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单词拼写1. Do you know when India gained _(独立) from Britain? 2. I dont think he will be f_ for what he did greatly hurt her feelings.3. The people who work at the station apologized for the late _(到达) of the train. 4. The children are always playing t _ on their teacher.5. Please r_ me of the time when we have to hold the important meeting.6. The _ (宗教)affairs have been reestablished.7. The climax of the _ (庆祝)was a firework display.8. He is a_ for his righteousness(正直).9. You were wrong to take the car without p_.10. He has lost his _ (信仰)in God.1.They came to a d_ village, where they found some empty houses with broken doors and windows.2.John and James are brothers. The former is a teacher; the l_ is an engineer.3.Regular exercise will help to strengthen your m_.8.Children are taught several rules to avoid _(溺水) in the river.9.Peter was well prepared for the examination, so he entered the exam room _(自信地).13. What Jack did while playing basketball didnt make audiences _(满意).14. Millions of people in Africa are still _(挨饿) to death at present.15. I dont mind _(道歉) to others if I make a mistake.16. We classmates visited our beloved teacher on hearing his _(到达)in the capital city.17. Many _(奖) will be given to the winners in the coming music ceremony. Sentence Writing1. He seems to be enjoying himself. It looks _ _ he were enjoying himself.2. 他因没有准时出现在宴会上而向主人道歉。He _ _ the host _ _ _ _ at the feast on time.3.他的孩子十分盼望庆祝复活节,那时他就可以把自己打扮成一只可爱的小兔子。His child is always _ _ _Easter, _ he can _ _ _ a _rabbit.4. The Taj Mahal was built in the1600s to memorize the emperors wife.The Taj Mahal was built in the1600s _ _ _ the emperors wife.5. We can believe in him. He will do what he has promised.We can believe in him. He will _ _ _.6. 这封信让我记起她以前说过的话The letter _ before. Using proper forms to complete the following sentences.be dressed in,play a trick,arrival, offer to do sth,keep ones word,have fun with sb,look forward to,turn up,apologise to sb.for doing sth1. You should _ your teacher for coming late.2. _ her best clothes, the girl tried to make herself noticed at the party.3. She is_ his return as much as he himself is to see her.4. We Chinese people should always_ ,not breaking your promise.5. People love to get together to eat, drink and_ each other.6. We would rather you didnt _ your friends.7. He promised to come yesterday, but he hasnt _ yet.8. He _ lend me some money yesterday but now he doesnt mean to keep his word.9. It wont be long before there are some new _ helping you in the shop. 单词拼写1. C drove me to follow the strange man with dark glasses into a lonely old house.2. Most stores ask their assistants to look on c as gods, but actually they dont.3. I am looking for a job in which I can c my work with my interest.4. In order to keep healthy, youd better have a b diet.5. Each coin has two sides. Everyone has his advantages and w .6. After the tiring climbing, my (力气) gave out.7. When I arrived in America, I found my English was very (有限的).8. My mother is (瞪着) at me, angrily and without saying anything.9. The successful launch of Shenzhou must bring (好处)to the development of space industry.10. Stores will give a (打折) for their VIP customers before important festivals. 用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空earn ones living/care about/take the part of/avoid/feel fit1. Hes been ill for weeks and doesnt for work yet.2. She by singing in a nightclub.3. He Hamlet in the play.4. I just stopped cycling to running over the cat in the street.5. All the women their children. 完成句子1. 盗贼偷走了价值3万美元的计算机设备。Thieves computer equipment worth 30,000.2. 多读书对孩子们好处多。Reading more books children.3. 你应该把锻炼与健康饮食结合起来。You should try to .4. 这个淘气的小男孩给他的老师惹了许多麻烦。The naughty boy caused his teacher .5. 我弟弟让水一直在流着。My brother all the time.Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note一、单项选择1. Excuse me, sir, _ Id like a cup of coffee and two pieces of bread.A. what do you want?B. may I have your order?C. this table is reserved.D. I would like to serve you.2. The reason for his success is _ he worked very hard.A. whyB. thatC. whetherD. how3. The bill would _ workers twelve weeks of unpaid leav
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