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Unit 3 Safety单词闯关1.城镇_2丑陋的;难看的_3肩;肩膀_4伤;伤口_5期待;盼望_6accident _7.reporter_(v.) _8icy_(n.) _9recover _10roll_11fault _短语互译1.及时_ 2追逐;追赶_3jump out _4in a hurry _5.on ones way to_6be late for_7stop(from) doing sth. _8. expect (sb.) to do sth. _句型在线1.而且街道上结满了冰小汽车不能及时停下来。And the street was icythe car couldnt stop_ _2.我想阻止她追赶球,但是她没有听见我(说的话)。I wanted to _ her _ _ _ the ball, but she didnt hear me.3他在路上阻止(来往的)车辆直到救护车来了。He _ traffic on the road _ the ambulance came.课文初探根据课文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。()1. James Brown was 13 years old.()2. Mrs. Andrews was a reporter.()3. On that day the street was icy.()4. Bill Morin was the car driver.()5. There was nothing serious with Ann.1wound n. 伤;伤口观察 Please show me your wound.请给我看一下你的伤口。探究 wound作_词,可指外伤,也可指无形的或精神方面的伤。wound 可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。表示“某处受伤”,需接介词in。 拓展 wound可用作及物动词,意为“使受伤;伤害”,可指身体上的伤害,也可表示感情上的伤痛。其过去分词wounded可在句中作定语。The thief wounded her in the arm with his knife.小偷用刀伤了她的手臂。The wounded man was covered with blood. 这个受伤的人身上全是血。1在第一次世界大战期间许多战士受了伤。Many soldiers _ _ during World War .2expect v. 期待;盼望观察 Doctors say she can expect to return to school in about a week.医生说她预计能在大约一周后回到学校。We expect writers to produce more and better works. 我们期望作家们写出更多更好的作品。探究 expect 是_动词,意为“期待;盼望”。常用结构:_ 料想/期望做某事_ 期望某人做某事拓展 “expect从句”意为“预计/料想”;expectn./pron.意为“预计可能发生;期待某人或某物”。We can expect a big snow before the Spring Festival after the dry winter, the weather forecast said yesterday.昨天天气预报说,干燥的冬季过后,我们有望在春节前迎来一场大雪。辨析 expect与hopeexpect意为“预料、期待、盼望、指望、料想、以为”等,强调客观上可能实现的“期望,期待”等;在expect之后,除了接不定式、带不定式的复合宾语外,还可以接名词、代词以及宾语从句。hope意为“希望”,用于可能实现的情况,一般只接不定式或从句作宾语。与介词for连用,后接名词或某些不定代词,意为“希望得到;祈求”。 hope后不能接复合宾语。I hope to see you soon. 我希望能很快见到你。The children hope they can do something for the old man.这些孩子希望能为这位老人做些事情。I expect them to win the football match.我期望他们能赢得这场足球赛。I expect that my mother will buy a sweater for me as my birthday gift.我料想妈妈会给我买一件毛衣作为生日礼物。2(1)2017东营Waiter, theres a fly(苍蝇) swimming in my soup.So what do you_ me to do, call a lifeguard(救生员)?AwarnBexpect Cinvite Dencourage(2)2016广东Leonardo DiCaprio, a famous American actor, was always expecting _ an Oscar and finally he made it.Ato winBwinningCnot to winDnot winning1The accident happened at about 7:30 am.这场事故发生在大约早上七点半。探究 happen作动词,意为“_”。常用短语:happen to sb.某人发生happen to do sth.碰巧做某事辨析 happen与take placehappen意为“发生”,强调偶然发生,没有被动结构。take place意为“发生”,指有计划、有目的的发生,没有被动结构。She happened to meet her old friend on the way to school.她在去上学的路上碰巧遇见了她的老朋友。The Olympics take place every four years. 奥运会每四年举办一次。1(1)2017苏州这几年苏州发生了很大的变化。(翻译句子)_(2)What happened_ the old man yesterday?Ain Bon Cabout Dto2And the street was icythe car couldnt stop in time.而且街道上结满了冰小汽车不能及时停下来。探究 in time 意为“_”, 表示动作在时间内或提前发生。When he was hungry, I sent the bread to him in time.当他饥饿时,我及时送了面包给他。拓展 on time 按时;准时at the same time 同时at that time 在那时 in no time立刻;马上all the time 一直;始终 at times 有时from time to time 时而;有时2When youre invited to have dinner at home by anAmerican friend, you should be_ or a little later. Its different from our Chinese custom.Aon time Bon businessCon showDin time3 I wanted to stop her from running after the ball, but she didnt hear me.我想阻止她追赶球,但是她没有听见我(说的话)。探究 (1)stopfrom doing sth.意为“_”,用在主动语态中时,from可以省略。The heavy rain stopped us (from) arriving there on time.大雨阻止了我们按时到达那里。(2)run after是_词短语,意为“追逐;追赶”,后面既可以接具体事物,又可以接抽象事物。Lily is running after her pet dog. 莉莉正在追赶她的宠物狗。We should run after our dreams bravely. 我们应该勇敢追逐我们的梦想。3(1)We must _ him from _ such a foolish thing.Astopped; doingBstop; doCstop; didDstop; doing(2)Dont_ the balls on the road. That is dangerous.Arun afterBwrite downCput upDgive up(3)2017内江今天早上八点的时候,Mike正在追赶校车吗?(翻译句子)_教师详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1town2.ugly3.shoulder4wound5.expect6事故; 意外7.记者; report8结满冰的; ice9.恢复10滚动; (使)翻滚11缺点; 过错短语互译1in time2.run after3跳出来4.匆忙5.在某人去的路上6
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