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Unit 9 Reusing things 单元教学设计教学目标 语言能力:1 会说、会读和会拼写单词 Can、 envelope、 pen holder vase.会读词组throw away。 2 听懂、读懂并会运用句型:We can reuse many old things./Then it will be a vase!/Finally, they made us into a piece of cloth. 学习能力:1听懂、读懂有关废物利用的对话,了解一些废物再利用的方法。 2 读懂课文一只塑料瓶的旅程了解塑料瓶循环利用的过程。 3 初步了解句子的重读。思维品质:能用所学知识准确、完整的表达旧物再利用的过程,然后用合适的句型提出旧物再利用的建议,让学生在交流中培养学生的英语思维能力。文化品格:通过废物利用这一主题,培养学生的环保意识,养成利用旧物的好习惯。教学重难点:1 能听懂、读懂有关废物利用的对话。 2初步了解句子的重读。 3 用英语能完整表达废物利用的过程。课堂活动I Step1 1 warm up播放“Listen and enjoy”学生欣赏导入话题。 T:What did Ann use to make the pen holder? S: Ann used some paper and a can. T:Yes.Ann used a can and some paper to make a pen holder.We can reuse many old things.“Reuse means to use somethings again.2 1)Look at the picture and learn new words. 2)practice one by one. 3) spell it and write them. 4) Please Listen to the tape carefully and answer the questions.I will invite some groups to answer the questions(设计意图 通过小组合作学习锻炼了小组的交流合作能力和口语表达能力。)Step2 1 1) How many people are there in the dialogue?(Two) 2) Who are they? (They are Alice and her Mom.) 3) What is Alice going to do? (She is going to throw away some bottles and cans.) 4) Why does Mom say so?(Because she can reuse them.) 5)What does Mom say to Alice ? (We should keep them) 2 1) Practice in pairs and fill in the form. 2)What can you reuse? How can you reuse it ? 设计意图引导学生在句中灵活运用句型。It will be Step 3T: I can make a holes in the top of a milk bottle ,Then it will be a watering can .Try to think of some other ways to reuse things.S:I can clean a shoe box and put toys in it .Then it will be a toy box.S1: I can use a small can .I can put rubbers and crayos in it .T: I can put my spoon in the box.It is the right size.4) Lets have a test.Complete the notes.Do not throw away the bottles and cans.We can reuse them in many ways .We can put(some rubbers and crayons) in small can .We can put (some flowers)in bottle.We can put (some pens )in the big can.I can reduce it,reuse it and recycle it Can you do?I think you can care for the environment and protect the earth.II Step 1 1播放录音或多媒体“Listen and enjoy”学生大声朗读儿歌。 2 T:What can you do with paper cups? S:I can make toy phones. T: What can you do with waste paper? S: I can make paper planes. T: We can reuse many old things.How can you reuse a bottle? S:I can use it to make a vase.I can grow some plants in it. T:How can you reuse a can? S:I can put my pens and pencils in it.Step 2: 1学生以小组为单位,合作完成一幅宣传节约用纸的海报。How can we save paper?T: We use wood to make paper. We get wood from trees.Trees are important for the earth.Lets make a poster to tell people to save paper .We can show the poster. 2 向学生解释句子中的重读现象。在句中结合录音感受重读现象。 Step 3: 1 Make a new dialogue . 2 Perform the dialogue.III Step 1:师生共同讨论他们如何处理空饮料瓶子?T:After you drink a bottle of water.What do you do with the plastic bottle ?S:I throw it into a rubbish bin.S: I reuse it to make a vase.Step 2 1 What can you see in picture 1? A woman is putting a bottle of water into her basket. What can you see in picture 2?The woman is putting the bottle of water into her fridge. What can you see in picture 3? The woman is pouring the water into a glass. What can you see in picture 4 ? The woman is throwing the bottle into a rubbish bin.Summary: T: What are these pictures about? S: They are about the journey of a bottle.Step 3 Retell the story.Step 4 T:How do you reuse old newspaper? S:I sell them ,or make them into handbags or boxes.Homework :1 Talk about reusing things with your friends.2 Listening to the tape again.3 Make a poster. 板书 toyclothreusecanpaperbottleenvelopevasepen holderpaperplane
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