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Thikin of on our day h tugtuless ouve shon and fodl hopngtat h hppnss yove ivenwille rtune to .在您的节日感谢您给我的体贴,我盼望用您给我的幸福回报。nly wihe ae o spil love wido fo dad whoisondeful in evey wy as ou.诚挚特别的爱献给您这位完美无缺的爸爸。er Crismas. Manyhapiess tns f te day恭贺圣诞,岁岁似今朝。Bes wihesfor the yer to come! 恭贺新禧!Go lu in thearahead! 祝吉星高照!y you cme ita god fotue! 恭喜发财!L log and rope! 多福多寿!Ma many fortunes fin heir wt y!祝财运亨通!Congratlations n y cces ad bestwishes awas!祝贺你的成功,并致永久的最良好的祝愿vrpiness n our egageet! 祝贺你们订婚之喜!Cngratuaioson yor recent mariae.恭贺新婚大吉!Iwh yua speey ey.祝你早日康复Cogaulate y n ud, ad may all youhoes and lans t tofulflmnt and succs.谨贺毕业之喜,愿你万事如意,顺利成功! he you rno o bsy o com.我盼望您会在百忙中光顾leas nfirmyur pariiaton at our earit conveiene 与否参与,请早日告之Btiwe orm you that we have today aid Mr. R.S.$20. 今天我们已付给RS.先生120美元, 特此告知。 otic s herebgiven tht te ulgeral eetigf the shaeolders ofoucomanyill b hel atthe BankersClu on Mar.1. 我司股东年会,将于3月1日在银行家具乐部召开, 特此函告。 huld beobgd if you wilgran e my applitio fr one weeks eve o bence 如果您能恩准我一种星期的假期,我将万分感谢。 hop there wil be omuch rouble to ouif 如果您能我但愿这不至于给您带来太多的麻烦。Dlighted! Wilcal at2 . tomorw来条收悉,定于明天下午两点拜访。Uo rciving his ote, plese cmeto y offic.见条后,请立即来我办公室。Yor noe aadmision cket eclosedismuh precatd.留言和一张入场券均已收到,不胜感谢。Im very gatel to you fo yukin invitaio, and Imsreo come to se you concer.承蒙邀请观看你们的音乐会,我一定准时到场。Theof te rgaztio 开会的机构名称Te pace, date, and time of the meetng会议进行的地点与时间he ne ofthe perso psidng会议主持人的姓名 rord of aendce (forsmal meetig, alist o hoe psnto absen;or lage meetns, the nuber of members in attnnc).与会状况记录(对于小型会议,将与会人员与缺席人员姓名列出来,对于大型会议,写出与会人数)An acco ofall rports,moons,or reolutins ad (icluigallnsary dtal nd th eslts o vots takn).对于所有的报告、建议和所做决策的记录(涉及所有的细节和投票的成果。)ometimes thedae, tand plae f thenext mein (有时还写出下一次会议的时间、地点)Theim of adjounmen. 休会时间t s a gret easure(privilege)for etoopn this international seiar onopuers.我十分荣幸地为这次国际计算机讨论揭幕。Wecm,weloe!Awrm wecometo al tpartiiants,priclarlthsehnoured guwho cme from far-away and欢迎,欢迎!热烈欢迎人们,特别是远道而来的来宾!We arepariulrl gaefultoal o yo,h have traveedar distaces inordrtoparticipat n tis metin.我要特别感谢远道而来参与会议的人们。We ud like hankll teparticpns or her proound ntrt andeffots i hlpigus ae this m posible,pecill oe wo hav travledrat distcesand taken value tiefromer busy schduto atted ourmeeting我们要感谢所有的与会者,感谢她们热情地竭力协助我们召开这次讨论会,我们要特别感谢那些远道而来、在百忙中抽出珍贵时间来出席今天会议的人们。Nw,we invte (ask)rXX t arss ourmeetig.目前我们请X先生会上发言。feving, shoul lke to takethis oppotunit toxpresmy sinere thak f altheassistneo hv reded me dury stay re.在辞别之前,我愿借此机会对您在我在此逗留期间所提供的一切协助表达衷心的感谢。Teprset cntract oms ino effecton t fist dayotetrmo rviceandeseso e effetiv at its xpiration 本合同自受聘方到职之日起生效,聘期届满即行失效。 h presen contac ioe Chinesed Englih, bo versins bin equaly vald.本合同自用中英文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。 Th conta s indlicte, ach rty hs one Adth oher evnts my t beinluded to eresove withhediscssi. 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份。其她未尽事宜,经双方协商解决。 Theaingparty ays theengage party amontl salay of ,00 uanand prvide him ih vriusbenefts.聘方每月支付受聘方工资人民币,0元,并为受聘方提供多种福利待遇Layot of aBusinessLetter 1.信头 letter Had 2.日期 Da 3.封内地址 Iside dres4.称呼 Slutatin 5.正文 Bo6.结尾敬语 ComlietaryClose .签名 ignatrByAimail 航空 xpes eivry 快件 gistere; Recorded挂号 rgn急件Confidtl 密件 Pesona亲收 Priva私人信件Deuty Genera Manag副总经理 alReprsentative销售代表Slesperson销售员 eeral anger/ Presidn总经理Plant Factory Managr厂长 urcasigstff 采购人员Rgioa Mag地区经理 Sale nage销售部经理CO (ChieExecutve Officer) 首席执行官Boardfirctos董事会 Cle/eeptoist职工接待员full-ime: aj.全职的 reveal: v.揭示,展示,显示illiteray:n.文盲 ntibute o:导致ere: aj.严重的,严肃的,严峻的 dion: n.持续时间,为期 register: .登记,注册 assembly 大会 coventon会议 party 晚会, 社交性宴会at-home arty 家庭宴会 ta part茶会 dinner part 晚餐会 gardnpart游园会dne(party), all,fago 舞会 r
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