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名 词中考考点:1. 名词的词义辨析2. 名词的所有格3. 名词的单复数(一) 名词的分类名词即表示人或物名称的词,它分为专有名词和普通名词。类别意义例词专有名词表示人、事物、地点、机构、组织等专有的名称。专有名词第一个字母要大写Lucy,China,the Summer Palace普通名词可数名词个体名词表示个体的人或事物的词car,book,elephant,an apple,machine 集体名词表示一群人或一些事物的词family, police, class, group, team不可数名词物质名词表示构成各种物体的物质或材料的词water,rice,fish,meat,chalk,music,money,cotton,wood,medicine 抽象名词表示状态、品质、行为、感情等抽象概念的词work,time,space,information,news, weather,homework(二) 可数名词的复述形式名词按其所表示的事物的性质分为可数名词与不可数名词,可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。情况构成方法读音例词一般情况加“s”在清辅音后读”/s/在浊辅音和元音后读/z/在t后读/ts/在d后读/dz/book books dog dogs student-studentsbed-beds以s、x、ch、sh结尾的名词加“es”读/IZ/box boxes watch watches 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词变y为i加“es” 读/z/country countries factory factories 以元音字母加y 结尾的名词加“s”读/z/boy boys,monkey monkeys 以f、ef 结尾的名词(1)加“s”读/z/roof-roofs, proof-proofs, belief-beliefs, chief-chiefs以f、fe 结尾的名词(2)变f、fe 为v再加“es” 读/vz/为了自己活命,小偷和他的妻子拿着刀子和一片树叶站在架子上,把狼劈成两半:self-selves, life-lives, thief-thieves, wife-wives , knife-knives, loaf-loaves, leaf-leaves, half-halves, wolf-wolves以o结尾的名词(1)加“s”读/z/radio radios,zoo zoos 以o结尾的名词(2)加“es”读/z/黑人英雄爱吃土豆西红柿Negro-Negroes, hero-heroes, potatopotatoes, tomato tomatoes, mosquito-mosquitoes以ce, se, ze, (d)ge等结尾的名词加“s”读/IZ/face-faces, orange-oranges不规则变化改变单数名词中的元音字母元音改变man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, toottooth-teeth,goose-geese, policemanpolicemen FrenchmanFrenchmen 单复数同形读音不变ChineseChinese, fishfish, JapaneseJapanese, sheepsheep 其他形式读音改变childchildren, mousemice,ox-oxen注:1. 某国人变复数:中日不变英法变,其他s加后面(Swiss除外)ChineseChinese, JapaneseJapanese, Englishman-Englishmen, FrenchmanFrenchmen, German-Germans, American-Americans,Swiss-Swiss2. 一些合成名词的复数构成分两种情况 (1)将中心词变为复数:girlfriend girlfriends, grandchild grandchildren (2) man, woman 构成的合成词,每个名词都要变成复数:a man doctormen doctors, a woman teacherwomen teachers 3. 常以复数形式出现的名词。如:clothes,trousers,socks,shorts,gloves ,pants,shoes,scissors,scales,thanks,congratulations,surroundings,belongings ,glasses ,people, cattle,police。这些名词作主语时,注意它们的谓语用复数。My clothes are newer than yours.The police often come here.4. 可用how many,many,a few,few,any,lots of, some,a lot of 等修饰可数名词复数There are a few people in the park.How many knives are there in your pencil-box?例题1:用名词的正确形式填空1) He cut the apple into _ (half).2) The _ (potato) are mine.3) How many _ (family) are there in this town?4) There are ten _ (deer) on the farm.5) These _ (German) are _ (businessman).6) I think the country is much more beautiful than any other _ in the world.A country B countries C the country D the countries7)Some companies are thinking of ways to save natural by making better use of the water used in the bathroom.A. resources B. sources C. power D. energy(三) 不可数名词1.概述:不可数名词所表示的事物一般不能用数来计算,没有词形变化,这类词主要为抽象名词和物质名词。值得我们注意的是,英语名词的可数与不可数是一个语法概念,与实际生活中某件事物的可数不可数并不完全一致,因而不能单独从意义上加以推测。2.表示方法:不可数名词需要计量时,用“数词或干此+量词+of+不可数名词”这样的结构来表示,量词可以是单数也可以是负数,但of后的名词只用原形。如:a piece of, a cup of, a glass of, a bottle ofThere is a piece of paper in the book. ; Three glasses of orange are on the desk.注意:可数名词也可用量来表示, of 后用复数There are two bags of clothes over there. ; We have five boxes of apples.3. 不可数名词无复数,作主语时常看成单数Some bread is over there. ; No news is good news.4. 常用how much, much, a little, little, a lot of, some, any等来修饰不可数名词They had much money. ; He does little housework at home.5. 有些可数名词或不可数名词在一定情况下可相互转化,同一个词,但意思不同(即不可数词意义发生转变时,往往会变成可数),所以在理解时不能望文生义,只把这类词当做复数概念看待。(1) glass(玻璃) a glass(玻璃杯),paper(纸) a paper(报纸) ,work(工作) a work(著作),room(空间) a room(房间)(2) fruit(水果) fruits (各种水果),fish(鱼) fishes(各种鱼),hair(所有头发) hairs (几根头发),time(时间) times(时代)The girl was washing greens. (蔬菜)Our returns are not as good as before. (利润)Mary lost her good looks when she was old. (容貌)6. 有些名词虽以-s结尾,但它们不是复数。如:physics, maths, politics, news例题2:选择填空1) I found _ good news in _ newspaper.A. a, a B. a piece of , a piece of C. a, a piece of D. a piece of , a2) What _ it is today!A. a fine weather B. fine weather C. fine a weather D. the fine weather3) To their _, they have all passed the exam.A. surprise B. surprising C. surprises D. surprised4) Please make _ for him. He is very tired.A. any room B. any room C. some rooms D. some room5)This is an old photo of mine when I _.A have short hairs B had short hairs C have short hair D had short hair(四) 名词的所有格1.名词的所有格表示名词间的所有关系“ 的”。有两种表示形式:一种是s所有格,另一种是of所有格。如:Beijing is Chinas capital. =Beijing is the capital of China.2. 名词所有格的构成方法1)单数名词后加“ s”:T
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