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2022年高中英语Unit2DetectivestoriesSection3UsingLanguage知能达标新人教版选修.阅读理解Rosalind Franklin was born in London,England on July 25,1920.On April 16,1958,at age 38,she died from cancer.Franklin was responsible for much of the research and discovery work that led to the understanding of the structure of DNA.Franklin was interested in science and attended one of the few girls schools in London that taught physics and chemistry.When she was 15,she decided to bee a scientist.Her father was decidedly against higher education for women and wanted her to be a social worker.Franklins aunt decided to support her and she agreed to pay for her full schooling.Within weeks,Franklins aunt got her mother to support her going to college also.Months later,Franklins aunt and mother got her father to agree with it.Franklin was very excited that she was going to college and she was very lucky that she did!After her graduation from college,Franklin started her research on DNA.However,there were so many quarrels in her life because Franklin and her research partner did not get along.Franklin and her partners arguments set them back on the study of DNA quite a bit.At the time they were working against another pair to find the story of DNA.Due to Franklin and her partners fights,another pair found the structure of DNA first.They had won the Nobel Prize for it.They won it four years after Franklin died.Many scientists felt sorry for her early death and thought that the winners had stolen her research about DNA.【语篇解读】Rosalind Franklin是一位有名的女科学家,她因患癌症去世。她对DNA结构的研究一直走在世界的前列,但后来却因某种原因未得到该项研究的诺贝尔奖。1We can learn from the text that Franklin _.Adied in her early thirtiesBwas a really lucky scientistCachieved a lot in the study of DNADdidnt get along with her father【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段的最后一句可知,Franklin在DNA的研究上取得了巨大成就。其余答案与原文意思不符。【答案】C2Rosalind Franklins father _.Awas angry with Franklins auntBheld a prejudice towards womenCreceived little educationDthought it useful for girls to study【解析】细节理解题。从第二段第三句可知,Franklin的父亲对女性有偏见。【答案】B3We can learn from Paragraph 3 that _.AFranklin had enjoyed a peaceful lifeBFranklin first found the structure of DNACFranklins partner had no interest in DNADFranklins scientific research was not smooth【解析】细节理解题。由第三段中说到的Franklin与她的合作者之间的争执可知,她的研究进行得不顺利。【答案】D4Whats the best title for the text?AThe Life of a Woman ScientistBDNA and Good EducationCHow DNA Was Found?DShould Girls Study or Not?【解析】标题归纳题。本文主要讲了女科学家Rosalind Franklin的一生,故选A项。其他选项文中都有涉及,但不够全面,故不能入选。【答案】ABMy daughter and I keep doing volunteer jobs at a center in the inner city of Grand Rapids.As a family,weve been working for this wonderful center that serves the homeless in our street.Currently,my daughter and I can be found on Thursday afternoons at the center sorting mail and then helping homeless people receive their mail.Over the years,what I love most about this center is that they do not believe in giving handouts (施舍物),but rather “hand ups”Meals are served at a low price.Coffee or hot chocolate is provided for 25 cents.Lockers can be rented for $1 a week.Washing can be done at a cost of $1 to wash and $1 to dry.You might ask,“Where do homeless people e up with the money to pay for these services?”The center offers jobs such as sweeping floors,helping clean the kitchen,and other jobs where they earn vouchers(代金券) that can be used towards the items they need.Rather than receiving a handout,they receive the honor because they have been given the chance to earn it.This is such a wonderful idea,I think.We all want to have honor and feel valued for working hard._Those include a food storeroom twice per month that allows them to choose what they like rather than getting a prepacked box of food.There is also a Life Enrichment Center where people who live on the streets can take a free shower,receive mail and have a free voice mailbox.Various other free services are provided as well,such as helping people get their state ID,law services and so on.My daughter and I have met many wonderful people here including its workers and volunteers.It is a pleasure to share kindness,respect and,of course,a smile with those we have the chance to serve.5What kind of job is the author now doing at the center?AHelping clean the kitchen.BDealing with mail.CGiving out food.DOffering law advice.【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段“Currently,my daughter and I can be found on Thursday afternoons at the center sorting mail and then helping homeless people receive their mail.”可知选B项。【答案】B6Which of the following is NOT correct about the price of the services at the center?AOne needs $2 to have clothes washed and dried.B50 cents can buy both coffee and hot chocolate.COne can just use the locker for a week for $1.DMeals are provided free of charge.【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“Meals are served at a low price.”可知D项错误。【答案】D
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