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因为本人每年都帮同事朋友做小抄,手把手教,目前通过率都是100%1.考试经验很多人问我,乌鸦哥啊你考试总是那么厉害有什么心得吗?你是怎么准备的。答很多人:考前1个月,别人在复习的时候,鸦哥在打机。开考前1周,别人在复习的时候,鸦哥还在打机。考前三天,别人在复习的时候,鸦哥在做小抄。命题的原则是教材必考30分,加上同义词起码13分,43分到手,自己在剩下的55分中考17分就OK,如果这点做不到,买答案吧!复习也没用。2.为什么直接考A级首先小抄43分到手,那么55分中考17分,不关A级还是B级基本没有差别,所以直接报A+小抄基本稳过。3如何带小抄不被发现这个是技术活也是重点。小抄的制作a.排版首先用word版分页功能,将A4纸分为2页也并继续拉上面的指针调到合适的宽度,默认宽度较宽,不适合带,字体小到能看见就OK,推荐7号,8号字体,word上用电脑看不清,但打印出来是看得清的。字体越小越有利,并且行距调到最小值,磅数值设为0.b.完型小抄,基本上带+号没考过的都打印出来,考试时候大部分不会考原空,所以将完型填空整文打印。c.阅读小抄,带+号没考过的全打印,怎么打印,阅读原文考卷上有,你再打就是呆B。打印中文翻译!因为考试题目会有变动新问题,你需要读懂文章才能做题。问答打印题目+正确答案原文(记住是答案原文,不是ABCD,因为顺序会变的)如何黏贴不被发现考试前老师是肯定翻书的,因此需要做掩盖工作,备好双面胶。将小抄裁剪好后用双面胶固定在所夹页靠内中间位子。然后用双面胶,不要太多,一点点,保证能黏住俩张纸自然状态不张开就行,在小抄所在也右上角,右下角(不要在角尖上,稍微沿对角线靠里一点,将俩涨纸黏住。(比如小抄在250页,251页之间,那就将这俩也粘上)这样老师翻书时小抄页是不会张开的,自然也就查不到。注意黏贴要平整,这也是为什么不在角尖而是在靠内一点放双面胶的原因。因为这样粘,老师翻书时页面打开自然又不会将小抄页暴露。黏贴的规则小抄很多,乱插进书内你考试根本没法找,因此定好插页规则,比如规定小抄在50页,75页,100页这样等差规律页。并在小抄前一页写上小抄内容的标题,为什么这样做?因为那么多小抄只靠那2,3页,你一个个打开耗时的同时暴露的概率也大大增多。你只需要翻到规律页看标题,标题一致,打开抄吧。不一致。那一页直接忽略,不破坏双面胶,省时省力。考试心态,神态,肢体动作这个教不了你们,不要说对好学生,很多差生经常作弊的能达到及格水平的都不多,这个需要多年的摸索,思考,改进,积累。靠悟性!总之一句话不被发现就OK!哥只能教你们这么多了因为本人每年都帮同事朋友做小抄,手把手教 Working Mothers Carefully conducted researches that have followed the children of working mothers have not been able to show any long-term problems,compared with children whose mothers stayed at home. My personal view is that mothers should be allowed to work if they wish.Whether we like it or not ,there are a number of mothers who just have to work. There are those who have invested such a big part of their lives in establishing a career that they cannot afford to see it lost. Then there are many who must work out of pure economic necessity. Many mothers are not cut out to be full-time parents. After a few months at home with a much loved infant, they feel trapped and isolated. There are a number of options when it comes to choosing childcare. These range from child minders and nannies through to Granny or the kind lady across the street. In reality, however,many parents dont have any choice; they have to accept anything they can get. Be prepared! No matter how good the childcare may be ,some children are going to protest wildly if they are left. This is a perfectly normal stage of child development. Babies separate well in the first six months,but soon after that they start to get a crush on Mum and close family members. Make sure that in the first week you allow plenty of time to help your child settle in. All children are different. Some are independent,while others are more attached to their mothers. Remember that if you want to do the best for your children ,its not the quantity of time you spend with them,its the quality that matters. The Difference between Man and Computer What makes people different from computer programs? What is the missing element that our theories dont yet account for? The answer is simple: People read newspaper stories for a reason: to learn more about what they are interested in. Computers, on the other hand, dont. In fact,computers dont even have interests; there is nothing in particular that they are trying to find out when they read. If a computer program is to be a model of story understanding ,it should also read for a purpose. Of course ,people have several goals that do not make sense to attribute to computers. One might read a restaurant guide in order to satisfy hunger or entertainment goals, or to find a good place to go for a business lunch. Computers do not get hungry, and computers do not have business lunches. However, these physiological and social goals give rise to several intellectual or cognitive goals. A goal to satisfy hunger gives rise to goals to find information about the name of a restaurant which serves the desired type of food ,how expensive the restaurant is,the location of the restaurant, etc. These are goals to acquire information or knowledge, what we are calling learning goals. These goals can be held by computers too; a computer might want to find out the location of a restaurant ,and read a guide in order to do so in the same way as a person might. Whilesuch a goal would not arise out of hunger in the case of the computer,it might well arise out of the goal to learn more about restaurants. The First Bicycle The history of the bicycle goes back more than 200 years. In 1791 Count de Sivrac delighted onlookers in a park in Paris as he showed off his two-wheeled invention ,a machine called the celerifer. It was basically an enlarged version of a childrens toy which had been in use for many years. Sivracs celerifer had a wooden frame,made in the shape of a horse ,which was mounted on a wheel at either end. To ride it,you sat on a small seat,just like a
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