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人教新课标必修 unit 1 and unit 2 教参(新课标版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)封面 扉页 版权页 编写人员前言(Foreword)Unit 1 Friendship教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)补充参考资料(Supplementary reference materials)Teaching guide for the Students Book(学生用书教学指导)Teaching guide for the Workbook (练习册教学指导)Unit 2 English around the world教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)补充参考资料(Supplementary reference materials)Teaching guide for the Students Book(学生用书教学指导)Teaching guide for the Workbook(练习册教学指导)Unit 3 Travel journal教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)补充参考资料(Supplementary reference materials)Teaching guide for the Students Book(学生用书教学指导)Teaching guide for the Workbook (练习册教学指导)Unit 4 Earthquakes教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)补充参考资料(Supplementary reference materials)Teaching guide for the Students Book(学生用书教学指导)Teaching guide for the Workbook (练习册教学指导)Unit 5 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)补充参考资料(Supplementary reference materials)Teaching guide for the Students Book(学生用书教学指导)Teaching guide for the Workbook(练习册教学指导)Unit 1 Friendship教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)类别课程标准要求掌握的项目话题Friends and friendship; interpersonal relationships词汇add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list share feeling Netherlands German series outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editor communicate habitadd up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide awayset down a series of on purpose in order to face to face according to get along withfall in love join in功能1态度(Attitudes) Are you afraid that .? Ive grown so crazy about . I didnt dare .2同意和不同意(Agreement & disagreement) I agreeI think soExactly I dont agreeI dont think soIm afraid not3肯定程度(Certainty)Thats correctOf course not语法直接引语和间接引语(I):陈述句和疑问句1陈述句 “I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary,” said Anne Anne said that she didnt want to set down a series of facts in a diary2一般疑问句 He asked, “Are you leaving tonight?” He asked us whether we were leaving that night3特殊疑问句 “When did you go to bed last night?” Father said to Anne Father asked Anne when she went to bed the night before教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)一、教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是“友谊”,几乎所有的内容都是围绕这一中心话题展开的。“热身”(Warming Up)部分以调查问卷的形式引导学生了解日常生活中朋友之间发生的真实问题以及解决这些问题的方法。“读前”(Pre-reading)部分的几个问题启发学生对“友谊”和“朋友”进行思考,使学生明确不仅人与人之间可以做朋友,日记也可以成为人们的朋友。“阅读”(Reading)部分 ANNES BEST FRIEND以日记形式讲述了犹太女孩儿安妮的故事。二战中为躲避纳粹的迫害,她和家人不得不藏身于荷兰阿姆斯特丹的一个小阁楼里,不能与外界接触,周围又没有可以推心置腹、与之深谈的朋友。孤独之中她将日记作为朋友倾诉衷肠,在写日记的过程中寻求解决问题的办法。“理解”(Comprehending)部分通过连句、多项选择和问答题的形式帮助学生对课文内容、细节进行更深入的理解。“语言学习”(Learning about Language)部分教学本课重点词汇和重点语法项目。“语言运用”(Using Language)部分的读两封信、听一段话、设计调查问卷、写信以及趣味写作,给学生提供了广阔空间去探讨友谊、友情,尤其是涉及到现实生活中被朋友误解、曲解,没有朋友的孤独寂寞等问题,既锻炼了学生的语言运用能力,又培养了学生发现问题、思考问题、解决问题的能力。“小结”(Summing Up)部分引导学生从本单元的话题、词汇和语法等方面对所学内容进行总结 (参考教学目的和要求栏目)。“学习建议”(Learning Tip)部分鼓励学生养成写日记的习惯。这样,一方面可以习得语言,另一方面还可以将日记作为自己的朋友表达感情与思想。本单元所涉及的要点是:(一)朋友是不是仅限于人类,朋友的真正含义,以及如何与人相处的问题。(二)陈述句和疑问句的直接引语和间接引语。(三)对于个人观点、态度的一些表达方法。(四)本单元所出现词汇的用法。二、教学方法建议(一)关于友谊与朋友的讨论一般人认为只有与人交朋友才算真正交朋友,本单元在读前阶段就提出问题,让学生思考是不是只有人与人之间才可以交朋友,然后在阅读中通过安妮的日记向学生说明我们也可以与动物及无生命的日记交朋友。在深刻理解、充分训练的基础上,可以再引导学生深入讨论几个与本单元话题有关的问题。例如:1描述朋友示例:The teacher can ask students to describe one of their friends their appearance, personality, hobbies, etcSample description: I have a few good friends, but I think Miki is my best friendWe both read a lot and were very interested in filmsWe spend a lot of time watching videos and talking about films and booksShe works hardShe is very helpfulWhenever I am in trouble, she will help me out . 2结交网友Sample questions: Have you made any friends over the Internet? / Do you have any epals? Do you think its a good idea? / Do you agree that we should make friends over the Internet? Give your reasonsSample answers with reasons: Yes, I think so / No, I dont think soI agree . because we can meet all kinds of people over the Internet / I dont agree . because you never know what kind of people you may meet over the Internet3观点交流示例:We all agree that to have a good friend, you need to be a good friendThe teacher can write the statement on the blackboard and ask the students to have a group discussionAsk them,”What do you think of this statement and how can you be a good friend?”Students may have the following ideas and say,”Thats right(I agree)If you want others to be kind to you, you should first be kind to them .”OR“I dont
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