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语法综合选择题练习600题Mulpeoc(选择对旳答案)1. _Chise people ae prou of or pndo piy.A our B. We C. Us D. hee2. _ms ty his best to osmthng goodor the eol.A. Every B. ach C. . Our3. hee is a comut entron _sidefthe rvrA.o B.eith C.to ery4. A: Oh,ye,whatelse cn I do foryou?B: This sofa isa bt ll, wil you showu_?A. an othe B. he oher C. wo .anthe5. A re fnd p musc ecpt_.A. hadI B him and . eand e D hm ane6. Th like _beter anursA. him andher B hss and hers C. h and s D. his an hers7. A: _syour aunt? : he is an astroutA. which B.Wo C. What D.ho8. We have hardsch soie_.A. hunded of times . hundrd imes unres time D.dres of time 9. Te rort a ell done Yu mae _miste.A. many .ch C e D.lile10. 5,9,1 read_.A. fivemllion heundredsndeighty-nintousadneunre n niety-neB. five millionsthe hunred ad ightynin tousannehundre n ityoeC. five milionthre hundre nd eihty-ine tsandone ndred and niey-neD. fiv millon three hudred and eigy-nin tha ad one hundre nd nne-one11. e ecme fathr a wek a. So he hs _daughe. A.seeda-od B. n-aysold C. seven days D.ee da12. Maysite oes otspea Cnese _Mry rother. A. o funas B. sofluently a C. as fluentlas D. flunty as13. Tery i _hn a her grln her class. A tall B. u all .uc tller D.e llst14. Bo is th_o t two brothes. A.young Byougr . younges D old15. Themoreexperence sheha,_itakes she ake. A. the ess B thelst C. the ew D theewer16. Oufrm s iv ies _tesA sbg s B.moreg than C. asbigeras . gger17. Ihaened_ c wnter evnin.A. o . i C. t D. fr18. The techer asnsaisied_your oework. i B. wth t . ater19. The nw b beos _ur shoolA. fr . in . to . with20. Japn ies_he eastf ur cutr.Gang ui _heast of Ca.A. inin toto C.nto D. oin21. Lesgie phe seat _he woan_a bby_hr ams, shall?. twit.on B. orbyon Cowthin D. forithwith 22. A: Whodoes ll_ashn t home? B: My dA. B.te . the D nd23. _horsar useful nimal.A. The . C. / D Tis24. A: Is tre _ e in the fridge? : Ys, thereis stll _i t, do u wat_?A. Aa ttsome B.mlittanyC. ome fwsoe D ya fewan 25. A umberftcher _more thn fiteen years t the choo.A hae ugh B. hastaugt C a teaching D. hadtught26. Tn ear _togrow a reeA.need B. hav ned C. isded D. areneeing 27. “Coe bac at 5 oclck,”he sai. “The jb_tthat time”A. will be doe B. een done C. isbeig on D. wil b dig28. He wrote t er to mnh o, bt sure he _ood since the. hasn ritte B didt wie .wasntritng D. wast wite29. When I saw her siin e, Ikew she_godne of herdaugter.A as B. ha ad . ad h D. wa aving30. _,I sll goA I he sks me B f he ould m C. f e aske D. f has akd me31. I _Katehamd a mist. m thinig B. was thiing C. think D hout32. “ettwo wes in Parslste. _thee bore?”A. Dd yo o . a yube C. Wre youone . ave you one33. A:My ey_ B: Whn _t? Ahaotdid yo lose .lohave you lost had bnltdid u ose D. asbee loshave you ost34. Last eekhprmsed hthe_tdy, but h hnt arived yet.A. will come B. allco C.is cing .would com35. is grandaher_fo hree ys.Adid B.waad C. has een de D. had ied36. He sidtathouldeturn th mny t yo whn he _a j. old hae B. hd C wlhave D. has37. MrNewham_n aminue Ak
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