK? Ss:Yesterday was LiSs: Yes! T: Where home. T: Yes. TodIs he on the trT: OK, maybe. S3:Is he in the restaurant?T: Good, maybe. S4: Ishe 3 T: Thank you, good answer. T:Now, please listen! (机场广播) Where is Li Ming? 设计意图 迅速激活旧知, 并通过机场的广播和提问来激发学生兴趣,引发学生思考,引出本课的场景)Step II: New Concepts Ss: At the airport.T: Yes. He is at the airport.( 出示单词卡 )Look!Who are they? Ss: Danny, Jenny and Li Ming. T:Yes. They are Danny, Jenny and Li Ming.( 出示图片 )Did you hear that? Please listen again! ( 机场广播) (板书: hear) Ok! What do you hear? Who can try? S1: The planefor Beijingwill leave soon. T:Good. One star for you!Who can tryagain? S2:The planefor Beijing will leave soon. T: Yes. One star for you. The plane for Beijing will leave soon. ( 出示句子 )Look at this word. Follow me, please.“ hear ”Who canread? S1:Hear.S2:Hear. S3:Hear.S4:Hear.T:Now, this group ,please readone byone. Yes!We hearthat: The plane for Beijing will leave soon. T: Look at hear and listen.Are they the same? Ss: No. T: Ok, let s look.( 播放微课)Hear and Listen are different.Now, are you clear?Lets make a check. 微课listen and hear4 设计意图 通过微课的形式向同学们介绍了 hear 和 listen 的不同,解决了本课的重点)T: Yesterday,Danny and Jennyhad a surpriseforLiMing. Today, does Li Ming have a surprise for them? Now,please listen.And answer thequestions.OK.Letcheck the answers. No.1.Who can try? S1: Yes, he does.T:Yes, you are right.One starfor you. No2. Who can? S2: Akitefor Danny and a dragon for Jenny. T: Excellent!Towstars for you. Do you know why? Now, let look at the questions. No1. Let s read it together. Ss: Does Li Ming h ave surprisesfor Danny and Jenny? T: Ok! No.2.Together. Ss: What arethesurprises?T: Now, look at thetip, itcan help you. Who can read? S1:“ Tip:寻读 ( scanning) 有明确的目的性,有针对地寻找问题的答 案。” T: Good! Now, open your books. Look at this part by yourselves. Then find the answers. Let s begin. 设计意图 通过 listen and answer, read and find 环节, 运用阅读技巧和策略帮助学生有效阅读。 Ss: 学生默读。 T: Now, talk about the answers in your groups. Ss: 学生小组讨论。 T:Ok!Let s check your answer.No.1, Why does Li Ming giveDanny a kite? S1: Because he wants Danny to learn to flya kite.( 多媒体出示答案1,板书单词卡 ) S2: Because hewants Danny to rememberChina. T: No.2,Why does Li Ming give Jenny a little red dragon? S1:Becau se he wants Jenny to remember China. (多媒体出示答案2,板书单词卡) T: Dragon is a lucky animal in China. But in westerncountry, it s different. Let look.5( 课件呈现 dragon 在东西方国家不同的象征 )T: Now, are you clear? Ss: Yes. T: This red dragonis from China. So it s a good luck for Jenny. Yes? Ss:Yes. T: Oh, it s time to say ” good-bye ”. Li Ming says good-bye.( 板书 )What do they say? Please listen!OK! What doesDanny say? S1: Have a good trip! T: Yes. What about Jenn y? S2: Dontforget to write. T: Great! They are good wishes. What else can we say to Li Ming? S1:(good try)52: (good answer) S3:(good job) S4:(出图)T: Look!(课件呈现告别时的常用语)They are allgood wishes. Followme please. Please remember them. OKT: Now look at your books. Please read the passage by yourselves. Let me hear you. Ok? Let s begin. Ss: 学生大声朗读课 文。 T: Ok, stop here. Now it s your show time. Look at the task. Now, three in pairs. Practice the dialogue. Ss: 学生三人一组分角色T: OK, stop here.“All thebest!(一切都好! ) God bless you!(上帝保佑你! ) Take care!(保重!)Good luck!(祝你好运!)Iwill miss you.(我会想你的。)Keep in touch.(保持联系。)6, Task 1:Read the dialogue in your group.Make
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