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Unit 2理解:要点诠释单词1.seldom讲: adv.不常;很少(用于句首时,用倒装句)例:She seldom goes out for dinner.Seldom does she go out for dinner.她不常到外面用晚餐。链接提示 常见的否定副词有not,never,seldom,little,hardly等,这些词位于句首时,主谓倒装,即使用一般疑问句的词序。练:Ive been working for over twenty years and seldom _ so tired as now.A.I have felt B.I had felt C.have I felt D.had I felt提示:本题考查动词时态以及倒装句的用法。首先,否定副词seldom用于句首时,要求用倒装句式。另外,此处的动作表示到目前为止的情况,所以使用现在完成时。答案:C2.disappoint v. 使失望;阻碍(计划等)实现讲:disappointed adj. 失望的disappointing adj. 令人失望的disappointment n. 失望;令人失望的人或事例:His behaviour disappointed me.他的行为令我失望。I was disappointed at/in/with the result.我对这个结果很失望。He was disappointed to hear the news.他听了这个消息而感到失望。How disappointing the news is!这消息真令人失望!To my disappointment,he failed again.令我失望的是,他又失败了。You are a disappointment.你真令人失望(你是个令人失望的人)。链接提示 下列动词都有“使某人”的意思:interest,surprise,frighten,please,excite,move,并且都可以构成-ed和-ing两种形容词。注意比较-ed表示人所处于的状态,而-ing形式则表示主语(物)的性质。但要注意:His disappointed look suggested that the news was not good.此处表明从他的外部表情就可以了了解到他内心的感受“对消息感到失望”。练:The news report proved _.A.disappointing B.to disappointC.to disappointing D.disappointed提示:prove在此相当于连系动词的用法,后面用to be形容词,也可直接跟形容词作表语。disappointing 令人失望的。答案:A3.attitude n. 态度;看法例:He took a friendly attitude to/towards us.他对我们采取友善的态度。What is your attitude to this plan?对于这个计划,你有什么意见?链接提示 比较attitude和manner。attitude一般表示对某事的一时的看法和态度,而manner则指成为个人的习惯、特征的态度和举止。I dont like to talk to him;he has a very rude manner.我不喜欢和他交谈,他态度粗野。练:To change attitudes_ employing women,the government is bringing in new laws.A.about B.of C.towards D.on提示:固定用法attitude towards“对的态度”。答案:C短语1.for once讲:该短语的意思为“就这一次”,在句子中作状语。for this/that once 只这/那一次;就这/那一回。例:I wish for once in my life to visit Paris.我盼望一生中至少有一次去访问巴黎。For once,he was late for class again.这一次,他又迟到了。For once,Mr.Brown was asking for support.只有这一次,布朗先生开口求人了。Ill forgive you for this once.我只原谅你一次。链接拓展 at once 马上;立刻;同时。all at once 突然,忽然;同时;一同。once more/once again再一次。once upon a time很久以前。练:Dont all speak _! Just one by one.A.at once B.for once C.all at once D.once more提示:本句话的意思为“不要全体同时说”。后面one by one给出了语境。答案:A2.look up to.讲:尊敬;尊重;崇敬;赞颂;赞赏注意比较look up“参考,查阅”。例:They all looked up to her.他们都尊敬她。We all look up to him as our leader.我们都尊他为我们的领袖。链接拓展 look down on 往下看;轻视;瞧不起 Dont look down upon this kind of work. 别瞧不起这种工作。 look forward to 期待;盼望 Im looking forward to her arrival. 我正在期待她的来临。 look out for 当心;留意;寻找 We must look out for snakes. 我们必须当心蛇。练:If you dont know how to use the word,youd better _ in the dictionary.A.look it up B.look up itC.look up to it D.look it up to提示:从句子的意思判断,此处表示“在词典中查阅答案”,所以先排除C和D项。在短语动词中,代词应该位于动词和副词之间。答案:A句型more than的句型结构讲:注意观察下面教材原句:Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens.报纸和其他媒体不仅仅是记录已发生的事情。more than有以下用法:(1)more than+数词,意为“以上;多于;有余”。(2)more than+名词,意为“不只;不仅仅”。(3)more than+形容词或副词,意为“非常;十分;更加;岂止”。(4)more than+动词,意为“十分;大大地;不仅仅”。(5)more than.can/could,意为“不是所能的”。例:More than 20 club members attended the meeting.有20多个俱乐部成员出席会议。Peace is much more than the absence of war.和平不仅仅是意味着没有战争。He is more than selfish.他非常自私。I am more than happy to hear that.听到这我非常高兴。Her performance was more than good;it was perfect.她的表演岂止是好,简直是完美无缺。He more than smiled;he laughed outright.他岂止是微笑,他简直是大笑了。The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words can describe.杭州之美是语言所不能描述的。Thats more than I can tell you,sir.这一点我是不能告诉您的,先生。链接提示 no more than=only“仅仅”;not more than“不多于”。练:(1)(2010江苏南京一模) At the _ spot,the president was shot 10 years ago when I was still _ a child of seven.A.just;but B.very;more thanC.just;no more than D.very;little more than提示:very在此译为“就是”,at the very spot“就是在现场”;little more than“只不过”。答案:D(2)If you tell your class teacher what you have done,he will be _ a little angry.Yeah,I know.He will talk to my parents.A.nothing but B.up toC.much more D.more than提示:本题考查副词的用法。more than a little 的意思为“不是一点点;多于一点点”,其实际意义为:勃然大怒。答案:D辨析1.injure,hurt,wound,damage,harm五者都有“伤害、受伤、损伤”之意。injure指意外伤害(人或动物的身体、健康、外表、感情、名声等);hurt指肉体上的伤害或精神上比较轻微的损伤;wound 尤指以武器或凶器等造成外伤;damage 多指损害非生物的价值或功能;harm 尤指给予重大的损伤或剧烈的痛苦。即时练习:(1)He _ my hand by twisting it.(2)The shell _ him in the head.(3)In the railroad accident 300 people were _.(4)I was rather _ by what they said about me.(5)The storm _ hundreds of houses.(6)The news _ her reputati
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