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幼儿园感恩节舞会开场白范本姚:good afternoon ladies&gentlemen! wele to our party, now are you ready? show time!感谢我们中班年段的爸爸妈妈们给大家带来开场舞。我们的爸爸妈妈都很赞噢,你们开心吗? t: thank you lovely father and matter.t: what is the festival day?p&c: thanks giving daytoday is thanksgiving day; we have lots of s to say.亲爱的爸爸、妈妈:thank you mummy感谢你们,领我来到这生机勃勃的世界。thank you to give me life感谢你们,每分每秒都跟随在我身边,thank you to stay with me whenever感谢你们, 陪我游戏,伴我成长。thank you daddy, thank you to help me grow up.感谢你们,让我的童年撒下欢声笑语。thank you to make me happy.你们就像天上的太阳和月亮,永远照耀着我,关怀着我。 you look like the sun; like the moon, shining me, caring for me.太多太多的感谢,说也说不完,你们永远都是我最亲最爱的人。 lots of the thanks i want to say, in all, daddy, mummy, you are my closest person .i love you forever.让我们齐声说:“亲爱的爸爸妈妈,我们永远爱你!”
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