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上课内容Unit1 In class科 目English所属年级 ( 三 )年级 (下 )册备课者 一.教学目标:我的修改1能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:robot/ rubber/ parrot.2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Look at the/ Dont 3. 能快速用Its a来回答Whats this?的提问。4. 能用Dont来造句。二.教学重点、难点:1能区分robot和rubber2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Look at the/ Dont 3. 能用Dont来造句。三.教具、学具准备:单词卡片,PPT四.课时安排:The 3rd period五.教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1. Say a rhyme: Open the window2. Recite the dialogue.3. Free talk: Whats this? Its a Open the/ your Close the/ your Look at the/ yourStep 2 Presentation and practice1. Whats this?T: Lets look at the blackboard. Whats this?S: Its a robot.T: Whats this?S: Its a rubber/ an eraser.Teach: rubber (Ss拼读并尝试拼写)2. Look at the picture.T: Lets look at the picture. Who are they? (复习Bobber, Sam)T: Whats this? Ss: Its a parrot.Teach: parrot3. Watch the cartoon.T: Today Bobby is the litter teacher. What does he ask? Lets watch the cartoon.1) 找出Bobby的问题和正确答案。 Whats this? Its a robot. Whats this? Its a rubber.2) T: Who tells the wrong answer? Lets listen again.The parrot gives the wrong answer.3) Please open your book. 找出Bobby说的祈使句。 Look at the blackboard, Sam. Dont listen to the parrot.4) Teach: dont (= do not) listen toStep 3 Show time1. Read the dialogue.1) Read after the tape.2) Read after me/ the little teacher.3) 角色配音。4) Act the dialogue with the teacher.2. Work in 3, act the dialogue.3. Show time.Step 4 Consolidation1. ExerciseT: Whos coming? Ss: Mr Robot.T: Mr Robot brings some cards. Which one will you choose?(根据给出的单词和图片或者情景,组成祈使句。)Card 1 1) open 图片:书本; close 图片:门2) look at 图片黑板; listen to 图片:鹦鹉Card 2 1) dont 图片:起立2) dont 图片:窗户 (两句)Card 3 1) 当你迟到后,老师会说:2) 当你坐在窗边感到非常冷时,你会说:3) 当你不想听机器人说话时,你会说:4) 当椅子上有水时,你会说:2. Lets read the sentences.3. 完成同步练相关练习。六板书设计:Whats this? Its aLook at the blackboard/Dont listen to the parrot/七作业设计:1. 听录音,指读课文至少3遍,并背诵。2. 三人一组表演对话。3. 用Look at the和Dont 造句,每个至少造3句。八、教学反思3
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